My Werewolf System

Chapter 527 The Howlers Join

Chapter 527 The Howlers Join

The Howlers finally decided to join the fray, and the first act from one of their members had caused nearly the whole place to stop the fighting. The tall guy in the bull mask had not only performed a superhuman feat by lifting a heavy, large vehicle, but he had furthermore chucked it a far distance at an incredible speed.

Harry and Will rubbed their eyes to make sure they were seeing right, and while all attention was on Austin, Kai as he lifted his transformed hand in the air. "This factory and the Cardenez group as a whole belong to the Howlers! An attack on them, is an attack against us!"

With his partially transformed body, Kai rushed to the closest rival gang member, grabbing him by the head and slammed him down on the concrete. This act of violence ended the momentary peace and his fellow gang members rushed at the fox masked aggressor with their weapons drawn.

As one swung a bat toward Kai's head, he was met with a swing of an axe that sliced the weapon in half.

Before the person could act, a kick landed on his head which spun the man’s body before landing on the ground.

Innu didn't stop there as he continued to run forward and avoided swings and hits from the invaders. One of the axes stuck right into one of the gang members' shin which caused him to scream out pain.

'Remember Kai's words, we can’t let these guys go. Letting them off easy is also out of the question, else they won't just come for us. Kevin and Suzan I care about as well!' Innu thought, as he felt his weapons supply him with another boost of energy.

More members were running through the gaps, but before they could make it through, they were hit by a bolt that electrified them on the spot. Marie had become quite the decent archer as she continued to fire at spots that would disrupt more of them coming in.

"Oh, I thought… you were like me." Tyler commented.

"I used to be, but when you hang around these guys, you inexplicably tend to find yourself in situations like this. I know that I’m not as good as them in a head-on fight, so I try to keep up with them in my own way, though I'm told that I’m too shabby with my pair of daggers these days." Marie smiled.

All Tyler could do was smile, as he wasn't sure whether it was a joke. Suddenly a loud scream was heard, because the most brutal member of the Howelers wasn't holding back at all. Olivia had used her whip, tying it around one of the large member's hands. As she made use of her Werewolf strength, she lifted the man in the air causing his shoulder to pop.

Unfortunately for the man, that wasn’t the end of it. His body was swung towards her and with a transformed Werewolf fist, she slammed it deep into the man's stomach causing him to cough out blood all over her, tainting her mask which revealed her shiny blue eyes.

The fight continued, but the invading gang members were practically ignoring Numba and the others, forced to focus with the biggest threat that was in front of them. The Howlers, however, were proving capable of dealing with everyone coming their way.

A chain swung right at Kai and using his claws he ripped right through it. The Freaks had come out after being partially treated, thinking that they might be needed to help out in the fight. All they could see were several gang members bleeding on the ground unconscious, many of them either dead or not far from it.

"I think we were wrong about the Howlers, sir." Will stated. "Rather than too few, I would say they sent out far more than was needed to deal with our problem. How can a Tier-3 city have… I don't even know how many of them are Altered at this point."josei

It was a hard thing for them to determine because the only ones that had visibly transformed were Kai and Olivia. The others were displaying powers that seemed beyond what a normal human was capable of, but not necessarily enough to determine them as Altered.

"I think we all underestimated them." Harry concluded.

The students from the AFA were standing there, simply watching like the Howlers had done in the beginning. They were looking for ways to help out, but eventually the area became mostly clear. There were still gang members on the other side but they were having trouble getting in.

"THIS is the gang Gary belongs to?!" Ian blinked a few times, still finding it hard to believe. "He told us he was from a Tier-3 town, right? How is it possible for any town to have so many Altered and not be known far and wide?!"

"I know." Izzy agreed with him. "Any one of them should easily be able to secure a place in the AFA and do well, so what’s stopping them? Why did they decide to sponsor someone like Gary and send them as their sole representative?"

As for Numba, he was focusing on something else. "Gary… he really managed to secure us help from such strong people. I thought… he really is a great friend."

Like Ian and Izzy, he had assumed that the few members of the Howlers had just been sent here as a show of solidarity. However, the fact that a gang had sent out more than one Altered meant the other side was treating this seriously.

A Tier-3 gang shouldn't have many Altered to begin with. In the group's mind, it just showed how much importance his gang must place on him, and it made them all the more intrigued to find out just what type of group the Howlers were.

Two gang members swung their bats right towards Kai and transforming his arms, more grey fur could clearly be seen as his forearms bulged. He swung them out breaking both of the bats and, a second later, swiped his claws right towards their necks causing them to spurt blood, killing them on the spot.

When their bodies fell, Numba was looking directly into Kai's blue eyes. It reminded him of a similar feeling when seeing this. It didn’t take the Altered long to remember what it way, but he didn't share his realisation with the others, although it was a hard thing to miss.

The transformation of Kai and Olivia, and their Altered forms looked incredibly similar to Gary's. Was this merely a coincidence, or was there more to it?


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