My Werewolf System

Chapter 771 Finding the one

Chapter 771 Finding the one

Going up against any of the kings wasn’t going to be good for them, and there was another worry in this battle. After fighting against a king, how would they recover, that was even if they won.

Surely the other kings would be watching and waiting, ready to pounce on the opportunity to take the city and its resources; fighting against one of them wasn’t just fighting against one of them.

"They had to have made this move now before we got any bigger," Kai said, rubbing the side of his chin. It was where the scar was from when he had been hurt by Midwak. It was something he often did when he felt a little stressed by the situation.

"So we need to find out why any of these guys would attack us, right? From the standpoint of them just worrying about us getting bigger, wouldn’t Sin Ignis be the first choice since we're the closest city?" Gary asked.

For the first time, Gary and Kai were thinking along the same lines.

"It’s not just about who we think, though we need to know for certain. Say we decided to go against Sin, perhaps this is exactly what another gang wants, and then they can eliminate us from behind or get rid of two birds with one stone. We can’t rule out a gang just using us either."

Thinking about it hard, once again Gary was the one who had thought of a solution as he snapped his fingers.

"What about Midwak? Isn’t he our best bet? He fought against this person, and he was close enough to even smell him," Gary pointed to his nose, his nostrils flaring slightly. "If we visited these cities, I’m sure that Midwak would be able to smell them out." action

"That’s the best idea we have, but I’m not sure it's the best idea," Kai replied. "Are you sure that you can work with Midwak, and that he would want to work with you? We can’t send everyone to these cities; it would be obvious, so there’s a good chance it might just be you and him, and it would have to be you. I don’t think anyone can handle that guy."

Now Kai was grabbing the bottom of his chin. It was fair to say that although Kai wasn’t scared of Midwak like he was in the past, he still didn’t like being next to him.

"I have another idea as well that we can try before that; let’s use Tom," Kai pulled out his phone and was already dialing.

"Tom, why Tom?" Gary thought.

Tom was still in Notsburg looking over Midwak’s condition. It was quite amazing; the werewolf’s healing capabilities were more amazing than any Altered he had dealt with before, as long as they had something to eat.

With the condition he was in, even an Altered would take about a week to fully recover, but Midwak would be ready to go in a couple of days.

Answering the phone, Tom was a little surprised to see who was calling after they had left not too long ago. Answering it, he listened and gave a few nods here and there.

"I see, I think it could work, but you know if it wasn’t a solution by NIRV, there’s nothing that we can do, but I’ll get started on it right away," Tom said.

Hanging up the phone, Tom looked at Midwak.

"Do you mind answering a few questions about the Altered you saw? I need you to describe everything you can about him."

Midwak was surprisingly quite cooperative with Tom, perhaps it was because he was the one feeding him or administering the drugs that made him feel better. Either way, it allowed him to write down the notes on his laptop.

The plan was, based on the descriptions that Midwak gave, Tom would search through the database of NIRV. In doing so, he would try to see if anything matched up with the description of Midwak’s attacker.

If it did, then Tom would also be able to tell who NIRV had sold the supply to, but of course, there were other organizations that sold Altered solutions, and there was the black market. It was still worth a try though.

Writing in the details, Tom wasn’t able to get a match, but he didn’t want to give up there, so he decided to make a call himself.

"Dad, sorry for the unexpected call," Tom said with a pleasant greeting.

"No, don’t worry, it’s always nice to hear your voice. So what’s up?" His Dad asked.

"I’m going to be sending you a few details of an Altered; you have higher clearance than me. I was just wondering if you could do a check to see if you can find any matches," Tom asked.

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a few moments until his dad finally replied.

"You're not doing anything dangerous are you?"

"No, don’t worry, I’m not in the line of danger. I’m just helping some friends."

The phone call had ended, and Tom continued on with his day, checking a few work things here and there. It was only a short while that he had managed to get a call back from his father.

"Son, are you sure you're not doing anything dangerous?" His Dad asked, not saying anything else.

"I’m perfectly safe, I promise. I’m just looking into a few things, and they need this information so they can be safe as well," Tom answered.

Once again after a few seconds, it looked like his father had given in and was willing to give him an answer.

"There was a match concerning the description of the Altered you gave me. The thing was it wasn’t in the normal database. It was in the corrupted Altered solution sections. It was an infected Altered solution that the lab was still working on. However, the reports state that it was stolen from the lab."

"Stolen, and an infected solution, why would they do that?"

"I don’t know, and we have no clue why, but I want you to be careful. It was two infected solutions that had been stolen, and both of them were recorded as Mythical Type Altered solutions."



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