My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 191 Roller Coaster.

Chapter 191 Roller Coaster.

" Grandpa must have remembered wrongly," said Fu Yu Sheng as he put the wallet back in his pocket, and picked up Fu Chen in his arms before heading inside the amusement park. " It wasn't me, it was Yu Shen, he might have been confused between the two of us."

Song Yan felt her lips twitch, as she stared at his reddened ears and decided to tease him a little more before following after him. " But grandfather also showed me a video of yours where you are dancing to the superhero theme."josei

" No, I didn't dance!" Almost immediately Fu Yu Sheng retorted as he turned around. " I was just jumping up and down because I was excited, but I did not danc…" his speech faltered as he glared at Song Yan who was trying to suppress her laugh.

" Very funny, very amusing." He muttered darkly as he walked away from Song Yan, he came here to woo her but she was here to make fun of him, amazing.

" Oh come on it wasn't that bad," said Song Yan as she easily followed after Fu Yu Sheng who was walking away while muttering under his breath. " I mean, I was just trying to point out how alike you and Chen Chen are, nothing more."

" He is my son, of course, he will have some similar traits as me," now that the truth was out in the open, Fu Yu Sheng could no longer save whatever self-respect that he had in front of his wife and son.

Fu Chen who heard that his father was a fan of superheroes too was a little excited as he looked at his father and said, " Hey, dad you liked  superheroes too?"

" I don't remember, I was young back then and I do not have any recollection of that time," there was no way he was going to let those embarrassing memories of his past jump out of the box all right but when a man marries a woman, he has literally signed up for nothing but trouble.

Fu Yu Sheng too signed up for trouble because not even a second went by after he said that when Song Yan leaned forward and said, " Of course, your father was really in love with the superheroes of his time… every time his favourite superhero theme was played on the television, he will go around jumping and imitating the characters, your great grandpa has a private collection of those videos if you want to watch them you can ask your great grandpa to show it to you."

' Grandpa!' Fu Yu Sheng scolded his grandfather for recording his dark history and at the same time swore that he was going to find that collection and destroy it once and for all.

" Anyway, enough about that…" said Fu Yu Sheng before Song Yan could say anything more about his embarrassing memories to their son and changed the topic. " Is there anywhere particular you want to go?"

" I do, I do!" Fu Chen raised his hand already distracted by what his father said and turned all his attention to his father as he shouted. " I have a ride in my mind, Chen Chen wanted to ride it ever since Chen Chen saw it on television! Let's go, put me down, I will show you where it is."

Fu Yu Sheng did as his son asked but he remembered to clasp Fu Chen's wrist in his hand as he allowed his son to lead him.

" Good strategy," whispered Song Yan from the side with her eyes alight in amusement.

" Shut up." snapped Fu Yu Sheng with red cheeks, where did his wife from the past go? He was willing to take that one instead of this troublemaker!

At least the former one didn't leak his secrets like this!

"You remember the time when you——"

" I said shut up!"

Fu Yu Sheng soon however didn't have the strength or the concentration to fight with Song Yan as he stared at the horrible thing in front of him. Now he was sure, his son was born only because he wanted to make him pay for every freakin sin he committed in his past life because there was no other explanation as to why this debt collector brought him here.

Of all things here!

"I want to ride this!" said Fu Chen as he pointed to the roller coaster in front of him. " Chen Chen….Chen Chen saw it on tv and wanted to ride it for a long time, now take me there!" He was so excited that he was turning breathless.

Fu Yu Sheng almost immediately took a step back and tried to put an end to his son's horrible plan. " I don't think so, Chen Chen… you are too young, I don't think you should take a ride at such a thing."

" Oh come on," said Song Yan as she picked Fu Chen up and headed towards the spot where they checked whether a child was fit enough to ride the roller coaster or not. "It's not like he is that young, he can at least take a ride on the roller coaster."

As she put Chen Chen in front of the height measuring instrument, Fu Yu Sheng prayed that Fu Chen's height turns out to be a bit less and he was stopped from riding the roller coaster. But maybe his fortunate luck was on a holiday today because not only did Fu Chen's height meet the standards he was deemed completely fine to ride that thing.

" Mum I will sit here," said Fu Chen as he pointed to the seat where he wanted to sit, Song Yan, nodded as she helped him up  before she turned to Fu Yu Sheng and said, " Get in."

" Get in where?" said Fu Yu Sheng trying to calm himself down.

"In the roller coaster, where else?" responded Song Yan but then she noticed Fu Yu Sheng's clammy hands and sweaty forehead and her lips curled in a smirk. " Don't tell me you are scared of roller coasters ?"

Of course, Fu Yu Sheng will never admit to it, so he moved his jelly legs and sat on the roller coaster next to Fu Chen and next to him sat Song Yan.

Two seconds later after the ride started, Song Yan felt her hand being squeezed as a mournful scream shot through the clearing.

But it wasn't her little brat, it was her big brat.

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