My Werewolf System

Chapter 64

Chapter 64: Bring it on!

After receiving the text, Gary immediately asked for more information. He needed to know whether Innu had actually run into or simply found Billy. Unfortunately, he didn’t get any answers. He wasn’t even left at ‘read’, making the high schooler start to worry.

Not knowing anything about his fellow gang member, Gary texted the only person who would be able to know anything about it, Kai. When he asked his upperclassmen where Innu would be right now, the answer was so obvious that Gary was ready to facepalm himself. As if anticipating the follow-up question Gary was about to type, he received the location of Innu’s school.

Gary munched down on the pigeon and was surprised to see a notification about him regaining 10 points of Energy. Running through the forest with the help of Charging Heart he was able to grab an unsuspecting squirrel. Before the critter even had the chance to struggle the high schooler squeezed tightly. A few moments later Gary had gained the knowledge that a squirrel helped him regain around 6 points of Energy.

[83/110 Energy]

Gary would have loved to regain even more Energy, but he couldn’t waste anymore time. He knew that this one squirrel was just a fluke and that he couldn’t gamble on being so lucky again. As such, Gary made use of Charging Heart’s duration to get to Innu’s school faster.

He wasn’t sure if he could afford to use the skill again, since he would need as much Energy as possible to fight Billy, yet at the same time if he was late, the Omega wolf might escape…

‘This is it… I’m really going to face Billy… I thought I would be more scared meeting him, but for some reason all I feel is… excitement?’ Gary thought as the Charging Heart skill had run out, and he used it once more.

[73/110 Energy]


Meanwhile, in the middle of class, the reason for Innu not answering wasn’t because he had been attacked by Billy. It also wasn’t a case of the high schooler ignoring him, no it was something far more mundane. His teacher had caught him using his phone in the middle of the lesson, so he had confiscated it.

The teacher didn’t care that Innu, like many other students of his class, weren’t actually paying any attention to his math lesson, yet he had a zero tolerance policy regarding phones. It was one of the many schools in the area that students who were sent to were deemed as ‘a lost hope’. action

‘I did what I was asked, I sent him a text so he can’t go nagging me, but he’s really here, huh? Looks like Kai is right, he is after me, but why did he seem so different?’ Innu wondered.

This morning, on his way to school, the high schooler had noticed a large figure by the gate for a brief second, but by the time he had turned around there had been nobody there. The students around hadn’t cared too much, but Innu had found it strange since the figure hadn’t been walking into or out of school, just standing there on the pavement staring ahead.

It had been too short of a timeframe, but Innu could have sworn that underneath the hood had been none other than Billy. What’s more, that guy seemed to have had a creepy smile on his face.

‘What’s your game, Billy? After your last stunt, do you want to try to scare me by showing me that you know what school I go to? Or are you going to jump me after? Whatever you bring, I’ll take you on.’


Since Gary’s white school shirt had gotten bloody yesterday, he currently wasn’t wearing his school uniform. There was of course his blazer but he hardly ever wore that. In the first place going near other schools and wearing blazers was a sign for trouble.

A lot of the schools were influenced by the gangs in the area, and eventually even the bad kids in school had started to imitate them, believing that belonging to one school was like belonging to a gang.

The good thing was that it had practically become second nature for Gary to travel with his trusted hoodie. This time he had opted for one that was even darker in colour than his usual one. Since this time he knew what was planning to go hunting.

It didn’t take long for Gary to reach Innu’s school and his immediate opinion of it was that it looked more of a dump than his place.

‘This must be one of the schools Mum kept warning us about, the one we would end up in if we didn’t study.’ Gary thought as he walked right in. There wasn’t even a teacher there to stop him, the only one out on the field appeared to be a janitor, yet he didn’t say anything as the high schooler walked past him.

‘Sh*t, Innu must still be in class. Kai only sent me the school address, but not what class he would be in. Seems like he doesn’t know either. Well, I don’t hear any noise, so that should at least mean that Billy still hasn’t done anything outrageous so far…’

Gary tried to sniff the air, hoping he would be able to catch some type of foreign scent, but since he was in a school the area was riddled with unknown scents. It was impossible for him to isolate Billy in particular like that.

‘If I knew I would ever have to hunt him down, I would have tried to memorise his stupid scent. He is a frigging werewolf like me now, so why can’t I get some help via the system? Looks like I have no choice but to rely on my eyes instead.’ Gary thought.

Seeing that the teachers didn’t care, Gary easily entered the school without much worry. While walking past the other classrooms he could see just how out of hand the school actually was.

Seeing this, he started to think back to his mother, how much she had pushed for him and Amy to go to a good school in Slough. Although, more so for Amy’s sake, he understood. If Amy went to a school like this, then Gary would probably getting into fights every day.

Eventually, he had reached his destination, the school roof. He quickly ran up to the fence on the edge looking down to try and spot anything that looked to be out of place.

“Who’re you? I haven’t seen you before!” A voice said from behind.

Turning around, Gary could see a smoking student. The guy looked to be slightly older than him and for some reason he was sprouting a pompadour, a hair style which was clearly out of fashion, yet he was quite well built for his age.

‘What the hell is it with high schoolers these days? Has someone been handing out steroid infused candies and I was just absent that day?’ Gary thought, as he continued to survey the area.

“I’m just trying to find someone. Once I do, I’ll be out of your hair.” Gary replied.

“Well, it’s clear you’re not from around here, otherwise you would have known that this is my spot!” The guy shouted, and Gary suddenly felt a strong blow to his side.

[-8 HP]

“Did that guy just hit me? What is wrong with him?!’

“This is my place, bitch!” The guy cursed at Gary, yet the werewolf was in no mood for games. This person was not the one he needed to face.

At that moment, something happened that hadn’t happened in a long time, from anger Gary’s heart rate was rising, so much so that it had crossed the 150BPM mark without the need for him to use his skill charging heart.


Meanwhile, in class the bell was soon to ring for lunch. When lifting his head, yawning and stretching, Innu could see someone out from the window in the hallway. It was the same large hooded figure.

“What the f*ck is he doing in school-“

Before Innu could finish his sentence, Billy came charging in, throwing his fist right at the class window. Like in a movie, he smashed through it with a single hit, shards flew out everywhere and the students covered their faces while the sound of screaming echoed.

“Haha.” Innu smiled, wiping off some blood from his forehead as a piece of glass had managed to scratch him.

“Bring it on!”

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