My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 151 Make Him Pay.

Chapter 151 Make Him Pay.

Fu Yu Sheng couldn't even reply before Assistant Xu hurriedly continued, " He said that he has something important to discuss with you and before I could refuse, he said that he has already arranged a surprise for you in case you deny meeting him. That's why I didn't refuse him because the company is still stabilising after what happened years ago and we haven't pulled back all the samples of that health drinks  yet from the market, in case something happened then it would mean bringing bad publicity for our company."

After listening to Assistant Xu's words, Fu Yu Sheng had a faint inkling about what exactly Master Song had to say to him, his fingers clenched around his phone tightly as he replied, " I see."

So many years have passed does that man think that he was still in the same lurch as he was years ago? Back then he was young and couldn't fight back against Song Yan's father because he wasn't skilled enough and why will he be? He wasn't meant to inherit the Fu corporation yet he had to and then he had to pay for his lack of capabilities by spending so many years making that one wrong into right but that doesn't mean that he will stay the same as ever will he?

" I will be very happy to meet him then because I too have a surprise for him," gritted out as he clenched his fingers and cracked the screen of his phone with the pressure that he applied on it.

When the call was abruptly hung, Assistant Xu knew that a storm was brewing and will definitely crash in the Fu corporates tomorrow, so he hurriedly booked a ticket, afraid that if he was a second too late blood might spill on the grounds of the Fu corporation because no one hated Master Song as much as his boss did and maybe with the passage of all these years, this hatred might have just turned even more raging.


The next day.

Assistant Xu shivered while standing in the CEO's office, he have already asked the department to do something about this chilling temperature but the reply he got was that they were running the aircon of the office at a normal temperature and they were to reduce the cooling they might receive several complaints from other departments, which confirmed his guess that this chilly air wasn't coming from the air conditioning in the office but his boss who was staring at his wrist watch.

" He is late," spat Fu Yu Sheng as he tapped on the table and looked at the Assistant Xu who was standing beside him. " Did he really agree to the ten o clock in the morning? And not of the night?"

Cold sweat dripped from Assistant Xu's forehead as he nodded. " Rest assured that Master Song confirmed the meeting at ten in the morning."

" Then why isn't he here," said Fu Yu Sheng knowing fully well what kind of man, his father-in-law was. With impatience burning in his heart, he coolly ordered, " Tell him that if he isn't here in the next five minutes then there is no need for him to come at all."

"But sir the batch of drinks——" began Assistant Xu but later shut up when Fu Yu Sheng gave him a side-eye glare. " I got it."

Assistant Xu did as Fu Yu Sheng said and two minutes later, someone knocked on the door. Fu Yu Sheng sneered as he kicked back and leaned against his chair, sure enough, that man was making him wait purposely.

"Boss, should I open the door?" asked Assistant Xu when he saw that Fu Yu Sheng was saying nothing.

" Did I ask you to open the door yet?" said Fu Yu Sheng as he quirked an eyebrow. Then he looked at his wristwatch and calmly said, " Master Song was seven minutes, twenty seconds late. Open the door when that much time has passed."

Seeing his boss giving Master Song 'tit for tat', assistant Xu was slightly emotional. Years ago when his boss married Song Yan, Master Song took advantage of their lack of attention and snatched a batch of their health drinks from their warehouse and that wasn't enough using the trust that Fu Yu Sheng had in him, Master Song stole the recipe of that health drink as well.

That recipe was of their most popular and best-selling health drinks, even many influential figures and actors drank it, such a thing cause a huge uproar in their company and what was more Master Song used that recipe to threaten Fu Yu Sheng. The company was newly acquired by Fu Yu Sheng if a piece of news like that had come out then the shareholders would have rebelled against Fu Yu Sheng, so even if Fu Yu Sheng hated Song Yan's father, he had to bow his head in front of him and accept defeat.

Master Song threatened that if Fu Yu Sheng didn't do as he asked him to then he will release a batch of health drinks with drugs mixed in it. If he did that not only many lives would have been lost, Fu Yu Sheng would have been arrested as well, and that wasn't all, the authenticity and pride of the Fu corporation would have been lost as well… it was a bottleneck situation, they couldn't suddenly stop the production of the most popular drink that brought the least traffic to their company or else the shareholders would have created a ruckus and if he did not do anything then he would have let the hard work of his dead father and grandfather down.

So, Fu Yu Sheng did what his father-in-law asked him to do, he stayed away from his wife.

He couldn't even return when Song Yan met with the accident because Master Song threatened him. Fu Yu Sheng knew that his father-in-law was aiming for Song Yan to file for a divorce and he wouldn't deny that it hurt to see that the man succeeded in his plans.josei

Eight years, this man has snatched eight years from him… snatched the time that he will never get back. He will be damned if he does not make this man pay for the time he took away from him, because of him he couldn't even hold his son in his arms, never once.

A murderous glint flashed in Fu Yu Sheng's eyes as he said, " Time is up, open the door and bring our respectable guest in, assistant Xu what are you waiting for?"

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