My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 881 Three Deaths At Once——2

Chapter 881 Three Deaths At Once——2



Su Qingzhao was the fastest one to react as he dragged Qin Lu and Master Wang who were terrified and mourning the deaths which took place. He then turned to look at Qin Lu who kept hanging on his arm and did not let go of him. Though he wished to know what was going on with Qin Lu and how he knew about that something like this was going to happen but he kept his mouth shut. 

He knew that there was no point in speaking about this matter at this moment, they needed to get out of this place first! 

" What is going on in this place? What are we supposed to do?" Zou Shen was cursing in fright as he looked at the thing which was still eating its merry meal. His friend was gone, his aunt was gone and even an old woman was gone and this just happened in a few seconds! 

Though he was running but that was only because he was holding onto the strap of Su Qingzhao's bag. He was on the verge of collapse and could only allow Su Qingzhao to drag him along with him with something like this happening it will be shocking if he was to stay all right! 


In front of him, Su Qingzhao was in no better condition. He looked at his aunt who was running towards the temple of Jing instead of running towards the shore. Though he was stunned by this sudden decision of his aunt, he no longer dared to go against her. She was the one who repeatedly told him that they needed to go back to the city, he was so regretful that he wished he could kick his past self who agreed to come to this rotten island!

Why did he even have to come to this place? Was it not good to stay at home and get beaten up? Even if his father was to beat him up, he will not kill him! 

Zou Shen and Su Qingzhao did not forget that it was Qin Lu who was telling them to get out of this place which was why the two of them turned to look at Qin Lu and Su Qingzhao asked in a trembling voice, " …Qin…Qin Lu, what is going on? How did Luo Shan become that thing? He was fine just a moment ago!" 

"It's the pendant that he is wearing," answered Qin Lu who remembered the pendant shining coldly in the scene which he saw in the premonition back then he did not pay attention to that small thing because he was too scared of the skeleton-looking ghost. But now that he was scared out of his wits, he was reminded of even the smallest details of his premonition as he continued speaking, " That thing is possessed… because Luo Shan wore it, his body was taken over by the soul which was trapped inside it." 

" What the hell? Why did he wear that thing?" Su Qingzhao cursed as he looked at the thing behind him, when he looked behind his gaze fell at Huo Lan who ducked her head and did not look at him. Her actions made him frown but he did not say anything and simply turned to look in the front. 

" Run towards the Temple of Jing!" Su Qian cursed as she finally realised the hidden meanings of those reviews which were placed on the site. " Don't go to the shore!"  I think you should take a look at

" But why? Should we not take a motorboat and go back to the cruise?" Yang Yiling asked as she panted while running next to Su Qian after seeing Huo Lan pulling Madam Tong behind her, she was afraid that if she was to stay behind that woman would drag her back as well. 

" Haven't you realised?" Su Qian was once the head of a college before she married her husband and thus she was sharper than the rest as she screamed and told everyone her deduction, " The Temple of Jing is the safest place. Unless one of us makes a wish those things will not go away! Have you forgotten what the reviews wrote? They said 'if' we reach the temple of Jing, it was not because they were speaking of the height at which it is situated. They were talking about the possibility of arriving at the temple, they knew that not many will be able to climb up to that place which is shrouded with such entities!" 

Once they all realised what was going on Zou Shen was so antsy that he started sobbing. 

" What are we going to do now?" Zou Shen cried as he looked at the things which were lurking in the dark and then shivered, now that he was looking at the darkness, he was able to see the things which he could not earlier. He was terrified and scared —— what should they do?

" For the time being don't make eye contact with them," Master Wang shivered as he ignored the things which were looking in their direction. He was so scared that he was trembling from head to foot but he still did not dare to stop, sweat covered his back and front as he wiped his face and then said, " I heard that souls which are looking for a body to possess would take it as an invitation if you look at them in the eye." 

Immediately, Zou Shen turned his head to the front and no longer dared to look at the things which were hiding in the dark. 

Su Qian on the other hand turned to look at Su Qingzhao  and then said, " Qingzhao, take those talismans which I brought with me and gave you!" 

When Huo Lan heard that Su Qingzhao also had talismans her eyes contracted, she looked at the thing which was chasing after them and looked at Su Qingzhao who was now rummaging in his bag and gritted her teeth before making a swift decision. She increased her pace and then accidentally elbowed Su Qingzhao making him stumble right in front of the wendigo. 

" Hao Hao!" 

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! With no motivation author will not have energy! 

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