My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 196 Give And Take

Chapter 196 Give And Take

"Theft of what?" asked Fu Yu Sheng, though he had heard about someone trying to steal someone's identity card and maybe there were some weird cases where someone would pretend that they were someone else but he never thought that someone could even steal someone's entire existence.

"It's the darkest of all magic," said Song Yan as she tried to remember what Gu Yujin told her about the ' Stolen Existence Ritual'. " It requires the blood of the person you want to steal existence of along with their birth character and as well as a strand of the person whose identity the person intends to steal. Once these things are in the hand of the culprit they can easily go through the rest of the ritual, no one would even find out about what is going on even the person whose identity is being stolen because the ritual does not harm either of the parties, so until the entire thing is completed nothing will happen as it happens in other rituals."

" The master whoever it is will perform the stolen existence ritual on the darkest night when the moon does not rise, with the blood of the person and the birth character, he will make a mask so fine that it will look like someone has skinned it from the face of a person. Once this mask is in the hand of the person who wanted to steal the existence of someone else, all he needs to do is to wear it and the rest of the work will be done by the mask itself."

" Can't they just go and like get a plastic surgery?" asked Fu Yu Sheng after he was done listening to what Song Yan had to say. "I mean why go through so much trouble right? Just get the surgery done right?"

Song Yan shook her head as she explained patiently, " You are underestimating the power of the mask, it just does not change just the facial features of a person, it changes their complete identity. A plastic surgeon no matter how good they are, will still not be able to mirror everything from top to bottom without making a mistake and there are also other factors like height, weight and body type… even if they change the face successfully, they cannot change these factors, can they? But the mask made from the stolen existence ritual is different, not only will it change the facial feature of a person, but it will also change everything else until the person completely morphs into someone else to tee."

Though the entire thing sounded very simple but the simpler it was the scarier—— especially to Fu Yu Sheng who nearly got his identity almost stolen so many times, there were even a few times the attackers managed to get a bit of his blood, it's a good thing that his security team was able to tackle them almost immediately, or who knows what might have happened to him.

" What about the person whose existence was stolen? What happens to them?" asked Fu Yu Sheng as he carefully tried to remember if he ever messed up and lost a great deal of his blood.

" Nothing," said Song Yan with her eyes trained on the road that was slowly getting dark with the setting sun. " They will not feel anything and if the other person pretending to be them wanted to leave them alone there is a chance they can do that but they won't because the stolen existence mask is like a modern-day smartphone, it needs to be recharged again and again except it requires blood or else it will lose its powers. Secondly, there is a rule that the person who is wearing the mask can never come in contact with the one whose identity he stole because then the mask will lose its powers almost immediately. They wouldn't want that, will they? So, it's better to keep the person whose identity was stolen as close to them as possible."

After she was finished saying this, Song Yan shrugged and added, " I never thought that something like this was possible though, after all, the stolen existence ritual requires a lot of sacrifice on the part of the culprit as well."

" What kind of sacrifice? Did you not say that the person does not get harmed?" said Fu Yu Sheng as he questioned Song Yan who smiled and said, "It's true that the person does not suffer when they are alive but you forgot what I said at the beginning of my explanation, its dark magic and no dark magic is without the purpose of giving and taking. The wearer of the mask will eventually be able to take over everything that they want but at the same time they will start losing their existence as well, the mask will distort their face and everything else until the wearer becomes nothing but an inhuman shell who needs to rely on the mask every time they look in the mirror because the mask will slowly destroy their face until their face starts to resemble the victim of a fire accident."

" And someone still wants to use it?" asked Fu Yu Sheng sounding a bit horrified, though he could understand the greed behind wanting to have that mask but the after effects, were they not just too cruel? Who would want to live like that?

" For some people fame, power and money are more important," said Song Yan as she shrugged. " They will be willing to take the risk after all they might think that it's better to be rich and ugly than being poor and beautiful. The mask is an extremely easy shortcut to rely on the hard work and efforts of someone else so why not?"

Fu Yu Sheng's eyes glittered sharply as he thought about what he learned carefully, it seems that he has to start taking care of himself even more and —— he also needs to send someone to trail after the current head of the Song family because he was smelling something fishy.josei

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