My Werewolf System

Chapter 822 2 Years In A Slumber

Chapter 822 2 Years In A Slumber

The first thing Amy's mother saw and felt as she opened her eyes was her daughter. Clinging onto her hand, tears continuously sobbing all over her. She wanted to say something, to ask what was happening, what was going on, but she let Amy cry out her tears and gently lifted her hand as she stroked the top of her head.

"Mum, I never thought you were going to wake up. I thought you might have stayed like that forever. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being a bad kid, I'm sorry for shouting at you all those times when we didn't have enough food, or you weren't able to buy me things for school.”

"I hate the fact that I was such a spoiled brat. All I wanted was to tell you this, I wanted to say sorry to you, but I wasn't sure if you heard me or not."

Mrs. Dem continued to brush the hair of her daughter, and slowly she started to look around. There were kids, those that looked around Gary's age, or a bit older, closer to being young adults who were standing there. None that she had recognized. It made her wonder, starting to think back as to what happened, and that's when she remembered, the last thing, the shop where she worked, it had been attacked.

She was hurt badly; she remembered everything before that, but she had no idea what was going on, or just how long she had been asleep, and then her eyes had set on a particular man.

"Dean, is that you? What are you doing here? You said that you didn't know when you would be back?"

"Maya," Dean, Amy's father, replied. "Things have gotten better on my end... and I only just found out what happened to you. I had to return because the most important thing of all is our family, you know how much it means to me."

Amy was constantly moving her head to the left and right; she thought that her mother would be furious at their father. For leaving them when they were young, for putting so much pressure on their family and living the life they did, but instead, the two of them seemed to be understanding of each other. Not just that, when she looked at her mother's face, she saw the softest smile appear on her face. It was clear she was genuinely happy.

As the group were taking in the moment in relative silence, a loud explosion went off in the distance. Looking out the window, smoke could be seen rising from a particular building.

"What was that?" Maya asked.

And slowly, she was starting to notice things that seemed out of the ordinary. The room she was in, it was a grand hospital room, she had a large bed, and even the ground and furniture all around, it was things she would have never dreamed of.

"A lot has happened, and a lot of things will be quite a bit of shock to you," Dean commented. "First, we need to check that you're okay; do one of you girls mind fetching the doctor to run some tests?"

White agreed with a nod and ran off, and before the doctor arrived, Dean had some questions.

"Do you remember what happened to you, how you ended up in here?" Dean asked.

To which, Maya nodded. "There was an attack at the supermarket. There were these people, wearing all sorts of different colors, they looked like university or high school students. I was trying to protect someone, and I ended up like this.”

"I remember what the person looked like, but I'll be honest, I don't really know who they were."

Amy had looked into what happened that day and how it was a color gang that had attacked, but she didn't know the finer details about who was in control of the color gang at the time. So she had no clue who it was either. Rather than being focused on revenge though, she much rather wanted her mother just to get better.

"It's okay; when things are better, we can try to go to the police and try to find out who that is," Amy stated.lights

Once again, a loud explosion occurred off in the distance, and out of the window, more smoke was seen. One explosion was already a rare occurrence, but for two to happen in a short period of time…

Maya was starting to get worried; something was up, and judging by the fact that no one else was reacting to these explosions in the same way, it had been like this for a while.

"How long?" Maya asked. "How long have I been out?"

Amy held onto her mother's hand, and she looked directly into her eyes. When doing so, her mother was noticing her daughter's features; she had aged quite a bit.

"Mum, I don't want you to worry; we have been living a really good life, we've been looking after and visiting you all the time, but you've been like this, in a coma, for 2 years."

Maya's heart sank. She dreaded to think what her kids had to go through while she was away. She was the only one that looked after them, so what did they do during this time? What did they do for school? How did they manage to feed themselves and get money, and what about the time lost between them!

"I told you not to worry," Amy said, rubbing her hand.

"Did your father look after you?" Maya asked.

"No," Dean answered immediately. "I only just got here today as well. I will not take credit for something I didn't do. The one that looked after Amy, and has been looking after everyone and this whole city, is our boy, Gary.”

"He has been up to some crazy things," Dean said with a smile.josei

Maya started to look around the room until she asked the question she had been thinking.

"Where is Gary?"


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