My Werewolf System

Chapter 709 The Life Of A Tier-4

Chapter 709 The Life Of A Tier-4

Update: Lack of chapters is due to it being my wedding month this month on July 20th.

So sorry for the delay’s its a once in a life time event for me. Will be writing when I can, and starting the mass release after all wedding stuff is done.

I also want to note, that all of this was originally meant to be part of the mass release. This Gary getting stronger saga, before the start of the next major arc, so although this does seem slow, it just means that when the mass release comes out it will be during one of the major arcs of Werewolf, so thank you all for your patience.


At first Herbert had smiled at Killer thinking that this was some type of joke, but Killer was acting awfully sheepishly since he had arrived, and it was even hard for him to maintain eye contact.

‘What the hell happened to this kid, he was my golden goose!’ Herbert thought. ‘He had this perfect wild side to him that would allow him to do anything. A strange confidence as if he could take on the world, and now look at him.

‘He’s even more shook up than when he lost to that shadow fighter. It took me a while to teach him the skills and bring his confidence back up, and now it’s been shattered again.’

Turning to look at Austin, he could see he was well built for his age. Although he was a young teen about to become an adult, he already had the body of a well established adult that had been working out for at least ten years.

Herbert knew that a body wasn't everything though. There were plenty of big guys that looked good and would lose in the fight.

“Well, if you're all I've got, then we're just going to have to go with the flow. Alright big guy, you're my fighter, but you better not disappoint me, today is a big day.” Herbert stated.

“I promise sir, he won’t disappoint.” Killer said, bowing down, knowing full well that if Austin didn't do well then it would fall on him. “But why is today so important, what do you mean the Scavenger's daughters are here?”

The group walked towards the fighting area. It was crowded and full of different types of people from different gangs as along with some students that helped work for the gangs. Usually Killer would also bring a few friends with him when he came to these types of places to fight, just not today.

What stood out though was one group in particular. Everyone was standing away from them, they had somehow brought quite a luxurious limo up in these hills, and they were the only ones that were sitting on chairs.

They were a group of five females, all looking between the ages of 16 and 18. All of the women there had some similarities yet also differences at the same time. It was hard to tell whether they were related or not.

Then there were those around them, standing at the back of the group was a single man with a black bucket hat and oddly strange bright white gloves.

“You should know this already Killer, that all of the local gangs, they get paid and ultimately work for the Scavengers. They are the guys who run the factories while we are just the muscle that gets the dirty jobs here and there.

“The Scavengers themselves, along with their leader, only usually appear at the Phantom Brawl, and there is more interest than usual due to the rumoured prize. I don’t really know why their daughters would be at a place like this… but we should watch ourselves. josei

“Impressing them could be a good way to get closer to the Scavengers. So big boy, I’m counting on you, if you do well, this could be a big pay day for you, you can go ahead and get anything you wish for in this city.”

Thinking about it, Austin was wondering if there was anything he wanted. Due to his position in the Howlers, he was given a nice place to live, he had a good monthly wage that he wasn't even able to spend and had even received a top model Harby motorbike he had always wished for.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm He had big doubts that Herbert could give him more than the Howlers but he would just remain quiet for now.

Herbert went off with Austin to the side, and they had somewhat registered at a makeshift table. There wasn't much to registering, apart from just appearing and giving their ring name.

“Hey you, what name do you go by?” Herbert asked.

Thinking about it, he couldn’t give his real name. However, since Vlad had decided to stay by Austin, he had an idea for a name.

“What about Big Mask, that’s what all the kids are calling him.” Vlax said. I think you should take a look at

It was the name that was eventually put down. Now all they needed to do was wait until it was their turn to put up a fight as they walked to get a good position near the arena.

The Scavenger's daughters, as they were called, all seemed to stare in Austin’s direction. Some of them pointed at him, while giggling and laughing, while there were those that would just stare hard toward him.

‘They really do live a different life compared to the rest.’ Austin thought.

As they got ready the first event was starting of the day. Two gangs pushed forward their fighters, one was a small fighter called Muddy. He had patches of different coloured skin on his face.

It was hard to know if it was burn marks, or perhaps some type of condition he had. Then there was his opponent, Sharkey.

It was a larger man that looked to be around the same size of Austin. What Austin noticed was that both of them were able to wear their own clothes as they entered the ring.

For Sharkey, he had his top off, displaying his hard worked body, while keeping on a pair of camp trousers. For Muddy, he kept all of his clothes on including his Jaket as well.

“Alright, time to fight!” One of the men shouted and the cheering had begun. The two in the centre of the arena rushed towards each other.

Sharkey went for a grab, but Muddy was quick and nimble as he ducked under and gave a few hits to the side of Sharkey's body. However, they had bounced off his solid hard body doing next to nothing.

A large swing from Sharkey’s hand had knocked the side of Muddy, flinging him into the side of the cage. His body hit the metal side and he winced in pain.

From these small interactions it was quite clear who would win the fight, or at least, that’s what Austin thought.

As Sharkey chased down his prey, Muddy took off his jacket and threw it directly in his face. Then running forward he pulled something that was hidden under his waist. It was shiny, but hard to see clearly due to it being nighttime.

A sharp pain was felt in Sharkey’s side, and that’s when everyone could see what had been used. It was a fairly large knife, or more so a dagger like one that the military would use. It had gone right through the side of Sharkey's body cleanly.

The crowd cheered as they saw this, and Austin’s eyes were opened wide.

“Did he just get stabbed!” Vlad said. “Is that even fair?”

“This Phantom Brawl isn't like any underground fight that you have entered before.” Killer explained. “Even the use of weapons is allowed… at the end of today and the Phantom Brawl, more than likely, there will be those that you will never hear of again.”

The world of a tier-4 city was extremely cruel, where the lives of even teenagers were on the line for the sake of the adults' entertainment, something that they needed to do just to survive in the current world.


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