My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1022 Never acknowledge those who don’t exist ——2

Chapter 1022 Never acknowledge those who don’t exist ——2

Chapter 1022  Never acknowledge those who don’t exist ——2

However, Pan Delan still did not speak. Seeing this Lai Li's expression worsened as she said through gritted teeth, " Pan Delan, can't you see it? Song Yan deliberately lied to us. She made us all think that her husband did not treat her well and that he did not have much capital clearly, she was lying from the very start! Her husband can easily bring us to a seven-star restaurant if he wants to!"

The more Lai Li thought about it the more regretful she became, she should have talked to Song Yan's husband even when she saw that he did not look as rich as Tan Si. Even if he was not as rich, he could have been used as a spare tire, now it was all good—— she lost a man who could have given her the moon if she asked for stars!

Looking at Pan Delan's expressionless face, she said in a hurried voice, " I think that Song Yan was guarding against us from the start. However I don't mind how she treated me but Pan Delan, you treated her so well. You were even willing to fawn upon her now look at this, she did not even think twice before stabbing you like this! Has she even considered you as a friend?"

Pan Delan on the other hand simply rolled her eyes, she did not know what was making Lai Li so confident. Did she treat her as an idiot? Who looked like she couldn't understand that Lai Li was trying to goad her against Song Yan?

Pan Delan scoffed in her head.

And more importantly, how was the wealth of Song Yan's husband related to them? Even if he was super duper rich, in the end, he was a man who was clearly in love with his wife. He was not like those sleazy men who would willing to hold another woman in their arms while their wife was waiting for them at home.

So why was Lai Li acting as if it was her husband who was caught having an affair with Song Yan? And so what if Song Yan's husband could treat them to a seven-star meal? In the end, it depended on their willingness. If they wanted to treat them to a nice meal then it was something that Song Yan and Fu Yu Sheng wanted to do and if they didn't want to treat them to a seven-star meal it wasn't as if they could blame her. More importantly, did Lai Li forget that she only brought them all to a small stall to eat? Compared to Song Yan, she was much cheaper!

Pan Delan did not see that there was anything wrong with Song Yan holding a guard against the two of them as no woman would like to have their husband near women like her and Lai Li.

If she was in Song Yan's shoes then she would have been wary as well.

What can they do? Their reputation was in shambles, to begin with.

And if they were talking about how Song Yan did not invite them to a seven-course meal…did Song Yan owe them anything like that? Clearly, she did not!

Song Yan had never taken Lai Li seriously and despite being reported, she did not do anything against the latter and yet Lai Li completely vigilant against her.

There was nothing wrong with being envious but there was a fine was going against Song Yan at every god. This made her wonder if Lai Li had something more planned against Song Yan.

If she was holding a bit of guard against Lai Li earlier, now she was completely vigilant against her.

There was nothing wrong with being envious but there was a fine line between being just envious and being jealous to the point that one could not see anything else.

What was more, Lai Li was a schemer, she never showed herself instead she relied on others to make chaos this was a kind of skill that scared Pan Delan the most.

Pan Delan decided that it was better to stay away from Lai Li as much as possible, a woman like her was most likely a poisonous snake who was hiding in a corner waiting to take a bite. If she was to stay with a woman like this, sooner or later she would end up being dragged down by her to the point where she would lose everything!

This happened to her mother and she could not allow this to happen to herself!

Upon seeing that Pan Delan's expression was not right, Lai Li thought that she had convinced the latter completely. She was just waiting for Pan Delan to fly into a rage and then confront Song Yan, after that she would play it by ear and try to get close to Song Yan. Though Lai Li was not confident about many things, she knew that she could charm not only men but also females. josei

The more she thought about it the more Lai Li thought that it was a feasible plan, thus she reached out her hands and then clutched Pan Delan's before saying in a low voice, " Pan Delan, think about it even if we are not good we are not that unscrupulous. Does Song Yan have to guard against us like this ?"

However, the second Lai Li held Pan Delan's hands, the latter felt like she had been electrocuted. Her entire body stiffened and she couldn't help but yelp in pain.

She snatched her hands away from Lai Li and snapped, " What are you wearing on your body? I nearly died from shock!" Pan Delan was not exaggerating, just now she really felt like her entire body was hurting.

" Are you trying to——" she was still speaking when her eyes fell on the shadowy figure behind Lai Li. Though she couldn't make out the head or foot of it, she knew by instinct that it belonged to a woman, Pan Delan was so shocked and terrified that her legs started to tremble. She pulled herself away from Lai Li with her eyes popping out of her sockets, she wanted to point at the shadowy figure behind Lai Li but then she remembered a small advice that her grandmother gave to her.

' Never acknowledged those who don't exist in the same plane as us. They won't like it.'

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