My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 123 The Curse Manifested.

Chapter 123 The Curse Manifested.

Lin Zhou returned to the first floor, the apartment was divided into two sections, where the first floor was used for dining and living room, even old master Au's room was on the first floor while Au Lisha and Au Mei lived on the second floor. Seeing that he husband was coming down from her daughter's room, Au Lisha wiped her hands on the apron and smiled gently, " Did little Mei give you any trouble?"

" Oh no, she was already asleep by the time I went to see her," lied Lin Zhou smoothly as he took a seat at the dining table, though this time it was a bit hard for him to feed those pastries that has been specially baked for Au Mei, in the end, he was able to shove them down the throat of the annoyingly stubborn girl. Though he didn't show it on his face Lin Zhou was secretly annoyed with Au Lisha for bringing up their daughter in such a way.

It was a good thing that the brat was going to die soon because if she were to stay alive, she will only bring shame and embarrassment to him. Just look at her stubborn attitude, her father brought her pastries but instead of eating them politely, she actually tried to bite him! Lin Zhou couldn't help but remember his good son when he thought about just how annoying Au Mei was, his son was ever so polite and he also knew how to respect his elders.

This was the difference between a child brought up by an elite socialite and a second-grade actress. What Lin Zhou never stopped to think about was that the only reason his son was polite to him was that he knew that his father would never harm him and would even protect him, something that Au Mei couldn't say for him. She fought back because she wanted to defend herself and was completely justifiable since she had a gut feeling that something was wrong with those pastries that her father brought for her.

However, those who knew that they were wrong would never accept that what they were doing was wrong in fact just like Lin Zhou they would blame it on others knowing that it was easier to blame than own up to the guilt that belonged to them. This was why Lin Zhou was trying so hard to make excuses for himself and the heinous act that he had just done —-he pushed his daughter into the jaws of death with his own hands.

Au Lisha frowned as she looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall and couldn't help but frown. " That's weird, little Mei never slept this early and that too without eating anything… how come she ended up falling asleep so early?"

Lin Zhou's heart skipped a beat at Au Lisha's words, if she went to check up on Au Mei then it will be really troublesome, he just came down from the first floor, if Au Lisha found out that Little Mei was sick then she would surely start doubting him and even if she didn't doubt him the old man Au will surely be suspicious of him.

Though he wasn't scared that a coarse and vulgar village old man and an actress will be able to harm him, he still wanted to make sure that nothing and no one would disrupt the curse from settling down in place after all he has spent six years planning this and he couldn't let anyone mess it for him. So, he hurriedly smiled and caught Au Lisha's wrist just as she turned around to go to the first floor, " Maybe she was angry with me and went to bed in anger, you know how kids are they can nap anywhere at any time, you should let her sleep. If you disrupt her sleep then it will affect her growth, you don't want that right? " then he thought about something and added, " if you are worried just leave some food in the insulation box that I brought for you, our little Mei is smart, if she wakes up and sees that you have kept an insulated lunch box of her, she will eat it."

Au Lisha thought about what her husband said and silently agreed, that he was right. If her daughter was already asleep then there was no need for her to wake her up and have her eat dinner, right? So, she nodded and sat down to eat dinner with her husband and father.

Lin Zhou saw that Au Lisha had dropped the idea of checking on Au Mei and sighed in relief for a second he was worried that all his plans were going to go drown the drain, thank goodness he was smart enough to stop her in time.

The family finished their meal and went to sleep, on the other hand, Au Mei who was fed pastries that were filled with curses twisted and turned in her bed, she could feel her body temperature rising bit by bit and the cries of little children echoed in her ears until her head started to throb.


'Die! Your father killed us!'

'You have to die'

'Pay for your sins!'

"M..Mom.." because her condition weakened Au Mei couldn't muster any strength in her voice and when she called for her mother, was barely above a whisper. Slowly her vision turned hazy and Au Mei lost her consciousness—— but until the very end till her eyes closed and the pain became unbearable, she fought to keep her eyes open.


"Are you sure that you cannot stay another day?" asked Au Lisha as she handed her husband his travel bag, she couldn't understand just why exactly her husband had to work this hard. He could have at least stayed another day with her and little Mei, right? She unhappily glared at him. " This is why little Mei was upset with you, you hardly stay at home and meet her."josei

Lin Zhou chuckled as he took the travel bag, stay another day? His wife was already furious because of this plan and he has spent a good deal of his time coaxing her. If not for the sake of her precious son, his wife would have divorced him by now. " Don't worry, this will be the last time. I will make sure that from now on you will have no complaints." And how will she even complain to him when the girl will die soon and he will no longer return here?


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