My Werewolf System

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: The Kings

The ‘Basement’ was a popular nightclub in Slough’s town centre, yet today its front door had a sign that read ‘Closed’. However, the guards around it were telltale signs that something was going on inside. Unbeknownst to the normal populace, the club was merely a front for the Underdogs, one of the town’s most successful gangs.

What’s more the Basement wasn’t the only shop that would remain closed that day. Damion Hawk had used his influence to make all the shops within that block treat today as a sort of impromptu holiday, so that nobody would disturb their special meeting.

Inside one of the VIP rooms, Damion had been sitting calmly, talking to another on the other end, it looked like the conversation was about to come to an end. The other party stood up to leave, not even bowing but stopped just before leaving.

“I thought the Underdogs were meant to be the best in slough, which was why I hired you. Believe me when I say that package is important for the both of us. Get it back or it could be the both of us on the chopping block.” The man said leaving.

Damion continued to sit there in his seat, he did so until the people were escorted out and when a certain amount of time had passed. He picked up the large wine bottle in front of him and threw it against the wall smashing it to pieces.

“It’s been over a week!!! How is it possible for you to not have so much as a SINGLE CLUE about that damn traitor’s whereabouts?!” The leader shouted at his subordinate who was in the unfortunate situation of having only bad news to report. The ringing in his eardrums was the least of his worries as he braced himself for what’s coming next.

He had known his boss long enough to anticipate the large fist that hit him across the face, sending him flying down to the dance room floor. Damion wiped his hand with a little cloth he had in his suit pocket and started to walk down the stairs to the injured man.

“Do I need to remind you just how important that package is?” Damion asked.

The man was in pain. Touching his face he felt an imprint left from one of his boss’s rings. His cheek was bleeding but he knew that unless he replied immediately, the Underdog’s leader would just continue beating him up.

“No, sir! I understand it perfectly, sir! The problem is that everything that boy has told us was fake. Right now the colour gangs are causing chaos in our territories, so it’s hard for us to gather any reliable information on him, especially since we only have his hair colour to go on! There are so many punks that dye their hair green and he might have even dyed it by now. The red colour gang in particular has been getting more and more brazen, challenging us for multiple areas…” The man answered truthfully, yet was frightened that he would soon feel another hit on his face… Instead, Damion squatted, grabbed the man by his hair and pulled him up to his eye level.

“How long have you been in this gang?” Damion asked.

“Around one year, sir! I got recognised for my work and got promoted to the Pitbull Unit!” He replied quickly,

“A hard worker, eh? I can respect that. Fine, I shall let you off with this much. You better show me results or I’ll make it so that you will fit in that package. We still have deliver that f*cking thing to one of the Kings! You know who they are, right?” Damion asked, his hand not letting go of the poor man.

The gangster nodded instantly, even though nodding caused his hair to hurt even more. The ‘Kings’ were a colloquial term for the top gang leader of their county. They were a term used for those who controlled a tier-1 city, making them the richest and most influential men in the world.

If one of these Kings ‘asked’ one of the lower cities for a ‘favour’, the other party was unable to refuse, no matter how ridiculous that favour might be. Still, it wasn’t all bad. As they say, ‘noblesse oblige’, making such a thing high risk, high reward, and Damion had no desire to take the fall for this.

“The reason the red colour gang are kicking up a fuss is because another King must have ordered them to intercept the package. They don’t seem to know that we don’t have it anymore, so they’re trying to get rid of us!” Damion shouted in anger, and stood up so quickly that he ripped off a good number of strands of hair from the guy, before heading back upstairs.

“We’re lucky that it’s just the red colour gang for the time being! Unless we can give that King what he wants and earn his protection, soon the rest of the gangs might attack us to get that package!”

All those that were in the club room wanted to take a step back, for fear that Daimon would take out his anger on him next but they knew that if they did move, they were more likely to be picked.

“Kirk!” Damion called out. Hearing his name, Kirk stepped out, wearing his normal red flashy suit.

“Your schedule has been cleared for the rest of the month. As you can tell, everyone else is pretty much useless. I want you to do me a little factor. Let’s remind Slough, why you’re my right hand man and why the Underdogs shouldn’t be messed with.

Get rid of the red colour gang for me, and while you do, find out who was backing them.“

“Now that the Cheetah Squad will be dealing with the colour gang, I expect RESULTS AND NOT EXCUSES BY THE END OF THE WEEK!!! FIND THAT DAMN GREENY!!!” Damion shouted.


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