My Werewolf System

Chapter 677 A Special Gift (Part 2)

Chapter 677 A Special Gift (Part 2)

Mass release! The mass release will be split into three parts, at separate times as I simply can’t write 33 chapters ahead.


Gary never had an appreciation for cars, he was too poor to even dream about owning anything luxurious. When he was younger he thought that as long as he got anything that would help him get from A to B, then it would be fine.

Although he knew nothing about cars, he could tell that this was expensive. He hardly saw any of these on the road in the first place, let alone a gold one.

“If people see me come out of this thing, then everyone in the town is going to know where I am!” Gary thought.

Heading towards the door, he opened it, and the lights and multiple screens inside the car turned on. Looking down on the floor he could even see the logo of the car projected outward.

He took a seat in the car, and after closing the door, the seat he was in started to massage his back. While he looked at all of the welcome screens.

‘This is all a bit too much.’ Gary thought, but he didn’t realise it. He had a big smile on his face. Anyone would, sitting in a vehicle like this, it was just surreal to him.

Looking at the passenger seat, there was a small envelope on the side. Picking it up he tore it open and could see it was a message from Kai.

“I never got to get you a gift for your 17th birthday and thought this was perfect since now you are of legal age to drive. So, why don’t you go ahead and take one of those intensive courses, pass, and take her out for a spin!

“You might be wondering why I got you this type of car, and well, Gary the business tycoon can’t just be driving around in anything. You need to fit the part and the image. Don’t worry when you need to go somewhere more discreet, then Tyler can still pick you up.”

Gary just couldn't stop shaking his head, he could even see in the head rest that the name Gary Dem was stitched into them. Since it was personalised to him, and Kai had gone through so much effort, then that meant it was impossible to return it, right?

‘I should at least enjoy this luxury, let's just not think about how much this costs for once.’

For the first time, it felt like Gary was going against his morals of spending money. The penny pincher gave his seal of approval.

Leaving the car, with such a big surprise of the car, Gary didn’t expect much of the apartment. He went in, and there was a small tag on the key. This allowed him to select the very top floor.

Without the key, or tag, then no one could press the button to the top floor. As soon as the elevator opened, that was it, Gary was straight there in his apartment.

It opened up into a large combination area. The end of the wall in front of him felt like it was at least 30 metres till the other end. To his right, a top of the range kitchen with an island and multiple appliances, and to his right a large living area.

The ceiling was incredibly high with multiple chandeliers dangling from above. Then there was a hallway to countless different rooms. It took a while for Gary to explore the place, but it had its own gym, swimming pool, sauna and every room was completely furnished

‘This is somewhere that 30 people should live in, not just one… it's a good thing I'm an altered, otherwise my legs would hurt just getting out of the place.’

The good thing was, it did have everything Gary ever needed, he never had to leave the place and the elevator went straight to his room.

There were some things that Gary didn’t like. He felt like the naked statues of people placed everywhere was a bit strange, and when looking at his cutlery it was covered in jewels. It felt wrong to even eat using them.

‘I guess these are the little add ons of decoration that Kai tried adding on.’

Looking through the multiple rooms, there was one place where all of his and his mother's belongings were stored. Everything out of the old house, including the furniture. Although it was tacky, Gary was happy that Kai kept these things. The smell of everything was very familiar and it slightly smelled like home.

Another thing that Kai had done, was get all of the mail rerouted to this address, anything that was sent to the old address would be sent here instead. This way if anyone did try to contact him, there was no need for him to leave the house, but he would still check out the house once in a while.

Over the next couple of day’s Gary rested, and did as Kai suggested. He took an intensive course where they tried to teach you how to drive in a few days. Heading out, he needed to wear a disguise, and when he met with others he would wear a face mask to hide the bottom of his face.

Another thing that he noticed in Slough was an influx of reporters and journalists. All of them asking the citizens of slough what they thought about Gary, trying to make the next hit piece.

He had even gotten a text from Ash, asking if they could do a piece on him, which he had to decline in the end.

Eventually though, Kai felt like Gary had enough rest on his own, and sent out a text.

“Everyone's waiting for you, at the pool club.” Kai sent.




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