My Werewolf System

Chapter 563 Hold Him Back!

Chapter 563 Hold Him Back!

The Howlers were doing their best to hold Midwak back and they couldn't break their attention away from him for even a second. Innu had already exhausted himself by throwing the axe. He was so tired that he had to prop himself up on his thigh.

"You guys are doing a great job… so I can't lack behind! I refuse to become a burden to you!" Innu yelled in an attempt to hype himself and his friends up. He dug really deep inside and rushed over to the Anti-Altered spear that had been chucked to the side. He grabbed onto it and made his way back to Marie, determined not to leave her side this time.

With the combined strength of Austin and Olivia, they had not only managed to pull Midwak, saving Marie from getting her neck clawed out, but they had also dragged him midway across the room. Using his hands though, he soon slammed them down, digging his fingertips into the marble floor.

"Annoying! You should understand by now that you stand no chance against me, yet you pests keep bugging me!" Midwak shouted. "Your futile resistance is utterly annoying!!!"

With his other hand free, the Werewolf went to grab onto part of the whip and pulled on it. As he yanked it forward, though, Austin equally pulled back at the same time.

"If it's a battle of just pure power, then I won't lose out!" Austin stated confidently. The Minotaur Altered let out another puff of steam. Olivia by his side wasn't sure if she was imagining it or not, but it looked as if Austin's muscles were bulging even bigger.

Being the type of weapon, it was. Midwak knew that it would be tricky to break the whip, but that's when he saw something else instead, something that was still stuck inside his body.

Holding the handle, Midwak easily pulled the red axe out from his leg. Blood poured onto the floor, but now out of his body it was starting to heal. The next second, he swung the axe, letting go to allow it to fly straight toward the two in front of him.

The axe was approaching at a fast speed, and given that they were both in a line, it threatened to pierce them both. Austin immediately let go of the whip's handle. Olivia felt the rest of the whip slip from her hands as Midwak broke free.

Before she could brace herself for the impact, a large back, bigger than the brown body, stood in front of her, and a strange thud sound came from in front of her.

"You big ape, what are you doing!" Olivia shouted as she quickly moved the figure that was in front of her, and she could see the axe had hit Austin right in the chest, it was deep, and his body size began to shrink, making him revert to his human form.josei

Olivia caught Austin just before he hit the floor and held him in her hands.

"Why did you do that?! Do you really think I'm so weak that I need protection from a child like you!"

Olivia decided against pulling out the weapon. Just because Midwak had been able to heal from it without much issue, didn't mean Austin would be the same. Altered might have a good healing factor, but the axes were special, not to mention that in Austin's current state it might be too much for him.

"I'm a big guy, I can take a hit like this." Austin replied, his weak voice didn't give his argument much credit.

"Who cares, why would you try to protect me? I'm older than you, and not even properly part of your gang!" Olivia argued back.

"Who says you're not part of the gang?" Austin questioned, letting out a cough. "How many times have you already risked your lives for us? Also, you're not that old, and you're really beautiful."

Were it not for his currently deteriorating condition, Olivia might have slapped him for that comment.

"Don't forget what your leader said! You're not allowed to die here!!" Olivia shouted as she put him down on the floor.

"Our leader." Austin managed to say. "Protect…them."

Turning her head, she soon realised that she had been so occupied and worrying about Austin, that she had completely forgotten about Midwak, who had untangled himself from the whip, his leg was in full working order, and he was already running toward Innu and Marie.

Innu seeing this, charged towards Midwak with the axe lifted above his head, as for Midwak, he had his hand pointed towards him. From his hand, all his nails shot out like bullets and pierced through Innu's skin, causing him a jolt of pain, with one of his nails embedding itself deep in his stomach.

An instinct reaction from him, made him drop to the floor and Midwak ran right past him, deciding to finish Marie off.

Rather than use his hand, Midwak jumped from his position right toward her. While in the air, Marie was ready to try and stab the spear through him, that was until she felt something around her leg.

Now she was the one who had been pulled from underneath as she found herself on the ground, resulting in Midwak flying past here straight into a wall.

Marie was pulled to the side, and brought over to safety.

"Are you okay?" A hand was offered, and when looking up Marie could see that the ones who had saved her were the AFA students. Izzy made her hair let go of Marie. Numba took position in front of the two girls.

"It's a good thing we came here after all." Numba said.

Midwak had an annoyed look on his face as he came out of the hole he had left in the wall.

"This is a supirse, the Scatterbugs aren't that weak and there were plenty of them. What are you guys doing here? If Slith wasn't dead already, he would die of shame from how weak his Scatterbugs have proven to be." Midwak shook his head in annoyance.

Izzy, Ian and Numba were looking at Midwak, wondering what they could do, they had lost to him before, and he seemed to be stronger than the last time they had met. On top of that, although they were trying to hide it, they were exhausted from fighting just moments ago.

"Well, it's a good thing you're here now, it will save me the time to locate you later! Now die!!!" Midwak ran towards them, yet the three were ready to do whatever they could to take him out.

"NOO!" A loud voice shouted.

A brown furred figure appeared right in front of the students, and grabbed right onto Midwak's wrists. "The one to die will be you!!!"

Both of the figures legs were lifted, kicking Midwak right in the stomach and sending him back through the hole in the wall, right into the next room.

[Class Promotion complete.]



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