My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 144 Do..Not..Interfere.

Chapter 144 Do..Not..Interfere.

" Hello?" said Song Yan as she picked up the call not knowing that behind her, her son was acting like the big CEOs in the dramas. "This is Song Yan speaking who is this?"

" ….Miss Song, it's me…" a hesitant female voice answered causing Song Yan's brows to scrunch up even more. She couldn't figure out who was calling her with all the static noise that was coming from the background. " Umm, it's me…"

" What are you going on it's me? It's me?" snapped an elderly voice filled with vigour and then there was a sound of the phone being snatched followed by another round of scolding. "It's me …it's me, are you a superstar or what that she is going to realise who is calling her from just one call."

" But dad, I am a superstar."josei

" Don't correct me, you idiot. I am the reason you are here!" snapped the elderly man before putting the phone closer to his ear and speaking on the speaker. " Hello, Miss Song! It's me, grandpa Au. You remember me right?"

" I do, we just met a few hours ago, grandpa," answered Song Yan a bit amused by the bantering that she just heard. " Is there something the matter?"

" Well, it's like this …" Grandpa Au hesitated as he carefully seemed to be pondering over what he was going to say before he cleared his throat and hesitatingly asked, " Miss Song, is it necessary that we get you a red diamond? No, I was wondering whether or not a normal diamond would be all right?"

Song Yan frowned as she looked over her shoulder to see Fu Chen who puffed his chest like he has done something big. She would have asked what he was doing but then her attention was diverted to the call again as Grandpa Au called her name, " Miss Song?"

​ " I wouldn't have asked for a red diamond if a simple diamond would have worked," said Song Yan as she answered Old man Au's questions. " Children like pretty and vibrant things, the more beautiful the more they are attracted to it. I asked for red because even though Yu Yize didn't kill children of a particular gender, from what I can see is that the death of girl child was a lot more when compared to boys. The spirits that Little Mei can see also belong to girls, the vengeance of those girls is significantly higher than that of boys and that's why I asked for the colour red, girls like vibrant colours and the curse will be easily transferred to a blood-red diamond than an ordinary one."

Then she thought about something and asked, " Why…did something happen?"

Old master Au was hesitant at first but after a while, he told her what was happening, turns out that there was suddenly a shortage of blood-red diamonds, they were rare, to begin with, and now that another business tycoon was suddenly interested in buying all red diamonds, Old master Au, no matter how hard he tried and how much money he was ready to spend, he couldn't get his hands on a red diamond.

And that was when he applied all his efforts and called all his contacts.

Such a situation happened to him for the first time, before this he could buy literally anything without this much trouble. It was as if some supernatural power was working against him and no matter how much he tried to fight it, there was nothing he could do.

In the beginning, he thought that maybe he was thinking too much but then just an hour ago he received a call from his old friend who owned a jewellery shop. Old man Au was certain that he would be able to buy a red diamond from him and he was even prepared to get his hands on one when his old mate told him that the only red diamond in his shop has been stolen.

Old man Au was shocked, his friend's shop has been opened for ages and yet never once was there a theft but today when he needed the red diamond the most, there was a theft and what was stolen was the one and only red diamond that he needed!

How can he be at ease after all this? He immediately thought of calling Song Yan feeling there was something more to what was happening, something he couldn't see.

Song Yan's brows scrunched up and she cancelled the call, on the other side Old man Au was stunned, he was just going to ask his daughter if she forgot to pay the phone bill when Song Yan's video call came through and he hurriedly picked it up.

" Miss..S...Song?" asked Old man Au looking a bit startled at the sudden video call.

" Is little Mei, next to you?" she asked and Old master Au nodded hurriedly before turning the camera to his granddaughter who was watching Detective Dino on the television in her hospital room. Though they wanted to take her back home since there was nothing wrong with her but then, the doctor advised them to stay a night for follow up and neither he nor Au Lisha could refuse.

When the camera turned around, Song Yan saw Little Mei enjoying the show that she was watching laughing and giggling completely oblivious of the deformed miasma that was sitting next to her. Her brows furrowed even more when she noticed how that thing turned its head in her direction like it knew that she was the threat here.

Looks like she can no longer delay the matter of breaking the curse, the malevolent thing seemed to have developed a consciousness. No wonder the Au family wasn't able to get a red diamond, the thing was aiming for Au Mei's life and with it pulling the strings from behind, no matter how hard they tried they wouldn't be able to save Au Mei.

She was just thinking about what she needed to do when the deformed black lump on Au Mei's bed suddenly floated in the air at an incredible pace and covered the screen before croaking. " Do..not …interfere…" and then the line went dead.


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