My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1024 Dyed red

Chapter 1024 Dyed red

Chapter 1024 Dyed red

On the other hand, Lai Li was thinking of a way to confirm Song Yan's husband's identity. It wasn't that she was not satisfied with Tan Si but with a better option in front of her, Lai Li couldn't help but be tempted. If Song Yan's husband was really that rich then she wouldn't have to worry about anything!

The elevator door closed at once when Lai Li stepped inside it but because she was lost in her thoughts, she did not raise her head and take a look at her reflection. It wasn't until the elevator went down three floors did she raise her head and looked at her reflection, the second her gaze met with her own reflection, Lai Li yelped.

Behind her, she noticed a pale woman with bleeding eyes sticking close to her back. Terrified, she turned around to look behind her but Lai Li did not see anyone. There was no woman behind her, seeing this Lai Li felt her legs turning to jelly at the thought of something so ugly sticking behind her back.

However, when she turned to face the front again, Lai Li did not see anything. Seeing this, she heaved a sigh of relief but then suddenly she couldn't help but get angry a Song Yan. It was all because of her that she was imagining such things, she was the one who told Bai Yin all sorts of nonsense and that idiot in return yammered it all in her ears. Now this was good, she was thinking of stupid things like ghosts! That too in broad daylight!

" That damned woman, once I get a hold of her husband's number and workplace's address, I will teach her a lesson," muttered Lai Li at the same she couldn't help but start having malicious thoughts in her head. She was no longer young and was slowly pushing close to thirty, shouldn't she look for a husband? It just so happened that Song Yan's husband was quite aesthetic in her eyes.

Even his voice was pleasing, if he was truly rich enough to create trouble for Tan Si then she didn't mind him having a little temper. As for whether or not she would be able to seduce him or not, this was something that she, Lai Li was not worried about. Ever since she turned eighteen, there was no man she could not win over, with Song Yan being a year or two older than her it shouldn't be difficult for her to get close to her husband.

The elevator opened with a ding and Lai Li stepped out, no sooner did she enter the lobby she ran into Xue Zhi Ming who was returning after shooting a rainy scene. It was a scene that only required him to be present at the shooting locations and thus he was the only one who did not return to the hotel even when the sun was long gone.

" Brother Zhi Ming," LaiLi greeted the man with a smile even though she looked down on Xue Zhi Ming because he was just a small-time actor and not a rich businessman, she still pretended to be close to him as it brought traffic to her page. It did not matter if the traffic was good or bad, as long as Xue Zhi Ming's brain fewer fans commented on her post which was a promotional post, she could earn more and more money through social networking sites.

Xue Zhi Ming felt goosebumps break all over his skin when he heard Lai Li's voice. However, when he raised his head and looked at Lai Li's face, he was even more startled. Because for some reason Lai Li's face looked extraordinarily pale and swollen, it was a little scary.

" You…" he wanted to ask her whether or not she did something to her face but then his agent pulled his sleeves putting a stop to his words as Xue Zhi Ming's persona was based on a youthful yet kind and gentlemanly man. If he were to ask a lady why she suddenly started to look ugly, it might clash with his persona. In the end, Xue Zhi Ming restrained himself and did not say anything, he politely smiled at her and then said, "It's nothing, is there something that you want to talk to me about, Sister Lai?"

" Ah nothing, I just wanted to greet you, Brother Zhi Ming," Lai Li sweetly smiled at Xue Zhi Ming before bowing in front of him. She then stepped outside the hotel leaving Xue Zhi Ming to look at her back, he turned to look at his agent after Lai Li was gone and asked, " Don't you think that something is very strange about her?"

His agent however sternly looked at him and then said, " Just keep your distance from her. You have already worked hard enough to jump ships, if CEO Fu finds out that you are getting cosy with the woman who reported his wife, he might just cancel your plans."

Xue Zhi Ming had no plans to get close to Lai Li either, he simply rolled his eyes and then stepped inside the elevator his agent following closely behind.

The two of them stepped out of the elevator once they reached the floor where the shooting staff was staying and just as they were about to head to their rooms, they noticed Director Li standing outside the door with a hesitation-filled expression on his old face.

Seeing this Xue Zhi Ming stepped forward and asked Director Li solicitously, " Is something the matter, Director Li?"

Director Li looked at Xue Zhi Ming with a furrowed pair of brows and then said after a slight hesitation, " This was given to me by Miss Song Yan, she asked me to tell you that you should put these talismans on the walls of? your room."

Hearing this Xue Zhi Ming felt like Director Li was joking with him but seeing how serious he looked, he lowered his head and then took the talismans from Director Li. Though he did not believe in feudal superstitions, he still asked Director Li with a polite expression on his face, " Director Li can you tell me what is going on? Why did Sister Yan hand you these talismans?"

" Don't ask me," Director Li sighed as he waved his hand, then he looked left and right before he lowered his voice conspiratorially, "Don't tell this to anyone but I just met with CEO Fu, he handed these talismans to me and asked me to look for another actress to play the role that Lai Li is handling at the moment. I don't know what's happening but I think that something really bad is going to happen tonight." josei

Upon hearing Director Li's words, Xue Zhi Ming remembered the swollen face of Lai Li. Though he did not believe a thing that was coming out of Director Li's mouth, he still pursed his lips and then put the talismans in his pocket. In such situations, it was better to believe rather than not believe it.

On the other hand, Song Yan had drawn an array inside the room where she was staying. She had a feeling that the ghost might come looking for first since she heard from Bai Yin that Song Yan was a celestial master which was why she might try to deal with her first before anyone else.

" Are you really not going to interfere?" Seeing that Song Yan handed talismans to everyone but Lai Li, Fu Yu Sheng couldn't help but ask because he had never seen Song Yan leaving someone alone like this.

Song Yan sighed and then turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng before saying in a calm voice, "It is not that I don't want to help her but it's already too late."

Lai Li returned after spending time with her friends, she wanted to reach out to her friends and have them look into Song Yan's husband. Even though Song Yan was on her guard all the time it was impossible for a man to never hook up with another woman just the thought enough was exciting for them.

As long as she was to keep poking around she would find someone with whom Song Yan's husband went on a rendezvous.

" Ah, I am so tired," she threw her bag on the bed and then headed to the bathing room. After walking around for such a long time she was feeling icky and really sweaty, now all she wanted was to take a bath and do nothing.

With that thought in her head, she headed towards the shower where she turned on the water after heating it in the geyser. While the water sprinkled down on the floor creating steam inside the bathing room, Lai Li took off her clothes and then headed towards the shower.

Ambiguous signs of intimacy were spread all over her body as she had served a few of her friends earlier when she was asking them about Song Yan's husband.

As soon as Lai Li stepped under the shower head, her skin turned red and so did the water as blood started to seep out of the small pores of the shower head, coating her red.

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