My Werewolf System

Chapter 498 Becoming A Debut Student?

Chapter 498 Becoming A Debut Student?

498  Becoming a Debut Student?

Although Wu had to admit that Gary was impressive in the match just now, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The teacher had just asked for Gary to bypass all of the procedures and prepare for his debut match.

This was the goal of every student in the AFA, and it was being handed to him right here and then.

For Eddy though it was a simple matter, Gary had beaten Ryan, the number 2 of the debut students. Some might have thought it was down to luck or his out of control powers, yet here he was having beaten another student with ease.

It wouldn't make sense not to put him at the same level as them, and staying in the academy for whatever reason would just be a waste of his time. It was clear this was someone who managed to hide under the scouts radar and more.

For a second, Gary started to think about the benefits. He was already thinking about, at the next quarter assessment, of trying his best. That way he could quit the academy and go back to the gang, but to have that option arrive so soon in front of him.

‘If I accept, it means I’ll be under a private coach like Eddy, and then in the academy until my official first match, after that I’ll no longer be in this place.’ Gary thought.

“If I say yes.” Gary replied. “Does that mean I will be taken out of my dormitory and all of my current lessons including the special lessons?”

Eddy didn't reply straight away, because he knew the special lesson was good for growth, but in his opinion the special lessons were below Gary. In fact, students normally, after completing the special lessons, would come out of them at the stage where Gary was now.

On top of that, there was something else Eddy didn’t like about the special lessons either. It was the fact that students had died before. Students just as promising as Gary had lost their life and in doing so never got to see the stage

Eddy didn’t know much about what occurred in the special lessons, he wasn't allowed to, but it still gave him a bad feeling.

“When you become a debut student, you will be given a set date for your first match. You will then follow the coach's schedule and only the coach's schedule. You will also be sent to a different part of the facility, one that can move you away from distraction, but of course you can come back to visit if need be.” Eddie answered.

Hearing that, Gary had made his decision, or at least he thought he had, as he opened his mouth to reply, he closed it again as images flashed through his head. An injured Numba in the preliminaries, a shy Izzy, and an energetic Ian cracking jokes.

He was enjoying his time at the academy, and so far they had passed everything together. Taking a shortcut like this… it just didn’t feel right.

“How long until the next assessment?” Gary asked.

“In 4 weeks, if you get a fight it will take 8 weeks of preparation time as well.” Eddy answered.

“I’m sorry, but I'm going to have to decline,” Gary replied. “But I promise, that as long as I prove myself at the assessment, you will see me then.”

After that, it would be the end of the time at AFA and heading back to the gang, to see where his 20:33

path would lead him to. With the conversation over, Shingi thanked Gary once more before leaving.

Eddy smiled at this answer, after all there was no doubt in his head that Gary would pass, so waiting an extra 4 weeks wasn’t too much to ask. As for Gary, this also meant 4 more weeks of special lessons that he could make use of.

After that, it would be the end of the time at AFA and heading back to the gang, to see where his path would lead him to. With the conversation over, Shingi thanked Gary once more before leaving.

Giving out a big yawn, Gary walked down the hallway as he thought about what a tiring day it had been, but he couldn’t wait for the morning breakfast, being a Werewolf was certainly a tiring job for once a month.

Wu looked at Gary as he walked down the hallway.

“Honestly, I thought he would have jumped at the chance. I know I would have.” Wu said to himself. “Crazy though, how Apollo said the same thing when he was offered it as well. action


The next day after waking up, Gary had attended his lessons as usual, going through all of the procedures learning about Altered fighting techniques and more. It was still somewhat a dream for him and unlike in school, Gary had paid close attention to everything.

On top of that, whenever asked questions about certain things, openings in analysing videos and such, he was able to answer most of the questions.

‘Is that how Gary is able to grow at a fast speed?’ Izzy thought. ‘He seems like a bit of an airhead, but when it comes to things like fighting, he’s quite the genius.’

Whatever the reason was, Izzy would have to work harder especially since she was the least physically capable out of the entire group, she didn’t want to be left behind.

When leaving the class, a lot of the students looked to the left of the exit door, as if they were staring at someone strange, and when Gary and Numba left they understood why.

“AH COO COO!” Crowley said. “I was looking for you two. I thought that you might have both gone to the loo.”

Izzy and Ian looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

“Who is this… weird adult?” Ian couldn’t help but ask.

“He’s our special lesson teacher.” Gary answered.

Suddenly, both Izzy and Ian didn't feel so bad missing out on the special lessons if that was their teacher.

“Enough!” Crowley said, lifting his hands and his black feathered cape was raised with it. “There has been a change of plans, as there is a special guest today. COO! You must attend an extra special lesson today.”


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