My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1047 Bought The House

Chapter 1047 Bought The House


When Fang Yanli heard Song Yan's reasons, she understood that Song Yan was looking after her wholeheartedly. Though she did not have a heart, she had cultivated for a long time and could feel a few emotions, she looked at Song Yan and bowed ninety degrees, " Song Yan, I will never forget you. Not even in the next lifetime." 

" You speak so seriously," Song Yan chortled lightly. She looked at Fang Yanli who was bowing in front of her. " You are like my little sister, I have taken care of you for all these years, how can I leave you alone to deal with such scheming people? Master Gu left you with me because she wanted to keep me safe after she leaves, how can I leave you alone then?" 

" Thank you," Fang Yanli followed Song Yan out of her free, unlike Zhou Yuan who did not determine what he wanted to do, Fang Yanli had been clear since the beginning. She never thought that Song Yan would help her more than supporting her in cultivation but Song Yan actually thought everything so carefully, even handing her helpers such that she would not be bullied after she reincarnated. " I will never forget you, Song Yan." 

When Song Yan heard Fang Yanli's words, her eyes dimmed. Though Fang Yanli might not forget her, she would forget Fang Yanli completely, the reason was to make sure that the cycle of life would remain unbothered, so even if Fang Yanli kept her in her heart, she would no longer remember the woman in front of her after she helped her reincarnate. 

" I hope you will live a long life this time, Yanli," since she couldn't promise the same thing to Fang Yanli, Song Yan could only bless her with all her heart. She hoped that Fang Yanli wouldn't meet with any other accidents and live a perfect life till the end.


Fang Yanli nodded and then smiled with tears in her eyes, " Don't worry. Even if you don't remember me, I will still come to bother you, Master." 

This was the first time Fang Yanli called Song Yan 'master', it surprised Song Yan but she soon smiled and stood up to touch the top of Fang Yanli's head with her spiritual energy. 

" I will wait for that day then," 

The two of them returned to the house. Fu Yu Sheng had finished eating and was now standing in the middle of the living hall but he was not alone, Zong Shuai was with him as well. He seemed to have woken up at some point and was now hugging Fu Yu Sheng's thighs while clamouring loudly, " I don't care you have to take me out of this house. Now! I want to go out now!" 

Zong Shuai was terrified. He had never seen something so devilish and scary before, he couldn't be bothered with anything else and just wanted to leave as soon as possible. 

Song Yan also did not want to keep Zong Shuai, this pitiful man with little to no guts at a haunted house. She immediately brought him outside along with Fu Yu Sheng, throughout the time Zong Shuai clutched Fu Yu Sheng's arms harder than anyone else had done before, Fu Yu Sheng looked down at the trembling Zong Shuai and noted down calmly in his heart. 

If he broke his arm, he was going to ask Zong Shuai for the medical charges. I think you should take a look at

Fortunately, his arm did not break and Zong Shuai also came out of the house. He was originally thinking that Song Yan would buy this house but after seeing the paranormal activities inside the house, Zong Shuai was sure that this house was going to be sold.

" Madam Song, don't worry, I will bring you to another house better than this one——"

" Oh but we have decided to buy this one," Song Yan interrupted Zong Shuai who couldn't believe his ears, even after seeing such a thing Song Yan wanted to buy this haunted house. 

Though he was quite happy to shake his hand off this house and throw it to another person, he thought about how Song Yan had saved his nephew and asked, " Are you sure? There is no need for you to look for a cheap house, Madam Song." 

" Yes, I know but I like this one," Song Yan smiled at Zong Shuai before saying, " If you feel bad then you can give me a discount of another five million?" 

Though she had enough money, who would not like to save money? 

Zong Shuai wanted to refuse but he then thought about the paranormal activities in the house and hesitated before agreeing. Let it be, this house had been a headache for him for a long time, as long as he could sell it away, he would be fine. After all, with such things roaming inside the house, no one would dare to buy it! 

" Fine…. I will agree but you have to pay for it at once," Zong Shuai was afraid that Song Yan would regret buying this house and then renege halfway, thus he wanted to transfer the land deed and take his money. There was one time when the house was almost sold but in the end, he was the one who was almost sent to prison because someone in the family was pushed off the stairs and he broke his leg. 

Though it happened because the man received a scare, it was still a lot of trouble for him. 

Song Yan naturally had no problem, now that the price had dropped to forty-five million, she did not waste any time and transferred the amount to Zong Shuai who finished the property paperwork as soon as possible. Usually, it took a week to finish the paperwork but Zong Shuai was too scared of having the house returned, he finished all the work in three hours and then handed Song Yan the keys. 

Once the keys of the house were given out, Zong Shuai heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, he no longer has to worry about this house anymore. 


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