My Werewolf System

Chapter 583 A New Beta

Chapter 583 A New Beta

Marie was keeping her eyes closed, getting ready for what she herself had asked for. The moment Olivia's fangs pierced her skin, a sharp pain radiated throughout her body, and she screamed out, starting to regret her decision.

'What if Olivia doesn't stop there? What if she was only waiting for such a chance to get back at us and decides to keep on eating me?' The teenager's delusions only lasted so long before her body started to pump out adrenaline, while her arm was starting to feel slightly cold.

"Are you just going to stand there with your eyes closed the whole time or what?" Olivia asked. Opening her eyes, Marie could see the bloody wound on her arm, it was dripping down but it wasn't as bad as she had imagined. Meanwhile Olivia was reverting to her human form, changing into her normal clothes.

"Since I've never done something like this before, I thought it was best if I transformed. Sorry for scaring you a little." Olivia apologised. "I highly doubt biting you in this form would accomplish anything other than making your face turn a little redder."

That comment alone was enough for Marie's face to flush a little more as the accompanying image went through her head. She quickly shook it away as Olivia went to approach her again now that she was fully dressed again.

"So do you feel any different, other than the pain on your hand?" Olivia's question was filled with curiousity.

"Not really, if anything I feel strangely fine. Not sure what it will be like once the adrenaline is gone, though. What was it like for you, after Gary bit you?" Marie asked.

Olivia had to think back. Honestly speaking, she didn't remember a lot of it, other than cursing Gary for barging in her base, and apparently outright challenging him for the Alpha seat.

She hadn't done so ever since. Part of her knew that if they were ever to battle again, her loss was a foregone conclusion. The fact that Gary had managed to beat Midwak proved as much. Besides, there really was not much reason for her to rebel. She had the same if not more power than she did as the leader of the Pincers, as long as everything continued this way, then she would be satisfied.

"Oh wait." Olivia finally remembered something. "I forgot to warn you, get ready for some serious pa-"

"Ahhh!" There was a large scream that echoed in the room, followed by a thud.

Looking on the floor, Olivia could see Marie rolling around helplessly. She was digging her nails into the carpet floor trying to tear at it as if it would help her in any way. While the veins all over her body were building, almost allowing one to see the shifting and movement of blood going up and down.

'It hurts so much, my heart feels like it's going to explode… am I going to die?' Marie started to fear.

The pain was continuing and she wanted to scream to let the pain out, but only silence came out of her mouth, as if her body was denying her even this after the first blood wrenching one.

Every time she attempted to, pain started to emerge from a different area, even worse than before. It wasn't for a short time, either, and Olivia was left with nothing to do but watch the poor girl on the floor for over five minutes. The adult woman knelt down by her side with a worried look.

'I don't remember the pain going on for this long has something happened… could there be a problem since I was the one to bite her?'josei

Olivia went to grab Marie's hand, and as she did, it was gripped far harder than usual, more than the strength of a human, that was for sure. Were it not for her being a Werewolf, she felt like her entire hand would have been crushed by this grip strength,

"Don't you dare die on me now, girl! You said you would explain to the others that this whole thing was your idea! How are you meant to do that if you're dead!"

It was Olivia's unique way of encouragement but it was better than nothing. The pain continued on for another hellish five minutes, Marie's heart had no time to rest beating fast during the whole ordeal.

And for what could have been the first time for Olivia, she felt somewhat bad for what she had done, because it was her bite that was causing all of this pain.

"Don't die, you wanted to show the others what you have right, well this is the price you have to pay. You were too scared to leave, because you thought they worried too much about you, well prove them wrong and get through this!" Olivia screamed.

The pressure from Marie's grip on her hand was starting to fade, her heartbeat was starting to lower.

"No, no!" Olivia shouted. "Are you even listening to me? If you die, I'll kill you myself!"

The grip in her hand had completely left and it was over. All of it was over.

"Thank you… thank you… I… I could hear… you loud and clear." Marie answered weakly.


Having arrived at the academy, Gary was resting in his room. Without any warning a message popped up.

[A new Beta Werewolf has joined the pack]

[1 Pawn Point has been awarded]

At first, he thought it was a mistake, but the message was clear as day.

"What… is going on. Did one of the others bite someone?"

Gary remembered something from the system, claiming that those he turned could turn others as well.

However, he never thought the others would do such a thing, because even with his Alpha Bite there was a no guarantee, merely a lower chance of failure, which he could only assume to be synonymous for death.

If the Alpha already had a low chance of a bite succeeding, then what were the chances of a Beta succeeding and turning someone?

'Who was it? There are only three other Werewolves in the Howlers Pack, and I doubt Midwak would try to pull something so soon. Was Kai testing something without informing me? Maybe… or could it have been Olivia? Just why would any one of them try anything so dangerous?'

Getting on his phone, he sent each one of them a message to call him ASAP, but unfortunately all of them seemed to be busy. Remembering he had another way to check, he openen the Pack menu via his system.

[Howlers Pack]

[Alpha Werewolf - Gary Dem]

[Grade: Rook (1/50)]

[Beta Werewolf - Olivia Pearl]

[Grade: Knight (0/5)]

[Beta Werewolf - Kyle Hamper]

[Grade: Knight (0/5)]

[Beta Werewolf - Midwak Wolk]

[Grade: Rook (0/50)]

[Beta Werewolf - Mai Degrace]

[Grade: Pawn (0/1)]

That's when he could see it, he could see Marie's name written there. (Editor's Note: This is not a mistake, though aside from a few characters and system notifications, we will stick with Marie when referring to her. Pretty much like we do with Kai rather than Kyle)

"What is...what is going on." Gary picked up the phone again as he needed to find out some answers.


Before doing anything, Olivia waited for Marie to regain some energy. They both waited a few minutes to see if there were anymore signs of pain, but everything was okay with the both of them. Marie was clenching her hands a few times and she could feel a difference in strength from that little act that alone.

Her nose was also sharper, able to pick up many smells in the air, stronger scents she couldn't even describe to others and her ears were also capable of picking up on the conversations happening on the floor below.

"I really have changed." A wave of emotions was coming over Marie and tears were falling down her face.

"Most people would be frightened or hate the fact that they've become a Werewolf and yet here you are crying tears of joy." Olivia commented sarcastically, with a slight smirk on her lips.

Marie quickly tried the ultimate test as she tried to transform. She gritted her teeth, imagining her body changing, yet nothing had happened.

"Yeah, I tried that as well, but I'm afraid it's not as easy as it looks. After your first full moon it might be different, but just changing is only the beginning. It's going to be tough from here on out. Did you think just becoming like this would change you? Well it did, but I imagine just like becoming an Altered, you'll still need to put in the hard work, though you're lucky that I can share my own experiences with you."

"No that's okay I can do it on my-"

​ "What, you don't have a problem letting me turn you, but now you're about to reject my kind offer?" Olivia asked as she leant in closer.

Marie felt like she was unable to refuse if she did, then maybe worse things were to come, and through this experience she had learnt that maybe Olivia was a nicer person than she seemed.

"You...are a good person, I can't believe.. you did all that stuff before, is there a reason for it?" Marie asked what was on her mind but quickly realised that she could be over stepping herself.

"A reason?" Olivia replied as she thought back, but was soon interrupted as she could hear her phone vibrating on the sofa.

Heading on over, she picked it up, and there was a call on it from Kai.

Answering it, she thought there was no problem or there would be no bother, however as soon as she answered the call she wasn't even able to get a word in.

"What did you do?" The growl from the phone sent shivers down the spine of both ladies.


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