My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 100 Binding Souls

Chapter 100 Binding Souls: Eight Level Ghost.

" You mean——" Wang Yufan began but Song Yan raised her hand to stop him.

Sweeping a cold glance at him, she flatly said, " There are only a few things that you need to know, don't vouch to know more or else you would be the one who will get hurt in the end."

There was a limit to how much a normal mortal could know about the supernatural phenomenon.

" I understand, Sister Yan." There was no need for Song Yan to say it any clearer, he was smart enough to understand it. " Sister Yan, do you have any more of those protective talismans? If you do, can you give those to me? I will relay what you say to my mother but you know she is someone who could sit still for a long at home. If I give some to her then at least I wouldn't have to worry in case she sneaks out of the house."

Song Yan knew that it was fairly reasonable, for Wang Yufan to ask a few protective talismans but—— " Do you want me to give those to you here? I don't mind but don't you think that if you get photographed while carrying a bunch of tacky talismans, your popularity might drop."

Wang Yufan was a bit overwhelmed by Song Yan's sarcasm, and his mouth started to twitch. He felt that if there was a metaphorical bow, Song Yan would have shot him dead by now. He rubbed the tip of his nose and somewhat awkwardly smiled, " You are one vengeful woman, Sister Yan. Does my brother Fu knows about it?"

With a brow arched, Song Yan smiled back. " Why don't you ask him?"

Wang Yufan: "…." There is no need for him to ask, even without asking he already knows that his brother was the one who was the one who was in a rather disadvantageous situation.

" Sister Yan——-"josei

A burst of chilling laughter echoed behind her as soon as Wang Yufan opened his mouth to speak, eyes wide—— Song Yan turned around to look over her shoulder. There was nothing.

Wang Yufan noticed her actions and he followed her gaze. " Sister Yan, is everything alright?"

Song Yan didn't answer instead she walked to the old building that seemed to have been renovated and redesigned. Wang Yufan followed behind her and she could sense that he seemed to be itching to ask the questions that were pinging in his head.

" This was the old studio wasn't it?" asked Song Yan still gazing at the glossy building that couldn't hide the gloom that was seeping out of it.

Wang Yufan blinked his eyes as he nodded. "That's right this was the old studio, it was said that after the old theatre was burnt down, this place was left as it was for years before the owner took over and built this studio from the scratch."

Song Yan raised her hand and placed it on the metal frame of the studio. " Have you ever wondered why it was left behind as it was after the old theatre was burnt down?"

The building was cold—— too cold, despite standing in this scalding sun. It seemed to be sucking all the warmth as if the building was dead itself.

" No, why would I? Isn't it normal? After something like that happened, it's not a surprise that it was left as it was. Many would fear buying a land like this." But then he paused, looked at Song Yan and swallowed hard. " Or there is something more to it."

"It's nothing, I was just surprised," said Song Yan as she stepped away from the door when a staff member came rushing through, she smiled at the man causing him to almost trip before managing to stabilise his footing. " I wanted to see if my hunch was correct."

" What hunch?"

She looked at him and then pointed at the top of the studio, though the building was renovated without any evidence of the horrifying past left behind. " That's where the husband of the studio owner stood before jumping down."

" How do you know that?"

" Because he is still standing there," said Song Yan calmly startling Wang Yufan so much as he turned around and looked over his shoulder, of course, he didn't see anything but at the same time, he did feel like that when he looked at the roof of the studio, he got a wave of dizziness wash over him.

Sensing that Song Yan has walked away from him, he jumped out of his skin and rushed after her. " Sister Yan, c..can you always see ghosts?"

" Most of the time," said Song Yan without much inserting much emotions into her voice.  As she turned around from the main building of the studio, the spirit of the man who was standing on the roof jumped down again before vanishing and reappearing on the rooftop.

From the looks of it, the soul of this man was stuck in a loop like a punishment. Something was holding his soul without letting him reincarnate, Song Yan's eyes narrowed as she walked towards where the actors took a break while examining the entire surrounding. But no matter she couldn't find any spiritual presence that would be prominent enough to lock a soul down in the mortal realm against its wish.

That's weird, she could feel the aura of a spirit that was malevolent enough to rank eighth in the level of cultivation. So, why she couldn't sense its presence? This shouldn't have happened, it was impossible for a spirit to astray from the place it haunted, unless they were either a low level spirits or their cultivation level exceeded past the tenth level.

Unless the soul was latching on to someone!

When Wang Yufan didn't receive any answers to his questions, he couldn't help but shiver. What was this? He just wanted to finish shooting for a popular drama. How did he get entangled with a haunted studio?

" Ah, Yufan? There you are!"

" Uncle Yufan!"

As soon as Song Yan and Wang Yufan reached the resting area, two voices called before a figure rushed at Wang Yufan and jumped at him.

————— a/n: last days of month if you have extra powerstones or gifts send it to this shameless author.

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