My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 135 Bad Things

Chapter 135 Bad Things

Song Yan sighed as she looked at Old man Au, though she wasn't unwilling to save Au Mei, she still felt like she was letting Au Lisha off too easily for all the disrespectful words she has said to her. However, a child's life was on the line and having lost her son in her past life, Song Yan knew what kind of feeling it was, so even though she was upset, she still helped Old man Au to stand up straight before taking a deep breath and saying, " If that's the case, then I will begrudgingly agree to it." Then she raised her hands and showed five fingers before continuing, " I won't ask for much just fifty million because the curse inflicted on your granddaughter is not an easy one to deal with, if I were to make a mistake or someone tried to disrupt me, I can easily lose my life. A vengeance like that, it's hard to cure it for once and for all."

Though the others would think that she was trying to take advantage of their situation by asking for such an outrageous sum, Song Yan wasn't lying when she said that she could lose her life.  This curse was a severe case of manifestation of evil spirits, even a novice would know that he needed to be prepared in case the curse was backfired, because if a  curse of this level was rebounded then there was a chance that the one who interfered in the revenge of those spirits will die.

Song Yan knew that the spirit's master hired by Yu Yize will keep himself updated about what was going on with Au Mei. He was the one who intercepted in the revenge of these evil spirits and he was bound to endanger himself if the spirits found out that someone has tricked them.

Evil spirits didn't have much understanding of faces and names, they could only sense the natural Qi of the body, because half of Au Mei's blood belonged to Yu Yize, she naturally shared the same Qi as Yu Yize. When the curse was broken bit by bit and transferred to a body that has the same matter-energy as Yu Yize, the spirits didn't sense it but in case she was to break the curse, it will wake them up and then it will be similar to a situation of shaking up a hornets' nest.

Song Yan knew that the second she started dealing with the curse, the spirit's master would definitely get alert and will try to interfere in the process, when that happened Song Yan not only have to stop him but also take care of the curse.

One mistake, a sudden loss of concentration and she will be the one who will pay dearly. A risk like this naturally deserves an exorbitant price like this.

" Aunt...Please save me." A soft milky voice echoed in the ward as Au Lisha and everyone turned around in surprise, only to find that Au Mei who had been lying on the hospital bed, had woken up, her eyes looked weary and she seemed to be trembling slightly as well. " I ..*cough* … I have the money, I will pay you…please stop this …it *sniff* hurts."

" Little Mei! You are awake!" Au Lisha cried in surprise and rushed to take her daughter in her arm but the latter dodged her open arms and looked at her mother wordlessly. Surprised and hurt, Au Lisha looked at her daughter, " Little Mei?"josei

Au Mei didn't say anything and looked away upon seeing her mother's hurt expression. So many times, she told her mother so many times that there was something wrong with the pastries that her father forced her into eating those pastries, how can she not be upset? If only her mother had believed her instead of her father then she wouldn't be in so much pain.

Old master Au sensed that something was wrong between the mother and daughter pair, so he hurriedly limped over to his granddaughter and carefully placed his old and worn-out hands on top of her head. "Little Mei, don't worry grandpa will pay for your treatment, you just need to pay attention to your health and get well as soon as possible okay?" Then he looked at his daughter who was still looking at her daughter with a surprised expression on her face and sighed. " What are you dazing for? Go and bring some porridge for your daughter to eat, it's a good thing that she has woken up but she is still weak, don't leave her to stay hungry for long."

Au Lisha snapped out of her daze and wiped her tears as she stammered, " R..right, I...I will go and cook the best porridge for my daughter." Then she reached her hand and tried to hold Au Mei's hand but the latter jerked away, hurt flashed on Au Lisha's face and she swallowed the sob that was itching out of her throat. " I...I will go and get your favourite chicken soup and walnut porridge, just wait for me, okay baby."

Then without waiting for Au Mei to say anything she rushed out maybe, Au Lisha knew that her daughter wasn't going to respond to her.

Once she was gone Au Mei peeked out of her blanket and looked at Song Yan who was standing at the other end of the room and spoke in her milky voice, " Aunt will I be able to get well? Can you really cure me?" Although Au Mei was unconscious to the world, she was very much awake and could hear everything, though she didn't understand half of the things that Song Yan said but she understood that she was very capable because only after she healed her, the pain in her body stopped. That was why Au Mei didn't question Song Yan's capabilities at all, she knew that only this aunt would be able to save her!

Because unlike her mother she believed that she could see those bad things who always hurt her.

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