My Werewolf System

Chapter 531 The Last One

Chapter 531 The Last One

It hadn't been too long since Gary had set foot in this place, the Wolf's Pool Club, yet he had found himself back here again and sooner than they expected.

Not only was Gary present, but all of the core members from the Howlers were upstairs playing pool with each other.

It turned out yesterday was an exhausting event for all of them. Although they had been able to defend the factory with ease, they were silent on the car ride back with each other.

When they got home, they had all fallen asleep immediately. As for Gary, he had given his sister another surprise visit and stayed over.

The thing was they had slept till midday, nearly all of them, until they had received a message from him for all of them to meet at the Wolf's Pool Club.

It was closed for the day stating that there was a private work event and the whole place had been booked out.

"You should all enjoy today." Kai said, as he threw a small cocktail sausage in the air and caught it in his mouth. "Everyone did a good job yesterday and we don't know when they will attack again."

There were smiles all around and the others couldn't stop commenting to each other about their skills.

"Hey Marie, do you think maybe you could show me how to use some of those Altered weapons?" Tyler asked. "I mean for self defence, of course."

"I mean, sure, I would be happy to. I'm not too busy these days." Marie replied.

"If you want to learn self defence then you should learn to fight using your bare hands first." A deeper female voice said, which caused tingles to run up and down Tyler's spine. "If you lose your weapon, then what are you going to do? You should come practice with me."

The boys were smirking at the suggestion, in their head they could just imagine Tyler getting whipped by Olivia every time he did something wrong.

"Gary you must have gotten even stronger right? For you to take out all those guys on your own, are they feeding you some type of special juice at that academy?" Innu asked.

Gary was nervous to answer because, in a way, Innu was right. One of the main reasons for his growth was due to him eating others and the beasts in the special lessons.

"It's a shame we didn't see you fight." Austin commented. "I would have liked for you to have seen my Altered form, and hearing about what you did, I would have liked to have seen it in person."

When Gary had first arrived at the scene of the factory, he was only going to help out to the point where the others didn't get hurt.action

However, he had received a specific quest to take out fifty percent of the attacking forces. This made him act quickly and display more of his powers than he would have liked.

It was no wonder that the others had heard of what Gary had done before he was even able to explain it himself.

In the end for completing the quest he had received a single pawn point, which he thought was a bit cheap, but then again due to the level of opponent he was going against, it made sense since the job wasn't hard by any means.

As the day went on and the group were enjoying their celebrations, the sky was quickly turning dark. Gary stayed mostly by Kai's side as they talked about what was going to happen next.

What was amazing to Gary was that Numba had a relationship with the Cardenez group. He realised where he had heard the name before.

The fact that Kai's plan and Gary's wish to help Numba lined up with each other was perfect.

"I'll be honest, I felt bad asking the gang to help out in a personal matter, so it does make me feel a bit more at ease." Gary said.

"These people have already gone through a lot of troubles Gary. Also they joined the gang knowing full well that they would do these types of things. If anything, I would like you to be more honest and utilise us more when you need it. You have to understand that it's because of you this gang exists."

It was nice strong words that certainly made Gary feel like the entire group was stronger and closer together compared to before, he felt like he was missing out a little.

"Speaking of your friends, or maybe I should say the friends that were at the other factory along with us, I was surprised that they were all quite skillful. You having gone to that academy may have improved the gang in more ways than you realise. Also I was wondering, do they know you're the leader?"

Gary shook his head.

"I didn't tell them anything and was surprised to hear they were here to be honest. They think the Howlers are just a group that sponsored me."

"Well, if you trust them, you're free to tell them what you like but if other students find out who you really are it might cause a problem, maybe even for the academy."

Gary would keep this in mind, as there were already enough people that were keeping an eye on him at the academy.

Eventually it started to get late, and one by one everyone began to head home. Even Marie and her mother had headed back, leaving only Kai and Gary alone together.

"You don't have to stay and baby sit me. I looked after myself for a long time before I met you. I have a lot of paperwork to do, so you go ahead."

They were in Slough and Kai was as strong as any Altered, so he felt like he didn't have much to worry about as he went ahead and left Kai downstairs in the office on his own.

An hour later, Kai started to yawn. Looking at the time, it was 11 PM. It wasn't too late, but the party must have taken quite a bit out of him.


Just outside on the empty street, footsteps could be heard.

"So this is the place, the Wolf's Pool Club."


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