My Werewolf System

Chapter 329 A long time ago

Chapter 329 A long time ago

Chapter 329 A long time ago

Although Kai was now part of the main operations of the Underdogs, he had managed to convince his father that his uses in the gang would be better used elsewhere.

Which was why he was placed in the unit that was in charge of finding out information about the Howlers, the new gang that was there that day. The gang that had gotten rid of Kirk.

However, despite being the leader's son, the other members didn't really pay any attention to the teenager, and seemingly were doing their own thing, as they roamed the streets and began to speak to the other gang members and the public, it was meant to be a safer road compared to the other groups.

Because the Underdogs didn't care for Kai, they weren't really keeping track of him either, and he was currently downstairs in his office space trying to gather all the information he could.

‘Damien has so many hideouts not just for the Underdogs members but for himself as well. I doubt I even know them all, but the crucial information will be kept at one of these places. I still don't know why Kirk was so loyal to him, other than being a gift from someone else, and for someone to be able to give away an Altered as good as Kirk, they have to belong to a Tier-1 city.

‘If the relationship is a really close one, then we could be in trouble, we need to make this look a bit natural. The fall of the Underdogs, or it would be even best to pin it on the other gangs if possible. Then we might also be able to figure out just what Gary was meant to deliver that turned him into that.’

At that moment, on the large map of slough, Kai started to circle several points on the map. He knew there were more members of the Underdogs, that acted more like bodyguards for the safe houses, and the more he thought about it, even with all the Underdogs finances, from their years of running Slough, they would have never been able to purchase so many Anti-Altered weapons.

Someone was clearly sponsoring them or working alongside.

‘Who should I get to act? I could use the Pincers, or Olivia herself… actually it might be the best idea to get Gary in on this. He seems to still hold a grudge for us not informing him about quitting school, and I’m afraid he might do something stupid soon.

‘His face said it all, he clearly was unhappy about my decision to leave the Underdogs alone. Still, I need the time to make sure that we’ll be able to handle the aftermath once that bastard is six feet under.’ Kai thought.

At that moment, footsteps could be heard coming down to the basement. When looking up, he was surprised to see Olivia. It was the first time she had actually come here out of her own volition, and usually she would call or text him.

A witty comment was on the tip of Kai’s tongue, yet when he saw the concerned look on the Lady Boss’s face, he swallowed it down.

“What's wrong?” Kai asked directly, now wasting any time on small talk.

“I… We are… He went…” Olivia stuttered, unable to continue her sentence. Getting frustrated, she touched her own head. Unsure what else to do, the blonde teenager offered her a glass of water, which Olivia gulped down in one shot.

“How much do you know about Gary?”

This was an unexpected question, but he understood what she wanted to know.

“... he told me what he really is.” Kai replied somewhat cryptically. He had his suspicions that Werewolf Gary had done something to Olivia which made her this loyal, but since he had no idea what it was, he didn’t want to comprise his secret.

Hearing this, the tension in Olivia's face lightened a bit. “So if I tell you that I can ‘feel’ that he is big trouble, then would you believe me? And no, I’m not talking about some woman’s instinct, I physically feel that something is very wrong with him. A big part of me wants to go to his side this instant, but I’m afraid I need help.”

Kai stayed quiet, digesting this information. It was hard to believe, but how much did he really know about Werewolves? After Gary had revealed his secret, his upperclassman had naturally read up on them, but he had no idea how much truth there was in those fairy tales. Having seen what the green haired teenager could do, and the fact that he had subdued Olivia, a strange connection between the two might not be the most impossible thing in the world. josei

“Does that mean you actually know where he is? Is he hurt, injured?” Kai asked, based on the look her face was showing, it seemed like she knew more but either didn’t or couldn’t share. He wasn’t wrong with that assumption. Olivia was battling with her own internal struggle.

In a way, the Howlers, were the ones that had taken everything away from her. Everything she had built up, chief of all Gary. At the same time, though, that brat was also the one who had blessed her with this great power, and what would happen next?

Somehow, the one that had bested her, had now been bested himself. Could the Pincers really do anything against the Underdogs in the current situation. At the end of the day, the Howlers were not just one person, they were a group, which is why she had decided to head down here.

“Roughly two hours ago, I met him in the woods, because he wanted the two of us to attack the Underdogs together.” Olivia finally revealed. “However, he seemed to be unsure of his own decision and when he asked me for my input, I tried to convince him to stick to your plan. Unfortunately, I seem to have said something wrong, because he ran away from me in anger.

“I was hoping that he wouldn't attack them without me. Honestly, part of me thought that he would be fine even if I wasn't with him. After all, the Underdogs should be on their last legs… however, about twenty minutes ago I felt something has changed. I KNOW something has happened to him, and there is only one thing that comes to m-”

Kai slammed both fists on the table as he got up. “That colossal idiot!” The teenager cursed, sweeping everything off his table out of frustration. “ARGH!!!”

Olivia just stared at Kai, not stopping his tantrum, just making sure not to get in his way. It didn’t last long, but it was quite a sight to see some who was usually so collected let his emotions get the better of him.

“No, I’m also to blame.” Kai mumbled when he eventually picked up his chair and slumped into it. “I should have explained to him why we had to wait… especially after keeping him out of the loop. Dammit, I just never thought that he would act on his own.”

“He…didn't want any of you guys to get hurt, he wanted to bear the weight of this task on himself, that's what I think anyway.” Olivia explained. “So what are you going to do? I have already told the Pincers to gather nearby. Shall we have the Howlers join us and raid the Underdogs together?”

In her mind, it was the only viable option, and ever since her change, she could see the Forced Bonds that Gary had created. She was sure that finding Damion would also lead them to Gary.

Thinking about it for a moment, while biting down on his thumb, Kai finally had an answer for her.

“No, I will solve this on my own. I might be away for a few days. In the meantime, tell Miss Degrace and Marie that they’re in charge.”

With a scorned look on his face, the teenager walked out.

‘I should have done this a long time ago.’


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Devils_Advocate, my Editor, is originally from Ukraine. Assuming you have not slept under a rock, you surely have heard about the current war happening there. If you have the means, please consider donating to one of the organisations helping the refugees there.

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