My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 161 My Goddess!

Chapter 161 My Goddess!

" You bastard, I have called you for ages and ages…yet you didn't pick up my call! Now you dare to come back, why don't you let me smack your face huh!" screamed Old man Au as the young man dodged his incoming hits and sneaked inside the house ignoring the shouts of his father. " I did not come back for you or her, I came back for my niece, I have heard of what happened to her and yet instead of taking her to another specialist you actually looked for a crook to treat her? Are you both out of your minds?"

" Cheung, at least listen to us first," Au Lisha felt her head throb as she glanced at the housekeeping aunty who hurriedly lowered her head. She knew that the aunt meant well but she shouldn't have let Au Cheung know about this matter until it was dealt with, now her brother will definitely create another round of ruckus and with his uncouth mouth if he offends Song Yan as she did then who will help her break the curse? The last time Song Yan gave face to her father, but if this time she was offended again, then Au Lisha was afraid that Song Yan will leave her daughter to die. " You have no idea what you are talking about at the moment, so you better stay out of it."

" Stay out of it?" echoed Au Cheung as he looked at his sister in shock and horror, putting his hands on his waist, he licked his bottom lip and then looked left and right before looking back at his sister. " How am I supposed to stay out of this matter huh? She might be your daughter but she is my niece and I can not just leave her alone when her mother is using half of what is left of her pea-size brain! You are living in modern times, between intellectual people like me, how can you believe in such feudal nonsense? Even if you were fooled by that crook, you should have taken proper care of little Mei, you should think of her first before doing something like this, what kind of danger she might be in if you leave her in the hands of that crook huh?"

" I don't want to listen to such a thing from someone who has been living away from home for years!" snapped Au Lisha as she glared at her brother. " You have never cared about little Mei and hardly ever came back home to see her, you weren't there for her when she needed you when we needed you…when dad called you back, saying that he was old and couldn't hold on to the chair of the CEO but did you come back? No!——-"

" And whose fault was that huh? Whose fault was it that I didn't return home?"josei

" I get it! I know it was my fault but you could have been the bigger person and tried to make me understand… even if I was not listening, you should have at least held on like dad but you didn't, you left me, you left Mei and now I don't want you to turn up all of a sudden and act like you care when you have never cared!" shouted Au Lisha as she got face to face with her brother. " I don't need you at the moment, so do me a favour and f*ck the piss off."

" Be the bigger person? You were born seven years before me! You are the big sister and you want me to be the bigger person here? And I don't have the fetish to play the lute in front of a dumb cow!"

" Are you calling me fat?"

" I am calling you dumb! See, this is your problem you miss the important part and only hear what you want to hear. Dumb dumb!"

" Shut up! I don't want to hear anything from a horny dog, who would climb anything as long as it wears a skirt, even if it's a pole!"

" You called me a dog?"

" No, I called you a walking talking STD shot!"

" Calm down you brats, listen to me, hey I am your dad! I came before both of you! I said stop! Don't ignore someone who is fifty years older than you both!"

As soon as Song Yan stepped into the house, this was the scene that she witnessed. Au Lisha was tugging on a young man's hair looking like she wasn't going to let go anytime sooner until she ends up pulling a tuft of his hair while the young man was pulling her cheeks making sure that it made Au Lisha wince and Old man Au was jumping around like a waddling penguin hitting both of them with his cane.

" They sure look lively for a family who has a cursed person in their house," commented Fang Yanli as she watched the scene in front of her with interest. " Maybe he should try kicking their faces, that might get him some attention."

Song Yan ignored Fang Yanli who was shouting suggestions to Old man Au and pinched the bridge of her nose before turning to look at the mess in front of her, with her voice raised slightly she called out, " Should I leave or what?"

Only then did the Au family turn to look at her, she raised her brow when her gaze fell on the young vet she had met a few days ago and she was pleasantly surprised. She didn't think that this man was the young master of the Au family.

While Song Yan was looking at Au Cheung the latter was also looking at her with wide eyes.

Au Lisha who was shocked by Song Yan's sudden appearance missed her brother's expression and hurriedly muttered under her breath. " I am warning you don't even think about offending that woman or else I will—-"

She was in the middle of speaking when her brother ignored her and rushed towards Song Yan, stunned she was going to stop him because she saw another trouble coming but then ——

" My Goddess! I finally got a chance to meet you!" exclaimed Au Cheung as he clasped Song Yan's hands in his.

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