My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 140 Men Are Pigs

Chapter 140 Men Are Pigs

Once Jiang Chu Chu was gone, Song Yan looked at Wang Yufan who was gazing at the disappearing back of the woman and sneered, " If you want to live a long life, you better stay away from that woman."

"What?" Wang Yufan was stunned by these shocking words and whipped his head to look at Song Yan in surprise. " What do you mean by this sister-in-law?"

" I mean exactly what  you heard," said Song Yan and when she saw that Wang Yufan still looked a bit shocked and confused by what she said, she snorted and coldly asked a question, " Why do you even like that woman?"

Song Yan's question wasn't weird and even Wang Yufan thought that he will be able to tell countless good things about Jiang Chu Chu to Song Yan but as he opened his mouth with eyes shining with excitement, he realised that he couldn't come up with anything. Visibly bemused, he thought about the question again and again and finally came up with, " Because she is beautiful?"

Even though he felt like the answer was too superficial, how can he like a woman just based on her looks?

Song Yan snorted after listening to his answer. " The wise woman was right, men really are pigs."

Wang Yufan: "…." Wait let me have another chance I can do better!

Fu Yu Sheng: "…." Why was I dragged into this? I haven't even looked at my wife much less anyone else!

"Sister-in-law, I…" Wang Yufan wanted to say something to defend himself but the funny thing was that he couldn't think of anything. He tried to think of Jiang Chu Chu's redeeming qualities but couldn't the only thing that came to his head was that she was a very beautiful woman, other than that he couldn't think of anything.

" All right, all right," said Song Yan as she rolled her eyes at Wang Yufan. " I will let you on another secret, that woman is a fallen fox demon, she must have done something terrible to be abandoned in the mortal realm, you better stay away from her because every touch of her will sucks your life force." She paused and then for the sake of increasing the severity of the situation added, " She is the reason you were entangled in the accident as well, she will suck all your Yang energy away and that will make you vulnerable to the attacks of the Yin energy, if you want to stay alive, keep a very large distance between her and you because every time you won't be as lucky."

Wang Yufan was so scared that his chopsticks fell out of his hands and fell on the floor, his eyes quivered as he looked at Song Yan. "Sister-in-law, why is it that I am being attacked by these things left and right?"

" Because you are born lucky," said Song Yan with a casual shrug. " to them you are like their own brand of drug they can't help but take a bite of you, and what's more your Yang energy is no strong enough to ward off ghosts."

Unlike Fu Yu Sheng who can take care of a mountain of ghosts with his Yang energy, the guy was seriously God's favourite child not only was he born with extremely fortunate luck but his Yang energy was also incomparable to the men his age.

Wang Yufan felt like he was having a mid-life crisis as he immediately whipped out his phone and said, "Sister-in-law, I saw that you have a bit more talismans in your bag can you sell them to me?"

God, he really was living a dangerous life, wasn't he? He was plagued with danger, left and right, front and back.

Song Yan naturally had no problem, she was very happy to sell those talismans including having a free meal.

" Are you really that happy because of a free meal?" asked Fu Yu Sheng as the two of them stepped out of the restaurant and walked towards his car.josei

" Why won't I be happy?" shot back Song Yan as if she couldn't believe that he was asking such a question. "It's free food, who doesn't like free food? You can literally stop someone in the middle of the street and tell them that you are treating them to a free meal at  a five-star restaurant, lets's see how they react."

Fu Yu Sheng had nothing to say to her over this, he seemed to have learned that no matter how hard he tried, he will never be able to win any arguments with Song Yan, so he just sighed before opening the door of the passenger's seat. " Get in."

Song Yan pursed her lips feeling a bit annoyed, what was with him and that authoritative voice of his? Like he expected her to follow whatever he says? " Who said that I am coming with you? Don't you need to go and see your mistress?"

It was safe to say that Fu Yu Sheng received the shock of the century as he coughed out loud after choking on air and sputtered, " Mistress? Since when did I have a mistress?"

He was having a hard time with one alone like he couldn't even understand how men were able to keep a side chick next to them when they had a wife? Were they not scared of losing their puny lives?

" Yeah, your office." When Fu Yu Sheng looked at her like he couldn't stand her anymore, she rolled her eyes and looked away. " What are you looking at me like that? Am I not saying the truth? You are more attentive to your office than you have ever been attentive to me."

" So, you don't have to put your work on hold because of me and waste your time chaperoning me here and there, I can return home in a cab."

Fu Yu Sheng felt his forehead throb, as he pinched the space between his eyebrows. " Just get in Yan'er, we will talk it out inside the car," then he motioned around the small crowd that was gathered around to watch the drama. " Or do you want to let others see a joke?"

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