My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 119 The Young Vet

Chapter 119 The Young Vet

Song Yan walked out of the Song mansion with a heavy heart, with these share transfer papers she will be able to give her brother a better life but she wasn't happy about it at all because instead of having these share transfer papers she would have liked it if her mother was still by her side.

" You should hurry," said Fang Yanli pointing to the talisman that was sticking to Song Yan's clothes. " Th talisman is going to lose its effectiveness in a few minutes."

She was right every talisman after being used could only give at most a few minutes or hours on account of the strength of the person drawing it. Song Yan was a powerful spirit master and that's why her talisman gave her a good one and half hour to finish everything that she wanted before it started to lose its magic. Song Yan looked down at the talisman and sure enough, it was no longer a vibrant golden talisman but it has slowly turned into a faint sickly yellow that seemed to have faded with every minute passing.

Song Yan took out a flying talisman and skilfully twisted herself over the boundary wall of the Song house before she trolled to the hidden spot where Fang Yanli had hidden the injured puppy. Because Fang Yanli's cultivation was high she could be more or less of a poltergeist, she could easily pick and drop things as she wished or else she wouldn't have been able to hit Song Lan back then but of course, the premise was that every time she touched a living thing, her Yin energy would deteriorate excessively.josei

And then she would have to start cultivating again to regain her lost powers.

That was why she hardly ever touched anything alive but this time it was a cute little puppy that was involved by a sick psychopath and she couldn't leave it alone. So, after Song Yan applied calming talisman on the puppy, Fang Yanli took the puppy out of the Song family and hid him in the bushes quite a distance away from the Song house.

It was a good thing that she hid it far away because the second Song Yan crouched to pick up the puppy the Yin energy in her body shuddered and recoiled while the talisman lost its magical effect at the same time revealing her gorgeous figure that stood in the middle of the street under the moonlight.

" We have to take this puppy to a vet," said Song Yan, at most, she could calm the puppy and ease his pain but she couldn't heal him, this little thing was bound to die and her interference alone was enough to make her Yang energy that she has gotten from Fu Yu Sheng to deplete even further. If she tried to heal him then maybe she will have to suffer through that blinding pain again, something that she didn't want at all.

Fang Yanli nodded as the two of them hurried to a vet's clinic. Fortunately for them, this locality belonged to the rich and fussy, who didn't care about the comfort and sleep of the common people, thanks to their past temper tantrums they found a vet clinic that was open 24/7, or else where would they go and look for a vet in the middle of the night?

Song Yan strode to the reception table and pressed the bell that was sitting on the tabletop. Two seconds later after she was done pressing the bell, the vet who was sleeping in the back room came out, he was still yawning and tears were hanging on his curly lashes as he nodded and said, " Yes, Yes... We are here, what do you want now?"

The vet was really young maybe in his twenties because the second his gaze landed on Song Yan's face all the drowsiness that was on his face vanished in an instant as he straightened up and looked at Song Yan with a very respectful expression. " I mean how may I help you?"

Song Yan ignored the admiring gaze of the young doctor, though he was cute he was four hundred and eighty years too young to try and hit on her. She handed him the puppy in her arms and calmly weaved a lie, " I was returning from work when I saw this puppy lying on the road, maybe someone roughed it up as fun. I brought it here because I couldn't leave it alone on the streets to die, I hope that you can help him?"

With Song Yan's acting skills and the soft and gentle voice that she was using to charm the vet into helping her, she could have asked the vet to learn an open heart surgery right then and there and he would have agreed, so what how could treating a little dog be a big task for him? He hurriedly nodded and said, " You got it to miss," said the vet but then he realised that he was being too eager, so he hurriedly changed his attitude to a professional one before nodding strictly. " I mean, yes *cough* I can treat him."

Then he looked down at the puppy in his hands and frowned when he noticed the bloody cuts that were on the body of the little pup. " People these days are really cruel, how can they treat such a small thing so viciously?" He placed the little pup on the check-up table and carefully examined it before saying, " he has a lot of injuries and a few broken ribs, it will be hard to revive him but I will try my best, you can come and take it in a few weeks."

It was only then did the vet remember that the dog was a stray that Song Yan picked up on the streets and his face turned awkward. " I mean you can pick him if you want."

Song Yan smiled. " I will pick him up next week then." With that, she turned around to leave but then stopped and looked at the young vet and said, " Tomorrow there will be a young miss bringing you her dog, don't accept him. Because the dog is already dying, if not you will be in big trouble."

She could see the future of this clinic in the glass cabinet behind the young vet, if he didn't listen to her then those people were not someone he could offend.

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