My Werewolf System

Chapter 502 6 Vs 1 (Part 2)

Chapter 502 6 Vs 1 (Part 2)

If Jayden had fully transformed then Gary could never dream to win this fight without transforming himself. However, since the AFC fighter obviously held back, Gary decided to transform to around 80% of his Full Transformation. His face was the only thing that remained as it was. Although it was now covered in brown fur, he had neither a large snout nor had he sprout his large canines.

‘This looks just like the Quest the System issued when I fought against Xin. It’s the only one I ever failed so far. Should I thank you, System, for giving me a chance to redeem myself?’ Gary thought as he ran forward.

It was at a fast speed, and all of the others that were still getting up from the first strike had seen him go right past them all.

‘That guy, he's even faster than when he fought against Shingi?’ Wu thought.

Seeing this Jayden prepared the same strike he had done against the others, and swung his arm out letting out a large gust of wind. Seeing this, Gary waited for the fur to rustle a little bit, and when the wind wall came at him at full force the Werewolf pushed off the ground, and swung both his hands as if he was striking the air.

To those looking from the outside it looked silly, since the wind was invisible to the eye, but Gary’s strong force and use of sharp nails allowed him to cut right through and continue forward.

“I see, so far the wolf and the polar bear get equal points. Let's see if you can get through the next part.” Jayden smiled.

When Gary was close enough, he was ready to swing at Jayden's head but just before he did, the Altered swung his arm slightly, and from the side a gust of wind hit the teenager, moving his body off to the side, making him nothing but the air.

Using this opportunity. Jayden went forward and kicked Gary with a push of his leg. It was strong forceful, and Gary felt the force of the wind send him flying back and crashing across the ground. In the end, Gary had to use his claws to stop himself from bouncing all over the place, as he was back in line with the others.


[240/250 HP]

‘The wind is strong, but it looks like he’s still holding back to make sure he doesn’t hurt us too much. Unlike against those gang members he isn’t using fatal attacks. I can’t believe that Jayden is so much stronger to the point that he can pretty much play with us like this, without having to worry.’ Gary thought, and the realisation dampened his mood.

If he wanted, he could have easily ended the fight right then and there, but since he had come here to teach the teenagers a lesson, Jayden stayed in place and waited for everyone to get up from the ground. This time, none of them were quick to charge in again.

“Great, it looks like you’ve learned your first lesson. It’s always smarter to study the skill set of your opponent rather than just rushing in to attack. This is true for fighting humans, Altered, but also beasts. Never make the mistake of thinking you fully know what your opponent is capable of, just because you might have studied him beforehand.

“I bet you all thought that just because you’ve seen me on TV many times that you already knew my skill set. I hope I don’t burst any bubbles, but as you will learn in the future, the AFC prohibits the use of special attributes for Altered like me.

“So this wind power that my Altered form grants me has never been seen before on TV. Well, streaker boy over there might have warned you, since he’s seen me use it already. This is why you I told you that you needed teamwork. If Gary had informed you of that beforehand then you all would have fared better, right?”

The others turned to look at Gary including Wu and Snow. Their eyes were questioning him whether he had withheld that information on purpose, just so could impress Jayden the most.

‘Don’t blame me, when you guys were the ones that ran off before I could even say anything!’ Gary thought to himself as he rolled his eyes, frustrated at the lack of trust, and at Jayden obviously scapegoating him.

Now that everyone was a bit more cautious they had naturally split up around the room in their forms. Apollo surprisingly had actually gone back, while Gary moved forward to act as part of the attack force this time.

The idea was simple, with them being split up, it should be near impossible for Jayden to use his attack like he had done before. The White Tiger was glancing around him, smiling and the first to make a move was Sty, as he spat strange green liquid from his mouth.

Jayden moved away to avoid the attack, but the second he did, with a burst of power Numba charged forward with his horns. Unfortunately, his charge was stopped prematurely, as Jayden held onto them.

“You have quite the explosive bit of power there, and the two of you worked well together, a point for the red team!” Jayden announced, just before he slammed Numba’s head into the floor, and his transformed state was reverted back to normal. Judging by the cracking sound, it was safe to say that Numba was out of this fight.

Sty continued to spit out the green acid like substance at Jayden, who was able to avoid it easily as he moved bit by bit, and Snow, getting impatient, jumped in with his rabbit-like legs. It seemed like the perfect time, since their opponent would have to move to avoid getting hit by the acid, but with a flick

of his wrist, wind moved the acid and splashed it right in Snow’s face, covering his eyesight and burning him.

Lifting his leg up Jayden was ready to finish him off with a kick to the head, but standing in the way with a large forearm and atenea, Wu punched the leg that was coming toward them. It was a powerful punch that matched even Jaydne’s strength.josei

“That’s impressive power you have there. Extra point for your team, but I’m afraid I have to get a little more serious on you.” Jayden said, as cuts appeared across both Wu and Snow’s body. It looked like claw marks and they had no idea when this had occurred.

Concerned about the cuts, with two swings of his hand, Jayden bashed their heads together, knocking both out. At that moment, jumping out from the side though was Gary, as he launched in with his claw.

The Altered moved back avoiding it, but mid strike Gary used his Controlled Transformation to extend his claws longer and scratching the top of his chest.

‘You aren’t the only one with skills.’

[Claw drain]


“You waited for the right time to strike, but you ended up losing your teammates in the process, so I can’t give you any points. You in the back are doing the same mistake.” Jayden critized Apollo. “I already told you that you would need to work together, if you continue the special lessons like this, you’ll end up in serious trouble in the future.”


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