My Werewolf System

Chapter 745 Howler's arrive

Chapter 745 Howler's arrive

At the factory, the workers were getting a little impatient. A lot of them were pacing back and forth, on their phones frantically contacting their family members, and some were biting their nails.

Minutes felt like they were taking hours to pass as their sense of time disappeared. Now with both Gary and Elijah gone, any moment they felt like members of the Scavengers were going to come in and punish them for what they had done.

The sound of the front door was heard creaking, and some of the workers screamed as they quickly moved and went into hiding.

Going first through the door, they could see a blonde haired young adult, wearing a face mask. It was a normal face mask that one would wear when they were sick. Just from what they could see and mainly from his eyes, one could tell he was a pretty boy.

“I come here on behalf of a troublesome green haired teenager!” Kai said, entering the room, and he wasn’t alone.

Olivia was by his side along with Marie, and entering the room behind them, were a few more of the Howlers gang members. All of them dressed in plain black clothing rather than their gang uniforms and each of them were wearing the same type of mask.

After all, the Howlers were there today just as helpers.

Marie had walked over to the workers, and with her gentle approach and kind eyes she started to explain how the vehicles were ready outside, and that they should get a move on as quickly as possible.

For those who wished for the rest of their family members to be picked up, they were to come to her and they would make a list of the locations they would need to stop by.

While she was sorting it out, Kai was looking around the room, because there was a certain someone he couldn’t see.

“Are you looking for Gary?” Earny, the old injured man said, as he walked over with his friend holding him up. “He told us that someone would come to help us… I still can’t believe this is happening, that all of this is true.”

It still felt somewhat like a trick. As if they were going from the hands of one into another, and after being under the control of the Scavengers for so long, they seemed a lot more scary than those in front of them.

“Yes, I don’t see him anywhere?” Kai replied.

“I heard him and another young lad talking.” Earny replied. “The two of them, they headed to something called the Phantom Brawl, I believe he went searching for his friend.”

Kai had tried to call both Austin and Gary a few times and neither of them had picked up. It was making him worry a bit about what was going on. After finding out that NIRV was the ones behind this, Kai was extremely worried.

It was one of the few groups that, if they really wanted to, could crush them. If they found out the Howlers had tried to take over this city, or the factories that they were working at, then clearly there would be a war on their hands, and it was a war they wouldn't be able to win.

He could already see NIRV sending the surrounding gangs towards them, stopping them from buying anything at the Dark Guild auction. They would stunt their growth first and then take over everything they owned bit by bit.

“Tell me, what is this Phantom Brawl, do you know anything about it, or where it takes place?” Kai asked.

“I know a little bit.” Earny replied. “But I think my son actually might know more. I actually told him to get ready but he hasn’t replied. I can try to contact him on the matter.”

“If you can, it would be a big help, as you know this matter concerns Gary as well, and his safety. This gang business is dangerous.” Kai said with a smile.

Earny sent a few texts to his son, and tried to get through calling as well. Meanwhile Kai was looking at the factory and the situation around them. It was quite an operation they had here and they had so many workers as well.

‘Why would NIRV take over a tier four city and set up factories in a place like this? Even Gary said that it would be extremely beneficial to the gang… so why is it so important?’ Kai thought, looking around.

If it was something NIRV wanted. Then it was something he wanted as well, but there was no chance they could take over this city now like they had done in Notsburg. Not without retaliation happening.

Walking over, Olivia had finished exploring the place a bit further than Kai.

“Did you find anything?” Kai asked.

“It looks like they were just mining some crystals.” Olivia replied. “There are a couple of boxes that are empty, but there are a few crates filled with the stuff. Some of them are just your standard gems that can be sold for a pretty penny or two, but nothing that I could see worth setting up this big of an operation for.

“However, there are some crates filled with crystals that I’ve never seen before as well.”

Kai thought about it for a while. It looked like the workers had boarded fairly quickly onto the minibuses that had arrived, and it was their cue to get out of here.

“Let’s not leave empty handed, pack a couple of those crates onto the buses. I have a feeling that they might be more important than we realise.” Kai said.




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