My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1034 Meeting With An Acquaintance

Chapter 1034 Meeting With An Acquaintance


Song Yan followed the assistant to the second floor and as soon as she stepped inside the second floor, a dense spiritual energy greeted her causing Song Yan to smile unconsciously even Fang Yanli was looking around with a hearty smile on her face. 

This herb shop was the real deal, they even had a four hundred-year-old ginseng! 

The assistant brought Song Yan to the third counter where he started to rummage through the shelves and continued to pick herbs out one by one, Song Yan glanced at the thick spiritual energy that was swirling around the herbs and nodded her head. She did the right thing by coming to this place, it was even better than the shop at the S city. 

" Song Yan?" 

Song Yan was counting the herbs when she heard someone call her, she turned around and was stunned to see Lin Xiaoyue who stood behind her with her mother. If she was not wrong then this woman was her mother-in-law's Brother's daughter, she raised her head and looked at Madam Lin whose face was stiff as she looked at Song Yan with a disgusted expression. 

Ah, how could she forget? The Lin family moved to the capital after the death of Madam Fu. The old man of the Lin family blamed Old Master Fu for the death of his daughter and broke every relationship with the Fu family, he did not even attend the wedding of his maternal grandsons. 

From then on the Fu family and the Lin family never crossed paths but Song Yan knew that the Lin family took great pride in the fact that they were living in the capital while the Fu family was still in the S city. 

" Lin Xiaoyue," Song Yan greeted the woman in the same manner as she greeted her. Her voice was neither low nor high but one could see that she was keeping a distance from Lin Xiaoyue. 

When Lin Xiaoyue saw that Song Yan did not act servile in front of her, her eyes narrowed. She wanted to say something but was stopped by her mother who said, "Let us go Yue'er, you don't need to talk to a woman like her." 

Madam Lin took great pride in the fact that her husband was the CEO of a leading corporation in the capital even if Fu Yu Sheng was the top businessman in the S city he was just a frog in a well compared to her husband, he was nothing. 

Song Yan narrowed her eyes when she heard Madam Lin's words. Behind her, Fang Yanli spat on the ground and said, " Who is she looking down at? Does she think that she can say anything she wants just because her husband has a successful business in the capital?" 

Song Yan heard Fang Yanli's words but she did not show any expression on her face, she calmly looked at Madam Lin before turning around indifferently.

" Are you done weighing the herbs?" She asked the assistant who paused in between to watch the drama. Upon hearing Song Yan's words, he jumped realizing that he had done something rude, he shot Song Yan a sheepish smile before starting to weigh the herbs again.  I think you should take a look at

When Madam Lin saw that Song Yan was ignoring her, her expression couldn't help but twist. When was the last time someone ignored her? Seeing how casually Song Yan was acting without even greeting her, she glared at the woman and said, " Song Yan, have you lost your manners along with shame? How can you not greet your elder." 

Madam Lin despised the Fu family but she hated Song Yan especially. After all, this woman cried and made a fuss even going so far as stalking her nephew before marrying him, clearly, she was nowhere as good as Fu Yu Sheng but she still dreamt of tasting the swan meat despite being a frog. 

Song Yan did not pay attention to Madam Lin, if she knew this woman was here, she would have left and come back later on. With a sigh, she handed her credit card to the assistant before saying, " I am afraid that when Old Master Lin decided to leave for the capital, he clearly stated that the Fu and the Lin family were no longer together." 

She picked up the herbs from the counter and turned to look at Madam Lin before saying, " I am just following the orders of your father-in-law. Don't tell me that you are above Old Master Lin?" 

With that she turned around, her gaze fell on Lin Xiaoyue and her pupils constricted when she saw that there was a thick, baleful death aura on her forehead. However, Song Yan did not say anything as she knew that Madam Lin would certainly take her words in the wrong manner. 

Not wanting to entangle herself in any mess, she turned around and headed down the stairs. 

" That woman!"  Madam Lin was furious when she saw Song Yan treat her like she was no one of importance, she turned to look at her daughter and asked, " See this is why I told you not to greet her! She didn't even greet us." 

Lin Xiaoyue sighed and looked at her mother before saying, "It's your fault, Mom. Why did you have to say such words in front of her? It is only obvious that she will get upset. How embarrassing."  josei

Slightly upset with her mother's actions, Lin Xiaoyue left the second floor as well. Behind her Madam Lin huffed and puffed before chasing after her daughter as she yelled, " Did you just call me embarrassing? I am your mother!" 

Lin Xiaoyue did not pay attention to her mother and continued walking causing Madam Lin to become even more upset. 

As she walked out, she stumbled into her husband who was standing outside the shop.

" You are here?" Lin Xiaoyue greeted her husband with a smile, who smiled back at her before caressing her cheek. " I am here to drive you and Mother back," he then paused and asked, " You don't look good, did something happen?" 

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