My Werewolf System

Chapter 516 The Date (Part 2)

Chapter 516 The Date (Part 2)

Turning away, Gary answered a bit embarrassed. “He told me that if I wanted to be with you, that I should come here.”

There weren't many things that startled Xin, but this was certainly one of them. If she was hearing Gary right, the reason he came here was because of her. Although that was sweet to hear…it saddened Xin.

‘It must be nice, for someone to be so free that they can join the AFA just for a reason like that, while here I am trying to gain my freedom.’ Xin thought, her mood souring a bit.

Gary threw the ball again, and although he believed he had copied Xin down to the last part before her flinching his ball hit the 75 point mark again.

“Have you visited Slough lately, or talked to your father about anything?” Gary peeked from the corner of his eye when he asked this question.

Xin then threw the ball perfectly hitting the same spot, dead in the centre scoring a 100 points.

“No, I’ve put all my attention into the AFA. For now, that's all I want to think about until I have achieved my goal of reaching top 50 in the AFC.”

It was the first time Gary had heard Xin’s goal so clearly. Top 50 was a tall task, it meant she needed to at least get as strong as her brother, which coincidentally was a goal that Gary had set for himself as well.

Throwing the ball for a third time, Gary's aim was even more off than before, though it was enough to score him 50 points.

“Stop trying to throw it as fast and hard as you can.” Xin advised. “This isn't a contest of strength. Not everything is about how strong, or fast you are. Treat this like a fight, you aren’t just running to your opponent to clober them. You need to have the right technique, use your head and sine self control.”

Gary nearly jested that as a Werewolf, self control was the last thing he had, but he quickly swallowed it down. Besides, it was something that he needed to learn. With the fourth ball being thrown from Xin it hit the centre again, scoring her another 100 points. Gary could foresee that there was no realistic way for him to beat Xin at this game, but he at least wanted to hit the centre once and he had two more throws to do it.

‘Control myself, and aim for the centre.’ Gary thought as he breathed in and out slowly. His heart rate started to slow down. Then throwing out the ball it went straight… falling to the ground midway, not even reaching the target.

“Hahaha!” Xin burst out in laughter, making the green haired teenager get red again. His crush tried, but couldn’t stop laughing as tears were about to come out of her eyes. “Gary, you can’t just completely focus on one thing, but that was good. It shows that you are willing to listen. You're a bit like a sponge soaking up the knowledge that everyone tells you. It's a good trait as long as you can tell the bad advice from the good.”

The game continued and in the end, Gary had managed to hit the 75 again. He had come close to the centre but never hit it, while Xin had ended with a score of 475. With that, he had lost their little bet.

“Xin, with you being so busy, do you think the two of us will ever have a proper date? Just live our own lives?” Gary asked, thinking about his own circumstances with the gang. Xin turned to Gary and smiled while looking at him.

“Of course.” She replied with confidence. “That's why I'm fighting so hard. Anyway, it looks like someone lost the bet, so now you need to do something for me.”

Sulking in his head about missing his chance to earn the kiss he wanted, he was now a bit worried what she might ask of him. To never bother her again, perhaps? To wash all her clothes and be her servant for a while. Frankly, Gary wouldn’t mind the latter too much, after all it meant he would be able to see her more.

“Close your eyes.” Xin said after some slight deliberation.

Gary listened, closing his eyes wondering what could happen, when he suddenly felt something soft on his lips push against his, and a small little pressure soon after. Opening them immediately Gary could see Xin with her eyes closed and her lips pressed against his.

[Your heart rate is rising at an incredibly fast rate]

[Suggestion to see a doctor or a vet!]

‘F*ck off, you stupid system, let me just enjoy this.’ Gary thought to himself, closing his eyes. For a short, sweet moment, all his worries were forgotten, yet the next he focused on slowing down his heart to avoid transforming. Eventually, that moment that he dreaded the most came, for Xin ended the kiss and took a step back.

“I never got to tell you what my reward was for winning… but it's because we both wanted the same thing.” Xin smiled cheekily. “Keep chasing after me, Gary. One day, we should be able to go on a proper date without having to worry about stuff. Until then, although I know it makes me selfish, but I like that I have one person who cares about me in their own way. It makes me feel, not alone.”

Hearing those words, said with that face and smile, Gary at that moment felt like he would chase her anywhere she went. It was just impossible for him to put it into words so he just stood there and nodded.

“Come on, we still have a few hours together.” Xin said as she grabbed Gary’s hand and the two of them continued to walk. The Werewolf’s brain had seemingly short circuited, still trying to process his second kiss with her. It was undoubtedly better than the first one, and longer. For the moment he was more than content to walk with Xin holding hands.

The trees, the sky, even the garbage bin stationed around the school seemed prettier in his eyes now.

‘Is this… what they call love, how does everything look so nice to me now?’ Gary wondered, a large.

As they continued to walk around the academy, they eventually arrived behind one of the buildings, and Gary picked up the sound of someone arguing.

“Did you really think you could take on ten of us? You really are an arrogant piece of sh*t!” One of the voices screamed.

“Come on, why don’t we head in another direction?” Gary suggested to avoid getting involved.

“Why…” Another voice was heard by the Werewolf. “Why…are you doing this to me…why are you doing this to my family!”action

Gary stopped in his tracks there and then, and Xin could feel him gripping onto her hand. As she went to look at his face, she could see his eyes had changed and were glowing slightly red.

‘Why… why can’t they just leave him alone! And why did they have to do this today of all days?!’


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