My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 178 People Should Know When To Be Grateful.

Chapter 178 People Should Know When To Be Grateful.

A/n:  Beginning of Fu Yu Shen's arc, I will make him suffer muahahaha!

" Brother Fu?" After Wang Yufan answered the question, he noticed that there came no sound from the other side. Stunned, he called Fu Yu Sheng's name only to realise that the other person has actually 'ended' the call! Eyes wide, he took the phone off his ear and then took a look at the screen and sure enough the call has ended two minutes ago. " Damn, that man! He has always been like this, using me and throwing me like I am a worthless piece of crap!"

If only Wang Yufan had a handkerchief in his mouth and was tugging it with his teeth then he would have perfected the image of an abandoned lover.

He cursed Fu Yu Sheng for quite a while but then he paused and thought about it carefully. " But why did brother Fu ask me this question? Don't tell me—-" Wang Yufan shot up straight from his bed and an excited expression came on his face. " Ohho, looks like spring is finally here for my brother, should I tell my sister-in-law about this? Maybe I should…" he trailed off before closing the messaging app with a sly expression. " No, this is my chance to get revenge for all the time, Fu Yu Sheng has troubled me, if I don't use this opportunity to have my fun then when will I get my chance again?"

With that he dropped his phone on the bed and went back to sleep, he needed to finish shooting his scenes tomorrow before he could get a weekend off to visit his family. He needed to give those talismans to his mother as soon as possible before something bad happens to her.josei

On the other side, Fu Yu Sheng was staring at the book in his head and nursing his temples. " Jealous huh?" Who would have thought that he will get so much to learn from a book?

However, as he flipped through the pages another question popped into his head —- from where did a ghost bring so many books? They don't look new to him.

In the Fu mansion, a distinct roar of fury echoed in the house.

Fu Yu Shen was getting ready to go out to have a blast with his friends when there came the sound of someone rushing into his room and then Fu Rong burst inside with a face that was red as a tomato. " Did you steal my books?"

" Steal what books?" frowning Fu Yu Sheng looked at his little sister with eyes brimming with confusion. " What books are you talking about, I have never seen you reading any book."

Fu Rong's face flushed even redder, it was true that she has never read any course books in her life but she has read a lot of 'romance books' that somehow by some coincidence were rated eighteen. It wasn't that she bought the r18 ones, it was just a freak of accident nothing more there was no way she was a simp for fictional characters and their love lives and she definitely didn't have dreams of big, bad boys.

Every night after she was done with her daily routine and was assured that no one was going to disturb her anymore, she would pick her favourite book from the stack and read a few pages before sleeping, so that she will have good dreams. Like every night, she was prepared to do the same tonight as well but then she noticed that the books in her stacks were actually missing!

Immediately, her suspicion darted to Fu Yu Shen because only her third brother had the habit of pulling pranks on her every once in a while, just yesterday he put salt in her coffee.

" You know, what I am talking about!" snapped Fu Rong as she stomped towards the bewildered Fu Yu Shen. " You are the only one in the house and if you didn't take my books then who else would do something like this?"

Fang Yanli: "…." Oops?

" I haven't taken your book all right?" Fu Yu Shen pushed his sister aside as she was standing in between the mirror and him. " I don't have the habit of doing something like this, I might pull pranks on you but I will never snoop through someone's personal belongings."

Fu Rong pursed her lips and immediately shot back, " Says the one who swooped through second sister-in-law's belongings and then ruined them by pouring orange juice on them."

When Song Yan was living in the Fu mansion, Fu Yu Shen wouldn't bully her all the time like Fu Rong and Song Lan but he would sometimes make things difficult for her whenever Song Lan would come crying to him. There was one time when Song Lan complained to him that Song Yan didn't let her take one of the Chanel dress that she liked so much —— that dress was one of the limited edition dresses and Fu Yu Sheng was the one who sent it to Song Yan after much consideration and Song Yan too adored that dress with all her heart.

Of course, anything that Song Yan had, Song Lan would want it too. Especially, if it was sent by Fu Yu Sheng—- thus, like always she tried to take that dress away from Song Yan but the latter refused even going so far as fighting with her since she didn't want to give the dress that her husband bought for her to another woman.

That was the first time Song Yan fought back surprising Song Lan so much that instead of fighting back and taking the dress the latter went ahead and complained to Fu Yu Shen who like a hero rushing to the aid of a damsel in distress rushed to Song Yan's room and destroyed the very dress she adored.

And when Song Yan confronted him, asking why he did that, what Fu Yu Shen said was —-  'People should know their own worth and be grateful, do you think that you are worthy of my brother? Only someone like Sister Lan is worthy of him …classy, kind and the heir of the Song family. Be glad that you are allowed to stay in the house, if you can't stay silently then piss off!'

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