My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 113 Won’t Let Her Go.

Chapter 113 Won’t Let Her Go.

It wasn't like Song Yan never considered the possibility that Song Lan would try to harm her son but to think that she would take action so soon, even in her past life Song Lan tried to win over Fu Chen first, and only sent her men after him when she failed to win her son's heart——Fu Chen was seventeen when she took his life, a teenager. Song Yan expected a little humanity from her half-sister but she seemed to have forgotten that —— Song Lan was born without a heart!josei

She clutched the talismans in her hands, breathing heavily as she strode inside her room. Because she was angry and worried, she didn't stop to continue eating dinner with Fu Yu Sheng, he didn't stop her either just handed a Tupperware box that was filled with shelled crab meat for Fu Chen. He didn't stop her from leaving but he did remind her to send Fu Chen to him when she wasn't at home.

If it was up to her she wouldn't have let Fu Yu Sheng get involved in her matter but this time, she couldn't think about her pride. She seemed to have underestimated Song Lan, it was clear that the woman will continue to scheme against her as long as she was alive since she had this weird fetish to snatch everything that belonged to her.

As she pushed open the door to her room, she placed the talisman in her space ring, she didn't want her son to see those ugly things.

Fu Chen was awake when his mother returned home, these days he has been getting used to sleeping by his mother's side and sleep wouldn't come to him easily if his mother wasn't lying next to him. Tonight was the same as ever, he couldn't sleep no matter how many times he turned and twisted in the end, he decided to take a book out of his collection and read through it when he heard the bedroom being pushed open.

Surprised he raised his head and when he saw who it was, his little face lit up. Throwing the book in his hands to the side, he jumped down and rushed towards his mother. " Mom! You are back!"

Song Yan crouched down and hugged her son, at the thought of how she almost left her son to get hurt made her heart churn. She has of course left Zhou Yuan in charge and knew that he would have protected her son well, but there was still a chance that her son would have gotten hurt if not for Fu Yu Sheng. When this thought came to her mind, a dark glint flashed in those mysterious orbs, as she picked up her son and took him to bed.

Nuzzling her nose against Fu Chen's she tickled his belly. " Why aren't you asleep, you naughty boy?"

" Chen Chen, is not a naughty boy!" pouted Fu Chen as he wriggled close and hugged his mother. " Chen Chen just misses mommy, everyday mommy leaves for work and Chen Chen is left alone in the house."

He was no longer living in the Fu house which was full of rules and regulations nor does he have to hide and act like a sneaky mouse for fear that he would be caught by his uncle or aunt, so naturally he was getting bolder and bolder about telling his mother about what he wanted and what he disliked.

Listening to her son's words, Song Yan's heart melted, she laid him down on the bed and carefully tucked him. " Is that so? Then mommy will take Chen Chen to wonderland this Sunday."

" Really?" Fu Chen perked up after hearing that he will be able to go to the wonderland, he have heard from his friends that there was a great attraction made just for Detective Dino's fans! If he goes to the wonderland then he will be able to meet Detective Dino!

" Really," promised Song Yan as she patted Fu Chen's belly and hummed a lullaby. " Now, be a good boy and sleep, if you still don't sleep our deal is off, got it?"

Fu Chen immediately closed his eyes and soon his breathing smoothened. And as soon as he closed his eyes and dozed off the smile on Song Yan's face fell just as swiftly, she picked up the book and calmly, a little bit too calmly put it back in the pile of the book that Fu Chen has brought with him.

Zhou Yuan sensed her anger and raised his hands at once in his defence. " Just so you know I had it under control, even if your man hadn't interfered I would have taken that assassin down, he was no match for me!"

" I know," said Song Yan as she put on her long black overcoat over her shoulders, since her body was filled with Yin energy it was hard for her to feel the heat, in fact, her body was forever cold no matter what she did. Taking out the talismans from her pockets she glared at them before muttering "Reap!"

Blue flames from the space ring burnt the talismans until they were nothing but ashes as black as coal. Her eyes flickering with a murderous glint, " But it's a completely different matter that she tried to harm my son, how can I leave her alone? On what basis? That she wasn't successful? That's never going to happen and as for that little disciple who drew these talismans for a measly sum——" a glint flashed in her eyes and her lips curled in a twisted sneer. " He better do some good deeds while I am coming for him."

Zhou Yuan looked at Song Yan who was burning with a flare of vengeance and gulped. So scary, she was as scary as she was when she was the leader of the ghost ring ——even their master wasn't scary as Song Yan!

Now, he could only pray for the two culprits who tried to harm Fu Chen because that was all he could do at the moment. It wasn't that he felt pity for them, he was just worried about how much Yin energy he had to use up to teach those two lessons.

Bastards! Bastards! The lot of them!

He just finished cultivating!

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