My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 106 Teaching Song Lan A Lesson.

Chapter 106 Teaching Song Lan A Lesson.

There was no need for him to worry about her, if anything it should be that cheating man who should be worried because—— a woman in love wouldn't stop at anything to hold you in the palms of her hands but just in case you betrayed her —— then she was a force that shouldn't be messed with.

Au Lisha returned to her vanity van with her daughter in her arms, she pushed open the door with a huff. The old man who was tilting inside while reading the newspaper looked up and folded the paper in his hands carefully before asking, " Is something the matter why is it that you are so unhappy on such a fine day?"

" Don't even get me started dad," said Au Lisha as she helped her daughter go down and watch her rush to her father. "I just met with a really stubborn and rude woman."

Old man Au simply snorted after listening to his daughter's words as he picked up his granddaughter in his arms. " You must have said something rude first, don't think that I don't know your personality. With your personality, you tend to blurt out things first instead of thinking about them thoroughly. There is nothing that could be done, if you are like that, forget about strangers even I get so angry at you that I wish I could smack you."

Au Lisha's mouth dropped as her daughter giggled at her grandfather's words.

" You little demon, what are you laughing at?" Au Lisha poked her daughter's forehead before looking at her father. "It's not like I say mean things because I like to say them, I just speak the truth and people tend to get offended…" then without letting her father speak, she went ahead and told him about what happened, once she was done speaking, she spread her hands in a helpless way and asked, " Now you tell me father, was I wrong to do that?"

Old man Au looked at his daughter in disbelief, then he shook his head and couldn't help but scold her. " You are really … of course, they would be upset with you. You don't even know about that woman and you went ahead and spoke such things to her"

" But I was just worried about Yufan!"

" Then you were even more wrong so in doing what you did," Old man Au rolled his eyes as he handed a piece of dragon fruit to his granddaughter. " It's Yufan's personal life, if he likes that woman who are you to tell him otherwise." Then he paused as he sneeringly added, " Especially when you chose someone like Lin Zhou when was the last time he came to see the two of you?"

Au Lisha turned silent at her father's questioning, though she loved her husband and missed him dearly there was nothing she could say to defend him, it was eight months ago when he returned to the country and didn't even spend a week before leaving. Under father's questions, she lowered her head and sighed —— she was just too tired to deal with this anymore. It was because of her husband's lack of support that she has to listen to such things from everyone —— wait!

Her head snapped back up, her father was one thing but how did that Song woman know that her husband has been missing from home for months?josei

Song Yan didn't know that Au Lisha was beginning to doubt her, she was sitting under the tree watching Wang Yufan and Song Lan recite their lines. This drama was more of a production team set only for Song Lan by that stupid Fu Yu Shen, who was helplessly bewitched by her, the entire drama focussed on Song Lan and Song Lan alone though the other actors had many scenes too, but compared to Song Lan who was present in literally every scene they were a lot less.

She watched as Song Lan aced her lines one by one and her gaze furtively dropped to the jade bracelet that Song Lan was wearing on her wrist and couldn't help but sneer. To think that this woman was wasting the Song family's hard earned money on stupid things like this, if she couldn't act then she shouldn't bother herself!

But this was how Song Lan was, she was petty like that, even though she did her major in business, for the sake of stepping on Song Yan's head, she was willing to become an actress even though her skills were not as refined as Song Yan.

If not for that bracelet Song Yan was certain that Song Lan would have never been able to act so well like she was doing now—— hmm, though she wasn't someone who liked dragging someone around by misusing her powers, she couldn't help but feel itchy when she watched Song Lan getting praised by the director for acing all her expressions while Wang Yufan who was the male lead was given some pointers to take note of.

Wang Yufan was clearly relying on his skills alone but Song Lan was using underhanded methods to act so well. Clearly, she wasn't deserving of all that praise that was being given to her.

Song Yan's lips curled slightly, if Song Lan was willing to sit still then she wouldn't have done anything to her but throughout the time after she finished shooting her scene. Song Lan would turn her head and furtively glance in Song Yan's direction with a superior look that was both annoying and condescending, Song Yan didn't get angry instead she was finding it amusing.

Relying on a sneaky tool and acting so superior? Who gave Song Lan the right to act like this in front of her?

Thus, when no one was looking Song Yan rubbed the ring in her hand that ignited with a magical blue flame and then while Song Lan's back was turned she channelled her Yin energy at the jade bracelet.

" Reap!" She commanded and the blue flame that was tinged with a hint of golden hue curled itself around the bracelet and then ——-

" Cut! Song Lan, what are you doing? This is not a romantic scene, why are you looking at Wang Yufan with so much infatuation for him?"

P.s: please show some love to me :( I didn't get even one gift yesterday isn't it too much!!! QAQ

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