My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1031 First appearance of Jiangshi

Chapter 1031 First appearance of Jiangshi

Chapter 1031  First appearance of Jiangshi 

Tan Si felt his heart drop when he heard Song Yan's words, he knew that something was wrong from the day he found out that his daughter fell sick but never did he expect that there was a corpse buried in his house. His face turned pale and he couldn't help but tremble if there was really a corpse buried in his house didn't it mean that he and his family had been living with a dead body ever since they came to the capital?

Chen Bian's complexion wasn't good as well, her expression twisted when she heard that there was a ghost walking around in her house including the fact that there was a body buried inside her manor. No one would like to live in a house where a dead body had been buried, she turned to look at Song Yan and said in a hurried voice, " Master can yo…you help us? We are willing to pay. We are willing to pay as much money as you want."

At this moment, Chen Bian only cared about one thing and that was to get rid of the ghost that was haunting their family. Her two daughters were so young, if something happened to them what would she do?

" Hiring me is not going to be cheap," Song Yan stated with a firm voice as she looked at Chen Bian with a smile on her face. She turned to look at Tan Si whose entire body was trembling before adding, " The ghost's grudge is not something that could be dealt with a move or two. If you want my help then you will have to pay the price. However, I still think that you should look for a scientific cause behind everything that is happening in your house since Mister Tan firmly believes that there is no such thing as ghosts in this world. "

Tan Si knew that Song Yan was still holding a grudge against him for causing her trouble.

" I apologize for my actions, Madam Song," Tan Si bowed his head in apology as he spoke to Song Yan. " You can tell me your fees, I promise to transfer it as soon as possible but please help our family."

Song Yan did not reply, she studied the death aura on Tan Si's forehead and upon seeing that it had intensified even more, she knew that the female ghost was hiding somewhere in the hospital and was keeping an eye on what was going on with the Tan family.

Now that she knew that Tan Si had hired a master to exorcise her, she would most probably make a move tonight.

" Very well then," Song Yan stood up from the couch, she took out a few S-grade talismans and handed them to Chen Bian before saying, " Each talisman cost more than three million yuan, make sure to send me the money." She handed her bank details to Chen Bian before walking towards the door. josei

Seeing that Song Yan was leaving Tan Si felt like his impenetrable shield was leaving him, he immediately rushed towards Song Yan's side and asked, " Madam Song where are you going? Are you not going to help us?"

"It's afternoon," Song Yan stated coldly as she looked at Tan Si. " The ghost will not make a move till night and with those talismans, no one will harm you. As long as you keep those talismans close to your body everything will be fine."

She then raised her hand and looked at the watch on her wrist before saying, " I will come back by five in the evening, be prepared."

With that, she opened the door and walked out of the waiting room leaving a very worried Tan Si and Chen Bian.

" She is here," Fang Yanli looked around the hospital corridor, even though the ghost was hiding Song Yan and she could feel the yin energy of the woman with her grudge being so strong. She then turned to look at Song Yan and asked, " Are you sure that the ghost will not attack the Tan family after you are gone?"

"No," Song Yan shook her head as she replied. " The yin energy of ghosts is strongest at night, the female ghost might try to get closer to the Tan family but she will not attack them."

While Song Yan was confident that the female ghost would not hurt the Tan family, Tan Si and his family couldn't sit still. The entire time when Song Yan was gone, they continued to clutch the talisman that she had left with them tightly in their hands. They were worried that if they were to let go of it they would end up dying without even knowing how they died.

Even the smallest sound freaked Tan Si and his wife out, with their nerves jangling so close to snapping they silently waited for the clock to point to five.

While she was walking around the streets of the capital, Song Yan suddenly smelled the scent of blood. Her willow-like brows Song Yan on the other hand did not know that the Tan family was now a ball of nothing nervous wreck and even if she did know, she couldn't do anything. There were a few things that she needed to buy before heading to the Tan family's house, without them she wouldn't be able to exorcise the female ghost.

Even though the shooting had been put on hold, Song Yan and the rest were not allowed to leave the capital because of Lai Li's death. The police officers told them to stay in the capital as they would require cooperation with the investigation.

Though Song Yan knew that nothing was going to come out of the investigation she still willingly stayed behind in the capital as she wanted to look around the capital for a while before returning.

While she was walking around the streets of the capital, Song Yan suddenly smelled the scent of blood. Her willow-like brows furrowed as she sniffed again to make sure that she really smelled blood and nothing else and to her surprise she found out that it was indeed the scent of blood!

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