My Werewolf System

Chapter 537 Leaving A Message

Chapter 537 Leaving A Message

A heavy figure had landed in front of them, causing a cloud of dust to rise up, like in a superhero movie. However, the group wasn't yet sure if the figure with the red, glowing eyes was a hero or a villain.

"Gary!" Numba called out as he recognised the figure.

The Alpha Werewolf had noticed the others from above, the truth was he was in his fully transformed state heading to a certain location. He didn't care for his Energy because he was in a desperate situation, but when seeing the others, he thought it was best not to frighten them in his full form.

Gary had noticed the others from above as he had been heading towards a certain location in his fully transformed state. He was in a desperate situation and didn't care about conserving his Energy, but when he saw the others, he still thought it was best not to frighten them with his full form, thus reverting to his Controlled Transformation.

"You're bleeding," Gary said urgently, mostly concerned for Izzy. "What happened?" He was surprised to see the three of them in the same city, especially since they were traveling with Olivia, but their injuries were a more pressing concern. The bite marks on their bodies were large and deep, causing Gary to worry.

"We were looking for you everywhere!" Ian replied. "Did you get the text message from that guy? Is that why you're here?"

'Blake sent me a message at this time? Just what is going on today?' Gary wondered as he quickly scanned the text message from Blake and saw that it was an urgent request for help. 'I just came here because I had a bad feeling, an instinct that told me to hurry over in this direction. It was as if something was calling out to me.'

"Gary, you don't have time to worry about us!" Numba said in a pained voice. "One of the Howlers members, the blonde guy who can transform into a grey wolf, he was attacked in the pool club! The guy who attacked him was able to transform into a black Wolf Altered!"

In response to what he had just heard, Gary's heart started to pump louder and faster. With Billy dead, the only black furred Werewolf should be Olivia, but the woman was clearly in front of him. For there to be another 'Wolf Altered', it meant that an actual Werewolf had come over to Slough. This was very bad news, since the members of his Pack were all relatively young, and their experience fighting other Werewolves was quasi non-existent.

"He told us to come and get you and tell you what was going on." Izzy explained.

Without wasting any more time, Gary immediately took off running down the street, his body transforming as he went. Olivia chased after him, struggling to keep up with his speed.

"Gary, are you just going to charge in there without a plan?" Olivia asked, panting as she tried to keep pace with him.

"What choice do I have?" Gary replied, his voice urgent as he picked up the pace.

Olivia was worried because she knew Kai was strong and had seen the three Altered students fight. They were quite formidable opponents, and she wasn't sure if Gary, who hadn't shown her his strength since returning from the academy, had improved enough to handle the situation. As she watched him vanish from sight, she could only hope for the best.


The three students from the AFA were unable to make up their minds about what to do next. They had informed Gary, and just like they had feared, their friend had thrown caution out the window and simply run off to help Kai.

"This is why I didn't think it was a good idea to tell Gary." Izzy shook her head. "I knew he wouldn't go to the leader or call the other members, he just rushed in there himself."

"At least he isn't alone. He is with that woman Altered, and there is also the guy who rushed in earlier. With all of them working together, don't you think there's a chance they can do something about that Hawaiian shirt guy?" Ian tried to see a silver lining in the situation.

"Well, I'm going to help as well!" Numba decided as he hurried down the street from where they came.

Both Ian and Izzy looked at each other and let out an exasperated sigh. They had managed to heal slightly from their wounds, not enough to be in any real fighting situation, but at least to the point that they could follow after Numba. They knew that this was stupid and went completely against Kai's orders, but they couldn't just stay away when all their friends were risking their lives.

As they approached the club, they noticed the windows had all been smashed and there were multiple holes in the building. The destruction had spilled onto the street, with debris and broken glass littering the ground. The once lively and vibrant club now seemed like a desolate and abandoned place.

Ian and Izzy looked at each other with a mixture of shock and worry on their faces. They had never seen such destruction before and couldn't even begin to imagine the kind of power and strength it would take to cause such damage.

Numba, on the other hand, seemed determined and undaunted. He took a deep breath and charged towards the club, ready to face whatever lay ahead. Ian and Izzy exchanged a quick glance before following after him, ready to support their friend and fellow Altered.

"What is going on…did they do it?" Ian asked.

There was only one thing they could do. The three of them slowly walked to the entrance of the pool club, the door was broken. One half of it is hanging on. Still not being able to hear anything, the three of them entered the inside of the place, and the first thing they could see was blood.

There was blood all over the place, on the floor, scattered around the area, then they could see, Gary was standing there in place, by his side was Olivia, and a strange man dressed in black armour and clothes. The three of them were staring at something, something that was on the wall.

The three AFA students move in closer, and when they went to the others, they could finally make out what the others were looking at. All three of them covered their mouths. Out of shock, trying not to make any noise in this situation, tears started to flow out of Izzy's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Gary." The masked man said. "When I got here… he was already like this. The guy who did this to him is gone. You arrived seconds after I did."

Gary walked forward, to what was on the wall, his own body functions were out of control. His face, his arms, they were transforming and reverting as he moved forward. It was a true show of his emotions.

When entering the Wolf's Pool Club with Olivia, they had all seen it. Kai was pinned to the wall, hanging up in the air by some string nails. His body had been cut and ripped to pieces, blood was dripping onto the floor, creating a pool from where he was.

He was no longer transformed, back in his human form, riddled with wounds, with the objectively worst one being mouth, or lack thereof. Parts of his teeth could be seen through the muscle, and his ripped off jaw was seen lying there on the floor.

"ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Gary's cries of anger echoed throughout the neighbourhood as he stared at the gruesome sight of his friend.

On Kai's chest, there was another fingernail that had a card attached on it, with a picture of a single hercules beetle, it was the sign of the Scatterbugs.


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