My Werewolf System

Chapter 510 New Skill Activated

Chapter 510 New Skill Activated

The large centipede-like beast continued to move, and unlike with the last beast, Wu wasn’t pulling any of his punches. He was using the full strength of his current Altered form as he was stopping all of the power in the pincers from crushing him.

It was a struggle that was going on for a while, but eventually they had reached the end of the wall, and the centipede, with no fear of hurting its own body, crashed into the wall, pushing Wu right up against it.

The body weight, speed, and strength of the beast made it a powerful blow, but if there was one thing that Wu was proud of, other than his strength, it was his body. Having not passed out, Wu was still fighting against the pincers crushing in on him, and he was noticing that his hands were starting to bleed as well.

‘With the strength and size of these things, one snap of these, and I’ll be dead, not just me but any Altered. Isn’t this too much of a step up from the last beast that we fought?’ Wu thought.

In the air he could see someone coming from a distance.

“Don’t worry, this is teamwork!” Snow shouted, as he landed on the beast's head with his two feet. The second he landed, he pushed with all his strength off his legs and the centipede's head crashed into the ground.

As Snow was falling, he wasn’t done just yet. He was ready to kick his legs into hyper gear right on top of the centipede's head. As his foot was ready, the head moved out of the way, and the rest of the body scurried away, leaving Snow’s foot to crash into the ground.

Where Snow’s foot was, the ground was broken, it was an attack sure to do some damage, but now the centipede had scurried back onto the wall again, just like the time before.

“Damn it, that might have been our best chance, while it was closest to the ground, what are you doing Gary!” Snow shouted.

Seeing that Gary hadn't been following the centipede like he had been before, he just stood in the centre of the room.

“Sorry, I was just checking something.” Gary smiled awkwardly, as he scratched the back of his head, but now he was sure of it.

The skill he had selected while being half asleep was perfect to use on an opponent like this, he just needed the right opportunity.

“What are we going to do now?” Snow asked, as he approached Gary and Wu as well, who’s back didn’t look to be in the best of shape, as it was raw and red.

To be honest, neither did Snow as well.

“It looks like that thing is just going to stay up there, but if we try and go up to it, well we know what happened last time.” Wu commented.

This was the problem, the beast was too far away and all of them were physical fighters. Even Gary didn’t know too much about what to do and with them all standing around, eventually he had to come up with a solution.

“I… will go try and get it to come out of the corner. Maybe it will do the same as last time, if it grabs me in its claws again, but there is also a chance that it might go after you two… the thing is so fast.”

“You don’t have to worry about us so much.” Snow interrupted Gary. “The two of us are top students, and we are in this lesson for a reason. If you get that centipede out of the corner, then we can handle ourselves.”

Heading to the other end of the room, Gary looked up at the centipede in the corner of the room. It wasn't the best situation and he didn’t know when it would be, so he would just have to try and go with the flow after this.

Using his claws, Gary had to now do what he thought about earlier, and he was now climbing the wall, digging his nails one step at the time. He had scaled it quite quickly, but as he got closer to the centipede as he could see it crawling over its own body he started to slow down.

‘I saw what that thing did to Snow… do I really have to.’ Gary thought.

In the end, he had no choice, as he climbed right up to the centipede, and he could see it moving, lifting its head. It was doing the same actions as before, right before it hit Snow like a whip.

While on the wall, Gary was frightened that he might get crushed, so the only thing he could do was match power with power. Placing his legs up against the side of the wall, Gary pushed off as hard as he could with his claws, in the air.

Swinging part of its upper body, while its slower body parts remained clinging to the wall, it whipped, hitting Gary just like it hit Snow. There seemed to be no difference, despite Gary using his claws or power, as he was sent flying and crashing into the wall.


[184/250 HP]

‘That's a big hit, a couple more of those and I’ll no longer be standing.’

Quickly recovering and not allowing himself to slide down the wall, Gary was ready to fight against the beast again, but it was no longer in front of him.

‘Where did it go?’

Looking down he could see it was now on the floor and it was heading straight for Snow and Wu instead.

‘This is what I was afraid would happen!’ Gary jumped off from the wall, and as soon as he landed on the ground, he ran off after the beast.

“Do you have any plans?” Snow asked.

“I was going to hit it until it stopped moving.” Wu replied.

“I thought as much.” Snow smiled, as he hopped away towards the beast.

When getting close, Snow jumped in the air, and mid air, it used its pincers to try to grab him. Once again, Snow kicked the air giving him a type of double jump and avoiding the hit altogether.

With this jump, Snow had leapt over the body and had reached the end of its tail as it carried on moving forward. As he fell through the sky, he had both legs tucked in towards his chest.

Then at the last second, he pushed his legs out as hard as he could, hitting the very last segment. The attack had broken through the hard shell of the beast revealing bits of flesh and had pinned it to the floor, but it didn't stop the beast.

As it carried on moving with its legs, the last segment was just detached from its body as it headed towards Wu.

Once again, Wu was unable to do anything other than use his hands, as he stopped the pincers from closing down on him.

“I need to help Wu somehow.” Snow stated.

“Leave it to me.” Gary replied, running at a fast speed and catching up to the beast, he had reached halfway along its long body, but it looked like Wu had used a lot of strength the first time defending from this attack, and soon his muscles would give in.

“I have to do something now!” Gary jumped to the side with his claws out, aiming for part of its body, and with his eyesight he could see its sixth sense cause it to twist and curl its body away.


[Lethal pounce activated]

The second Gary’s feet touched the floor, a burst of energy exploded from him, and to the others watching it was like a blur, as Gary launched forward and stabbed his claws right in its body.


However, the power was so great that Gary had ripped a segment of the beast's body out of it. Causing half of its body to be detached from where its head was now.

“This isn't enough, I have to finish it!” Gary said, as he turned and ran towards Wu. “Throw its head towards me.”

Wu wasn't so sure that was a good idea, but because of Gary, the beast felt slightly weaker. In the end, Wu decided to listen, as he threw the centipede's head towards Gary. It opened its two pincers again, ready to close them.

They looked like they were about to touch Gary, but before they could,

[Lethal pounce activated]

The same rush of energy came again, allowing Gary to move fast, as he jumped with such a force and with his claws in front of him, he pierced through the beast's head. The pincers had missed, and Gary had broken through the other end.

The beast had successfully been killed and the special lesson had come to an end.

[Skill Lethal Pounce]

[This skill can only be used within a certain range of the enemy. The skill will light up when it can be used on an enemy. The user pounces on its enemy giving it a fifty percent speed boost. The Skill can be used in succession and there is no cool down]

[Energy cost: - 50]


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