My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 201 The Only Thing That I Asked

Chapter 201 The Only Thing That I Asked

A/n: Fu YuSheng will be tormented no matter what don't worry.

Uh - oh, these two words described Fu Yu Shen's mental condition perfectly,  he was so eager to meet Qi Genghis that the report about the financial records, dealings and the year-end decisions that he made as the acting director of the Star height entertainment company completely slipped his mind, he thought he will do it after he returned home but then he couldn't even stand straight after drinking the night away with Qi Genghis and damn her taste was so good that he was drunk for a good deal of the night even without the wine and booze, so writing the report was something he couldn't do it.

In fact, he thought that since his second brother was busy wooing that useless woman, he would be too busy to ask for that report and then decided to do it after he woke up but then he woke up and started seeing ghosts left, right, front and back —— the report … he hadn't even started on it and what was more he abandoned the report that was so important because he wanted to spend his night with a woman and his cousin—— Ji Haoyu, someone who was on his second brother's hit list.

" I—-" he turned to look at Fu Rong who immediately turned her head away, her action was simple and curt, she was clearly telling him that she was not going to help him, no matter what and he should not even think about her helping him. He knew that he messed up and he always messed up in one way or another but that was behind the back of his brothers, at least until he was caught and now he was caught with no leeway of escaping.

" You?" prodded Fu Yu Sheng as he peered down at him with eyes that were holding so much anger, disappointment and a lot more emotions but it was the disappointment that weighted down on Fu Yu Shen's heart the most. He knew that his brother was going to be upset with him, he made a mess earlier two months ago and his brother solved it for him, he nearly saved his ass that was going to heavily crash land in the prison but Fu Yu Sheng saved him when he promised that he will be good and will take care of the company properly and two months later he was back to his old track, leaving the work to Xia Qinghuan and rushing off to seeing this woman and that, it was a freaking miracle that Xia Qinghuan hasn't complained about him till now but maybe she too might have just given up on him, realising that he was no good.

Disappointing her didn't feel as bad as it did when the same disappointment was in the eyes of his second brother. His second brother has always believed in him and has taken care of him every now and then but here he was —— disappointing him all over again.

"I went to a party," said Fu Yu Shen finally, he was a f*ck up and he only knew how to f*ck up it was about time his second brother understood this and stops looking for something good in him. It was his fault anyway, why was he handing such a big responsibility to him when his second brother knew that he was good for nothing, was there even a need for him to work hard, wasn't second brother working hard enough for the family? He swallowed and then looked away from the disappointment that glazed his second brother's eyes. " I was tired, it was the weekend and I will do it…I will do the report when it's working days."

" Do you even know what working days are, Yu Shen?" asked Fu Yu Sheng as he took the report that the old butler handed him and he started reciting off, " You went to the golf club on Monday, went on a cruise on Tuesday, then took two break days because you were hungover and then on Friday you went on a date with one of the rising actresses and then you were not seen till the evening of Saturday, and on Saturday you went partying again, so what exactly were you tired of? Eating, sleeping and doing whatever you want? Is that what you should be doing at the age of twenty-seven?"

He threw the report in his hands that hit Fu Yu Shen squarely on his face, generally, Fu Yu Sheng would have dealt with this situation calmly but he couldn't do it, not anymore. " You are in your late twenties, not in late teens that you can not see what is more important! You go around goofing around doing god knows what and then you turn up with this—-" he breathed in and  out before exhaling loudly, as he asked, " I am asking you where did you go, at least tell me so that I can get a good idea about what happened to you."

" Ji Haoyu," murmured Fu Yu Shen in a voice that was lower than that of a mosquito but Fu Yu Sheng heard him and the flash of sheer anger that glinted on his face told everyone that he wasn't happy about it.

" Did I not tell you to stay away from him?" whispered Fu Yu Sheng threateningly. " Did I not say that he was not allowed to meet you?"

Fu Yu Sheng did warn Fu Yu Shen not to approach Ji Haoyu after what happened with Li Rou, the company was closely monitored, examined and investigated, and when it was found out that Ji Haoyu was responsible for taking bribes from Li Rou, Fu Yu Sheng did ask him to stay away from Ji Haoyu but —- " He is the only one who has been with me all these years, you never cared about me brother."

" And this was the only thing that asked you to do! All these years have I asked you all to do anything for me? Twenty years Yu Shen, I gave this family twenty years of my blood, sweat and life. Left my wife and son behind, to take care of your ungrateful arses and in return, I asked just a small thing and that was to stay away from that Ji family's brat, and you couldn't even do that?"

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