My Werewolf System

Chapter 507 A Special Item (Part 1)

Chapter 507 A Special Item (Part 1)

Tom had been working for NIRV just as long as Gary had been at the AFA. When the two of them had split up that day and left school, Tom had resumed his prior work as a special case. His grades were more than good enough and although he was younger than what they usually got, as the son of two of their prominent researchers, NIRV had agreed to make an exception and sign him up for their program that was aimed at students who had just graduated, offering him a nice career.josei

Of course, as soon as Tom had heard that there were some NIRV employees that worked at AFA he did his best to be a part of it. He couldn't imagine the look on Gary’s face as he would appear in a white lab robe, and he was quite with the result today. In a way, their meeting showed that although they were both taking different paths there could still be chances for them to be involved in each other’s lives, they just needed to get out of the current rut they were in.

‘It's nice to see you again, and from what I learnt edbout these special lessons it seems that you have been doing well at the academy to get yourself here, and you don't have to worry about a thing now that I’m here, I will make sure your secret stays a secret.’ Tom thought as he conducted the tests on each of the students.

Honestly, at the moment there was nothing in the test that would out Gary as they were just going through small small checkups. They were connected to a machine via cables that checked their heartbeat, the electric pulse and a few other things.

After that, there was a questionnaire that was given out to each of the students. It was all about their current Altered forms and their powers. Many of those questions would ask them to rate themselves on a scale from one to ten, such as how strong they felt compared to other Altered. The questions were quite subjective depending on their experience.

When Tom handed out the clipboards for them to fill in, Gary’s form, which was on the very bottom, was already filled out. When the Werewolf looked up, Tom just mouthed the word ‘pretend’, so the green-haired teenagers quickly picked up the pen and ‘used’ it.

‘This is the safest way to do it. Gary could always answer something that would raise their suspicions, so it's best that I do it for him. I’m a really good friend, aren’t I?’ Tom smiled to himself as he wiggled his nose about in the air.

The thing was Gary would have to agree Tom was going above and beyond. If NIRV were to catch him doing such things, he might be lucky if all they did was to kick him out. It just showed how much Tom treasured the friendship between the two of them.

With all the tests over, the students were free to go, but before they left it looked like James had come back as he had something to say to them all.

“Today’s test will be the same as last time. You will be split into two teams, but for your own safety, we’ll be doing one group after the other.” James explained. “The red group will start, so the blue group is free to relax, or even watch and come up with a strategy.”

“Isn't that a bit unfair?” Sty asked. “If they see what the beast is capable of then they will have a better chance of beating it easier and quicker.”

“This is not a contest.” Crowley quickly interrupted.

“Your teacher is right. Although today you will be fighting the same beast again, it’s unlikely to happen often in the future. The primary goal of these special lessons is to strengthen you, so that you can work as full fledged Retrievers. Knowing your enemy beforehand is a luxury, not a guarantee.

“Of course, depending on the estimated degree of danger, it’s likely that we put both groups together to face the beast, but regardless, most Retrievers do their job going in blind, so best get used to it. Also, and you should take clear note of this, if at any point and time we evaluate that you’re not Retriever material, we’ll no longer allow you to take part in these special lessons.”

This was the first time the students hearing this, that if they didn't show good enough skills, or could prove they were strong enough to survive, that they would be kicked out of the lesson. Gary’s guess was this was more of the academy’s doing rather than NIRV. From the judge of character NIRV couldn't care who’s life was lost and whose wasn't.

Apollo, Numba and Sty headed back down to the training room, while the blue team were allowed to stay in the observing deck and watch from above. Just before the test was about to begin, Tom coughed loudly and informed his supervisor that he needed to go to the toilet. The older NIRV employee seemed annoyed, and chided the intern that he was old enough to just go on his own.

Seeing this, Gary could only assume that Tom had done that on purpose to send him a signal, so he quickly turned to Crowley. “Actually, I might go quickly as well, before the test begins.”

As Gary entered the stalls, he could see Tom was waiting by the sink for him. “I’m so happy that you understood what I wanted. I was worried, I might have to be in here for ten minutes before you got the message.”

Gary chuckled because there were a few moments he was second guessing himself, but he thought it would be a nice time for the two of them to talk anyway.

“Anyway, we can't stay in here for long otherwise they will be suspicious, but I wanted to give you something. During my research I found something that I think you might like.”

Tom walked over, and placed what felt like a large medallion into Gary’s hand, as he looked at it, he could see that there was a shield and a face of the wolf on the medallion, that wasn’t the only thing though, because the system recognized it as well.

[An ancient item has been received]




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