My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 189 You Owe Me.

Chapter 189 You Owe Me.

Fu Chen pursed his lips and refused to cry as he blinked his eyes.

" You are important," he muttered through it was spoken so softly that Fu Yu Sheng almost missed it, but somehow he managed to listen to what Fu Chen said and his smile warmed up a little before he crouched down and rubbed his palm against Fu Chen's cheek and said, " I know, but I am not as important as your mother —— even without me you would have been able to survive, Chen Chen but that would have been a different scenario if your mother would have gone with me too."

" I know," said Fu Chen, he knew in his heart that though his father was important to him in one way or another, he would still have been fine without him. Because his father was too strict and cold, for this reason, he wasn't close to him but that could not be said for his mother. He adored his mother who was with him all along, if something happened to his mother because she went together with his father, then maybe he would have blamed his father for a very long time.

Maybe it was wrong to have a favourite parent but Fu Chen clearly did have one and Fu Yu Sheng wasn't even upset about it, he picked up his son and nuzzled his nose against his. " That's why I couldn't take you two with me, for if I did then you would have been in much more trouble than you were without me."

Fu Chen didn't say anything, he just hugged his father and silently blinked away his tears, though he was still somewhat angry at his father for his long disappearance, that anger was somewhat extinguished now. " Does mother knows about it?"

" No, and I would prefer to keep it that way," said Fu Yu Sheng as he carried Fu Chen out of the washroom.

" Why?" asked Fu Chen as he raised his head and looked up at his father, wasn't it a good thing? If they tell their mother about the truth then she will stop being angry with his father no?josei

" Because I do not want your mother to forgive me because she feels sorry for me," said Fu Yu Sheng before walking out of the supermarket. " I want to earn her forgiveness my way, I might not be the best husband but just because I got shot, it doesn't change the fact that I chose my company over your mother, I had a choice back then and I chose my family and their dreams over your mother who needed me just as much. So, even if I don't admit to it, I do deserve the suffering your mother is putting me up to."

" Then why did you tell me then?" asked Fu Chen looking stunned, if that was the reason why his father was hiding it from his mother then he should have hidden it from him too, right? He wasn't the best dad either! So why not earn his forgiveness?

" Because I need Chen Chen to stop acting like a brat whenever I try to take you and your mother out," replied Fu Yu Sheng simply. " If you keep acting up then I won't be able to get close to your mother." And what was more Song Yan was smarter than Fu Chen, if she find out about his attack and then started to piece together, she will definitely go to the Song family asking for trouble.

After all, she was someone like that.

At first, he too thought that he was being assassinated but later on he realised that the hired gunmen though skilful, they never tried to kill him. It was as if they just wanted to leave him half alive so that they would be able to take him away, which struck suspicious him, his enemies wanted him dead so who was the person behind his kidnapping tries?

He didn't find out much but he did find out that it had to do something with the Song family and from what he has learned about that family, he was sure that there was something awful planned for him if he would have fallen into their hands.

Song Yan was on the verge of walking out and checking up on her son when she noticed Fu Yu Sheng walk back with Fu Chen in his arms. Contrary to the time when he was being taken away, Fu Chen was a lot more docile now as he rested his chin on the crook of his father's shoulder, her eyebrows twitched as she took in the scene in front of her.

Don't tell her that Fu Yu Sheng won over Fu Chen so easily?  Did the two go to relieve themselves or were they bonding in the restroom?

" What?" asked Fu Yu Sheng as he helped Fu Chen into the back seat and then slid inside the car. " Why are you looking at me like that ?"

" You seem to have a knack for pulling people to your side," was all Song Yan said as she realised that her son was indeed no longer as resistant towards his dad as he was earlier.

Fu Yu Sheng casually shrugged and said, " I just took him out to a bathroom break, it's not my fault that he missed me so much."

Fu Chen: "…." Who missed you? You old man!

But for the sake of their newfound cooperation, Fu Chen didn't say anything and just stayed silent. Let him lie, if he wanted to, it wasn't like his mother was going to believe him right away.

Song Yan indeed didn't believe a thing that Fu Yu Sheng said, she turned to Fu Chen and asked, " Chen Chen, did daddy say anything to you?"

'Yes, he said a lot of things but I can't you a single thing, mom.' Thought Fu Chen as he smiled and answered, " Nope, not at all."

" Really?" said Song Yan with a frown.

" Yeah, mommy … I just ..m..m..missed my dad, yeah that's all." You owe me one, you old man. YOU. OWE. ME!

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