My Werewolf System

Chapter 326 A Change of mind

Chapter 326 A Change of mind

Although Gary had already experienced his first turning, he wasn’t immune to the effect of the full moon approaching. The feelings that he had tried to keep in, came out more drastically than he had expected, which had led him to his earlier emotional outburst.

His blood was still slightly boiling, and the problem was… yet he didn't really know why.

‘I've fought so hard, I've trained, and I haven't even had time to relax for a second. Always worried about others. I might have not made the best decisions, they might have not even been the best outcomes, but every time I’ve got us through it all!’

While thinking of these things, Gary hadn't even activated the system, but his right arm was already turning into that of a Werewolf’s. Fur covered his hand and his muscles bulged as he made a fist.

“This time, I can do the same!” Gary shouted, seemingly to convince himself, as he slammed the fist right into the trunk of a tree. With a single hit, part of the tree got indented, but it still stood strong, not toppling as the teenager had expected it to. Swinging his other arm out this time he went to take a swipe with his claws taking out a good chunk.

“What the hell is this tree made out of!” Gary cursed when there was still no result. He swung his right arm once again, taking most of the trunk out, and finally a cracking noise could be heard as the poor tree started to stumble.

For a second, Gary was proud of himself and let out a smile, but the next moment the shadow cast over his head, making him realise what exactly he had just done.

‘Crap! That's going to make a lot of noise, as well as the markings on the tree!’ The Werewolf thought as the tree was already upon him. He activated Controlled Transformation, focusing on his legs to be able to stop the incoming tree.

He grabbed it and bent his knees as the weight ended up being far more than what he had expected. Then, when he bent down, to lower the tree just enough, Gary rolled out of the way, allowing it to hit the ground.

‘Shit… I can’t just leave it there like this. I need to clean this up somehow.’

After spending some time, the teenager did his best to make sure the scene did not look like some type of wild beast or Altered had destroyed the tree. This was one of his training spots, and he didn't want to draw attention to the area.

Fortunately, cleaning up his self-created mess had allowed the Alpha Werewolf to calm down somewhat. Taking in the scene, Gary let out a big sigh.

‘Olivia is right… Kai got us this far already, he really knows what he's doing, so I should trust him… maybe my problem is that I just don't know what he's thinking… but at the same time he doesn't know about my situation either.

‘If I were to tell him about the full moon coming out, and my worries, if he had all the information, perhaps he’ll make a different decision. And maybe if I knew everything about him and his reason for doing things, I wouldn't have to worry so much either.’

With these thoughts in his head, Gary had made the decision to just ask Kai about his reason for wanting to take down the Underdogs, and ask him about what he was doing.

At the same time, Gary would talk about his concers as well. The answer was so obvious to the situation they were in, the two just needed to talk to each other about their concerns and worries, but something was just holding one back from the other.

Sorting out his thoughts, Gary came to the conclusion to drop his plans of attacking Damion, especially without the help of Olivia.

‘I’ll just spend the night with Amy instead. It's been a while since the two of us had a normal relaxing night.’ Gary thought to himself.

When heading home, the high schooler eventually reached the area where his apartment block building was, but that's when he noticed something strange. In front of the bulletin board, many of the residents were gathered outside it. Usually it wouldn't be something that concerned Gary, but this late at night he thought something had to be up and worse, yet he could smell something…blood.

Piquing his interest, Gary walked over, wondering what it was about, and that's when he could see an injured old man lying there on the floor. His hand had been removed and the end of it had been somewhat stitched up, bleeding. On top of that, he had wounds all over himself. It wasn't just any old man, though, it was Old Morten, the landlord of the place.

“What are you idiots gawking at him? Did anyone call the ambulance already?!” Gary shouted as he knelt down, checking if the old man was okay. He was hurt, but the teenager was still able to hear him breathing, albeit faint. However, given his age, who knew how long he could last without medical help…

Although many of the residents were concerned, there was a reason none of them called an ambulance. In the state the old man was in, it looked like he couldn't speak, and someone would have to cover the bills for him, if he himself couldn't.

“Just call an ambulance, I'll cover it!” Gary shouted, once he understood the reason for everyone avoiding his gaze. The residents were wondering how he could afford it, but one of his neighbours took out the phone to call.

“Does anyone know what happened?” The green haired teenager asked, since Old Morten was obviously in no condition to speak.

“I’m not sure, but the old man stumbled here.” One of the younger residents, who had already been kneeling by the landlord's side, answered the question. “I asked him who did this, but at that time he was unable to speak coherently. He mumbled something about the Underdogs, and some fee. … From the looks of it, they must have done that to him.”

Following what details he had learnt from the other resident, Gary could guess what had occurred. Technically, this apartment block was still owned by the landlord. Given Kai's movements, the Underdogs must feel cornered and were trying to apply their pressure to get them some type of money fast to expand and make a move, but the old man must have refused.

‘No, that's it… the Underdogs have to go…today!’


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