My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 209 This Can’t Be True

Chapter 209 This Can’t Be True

" I am glad that you are always so straightforward, Rong'er," said Song Yan as she threw her arm behind her chair and looked at Fu Rong with a sly smile. " The reason I called you is pretty simple, I want you to help me with something."

" Help…Help you with som..something second sister in law?" Fu Rong felt like all her dreams have come true, she always wanted to be of some use to her second sister-in-law ever since she saved her from the thugs that Song Lan hired, now that her time to shine had finally arrived,  Fu Rong wanted to make use of this opportunity the most. " What can...I help you with second sister-in-law? I am even willing to give my life for you." With a shy voice and tentative expression, Fu Rong looked at Song Yan who almost felt like a thug luring in a nice little girl.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Song Yan stared at Fu Rong and said, "First of all stop looking at me like I am your first love it's super weird all right? And stop twirling your hands like that sit up straight and stop moving!"

Fu Rong immediately sat up straight in her seat, as she was asked and looked at Song Yan who looked at her with a stern expression and nodded. " Very well, the thing is that I want to start a company."

" A company?" mused Fu Rong dropping the fry that she has just picked up from the tray and looked at Song Yan with an alarmed expression. " But sister-in-law, running a company isn't as easy as it looks, you have no idea because of running a company my second brother is going through a very severe condition." A condition where his personality switches with a flick of his expression.

Song Yan raised her brow while tilting her head to the right. "It's not that I too wanted to do it but I have no option left, do you know that your third brother gave the Ji family five hundred million dollars?"

Fu Rong nodded.

" And do you know what the Ji family did with those five hundred million dollars?" asked Song Yan as she looked at Fu Rong who shook her head at once. " They bought the company where my brother works and overtook it completely."

" What!" As if she didn't have enough reasons to hate her third brother already. " They did what?"

" They acquired the company, your second brother was due making a round of that company but I believe that the boss of that place must have done a lot of scams that he wanted to hide because of that he sold that company to the Ji family who rose to the bidding of that company," said Song Yan as she explained everything patiently. " You and I already know what kind of seedling the Ji family is so there is no point in me talking about them, all you need to know is I am sure that one of these days they might create trouble for the company where my brother works. Since the Ji family are as clean as a mud-covered shoe, I won't be surprised if they make that place a hideout for hiding their illegal businesses, I don't want my brother to be caught up in case of something like that happens."

" So, that's why you want to open your own company?" said Fu Rong finally understanding what Song Yan was trying to say.

" You are right," with a nod, Song Yan agreed with what Fu Rong just said. " You already know that my family equation is a bit awkward at the moment and I cannot tackle it, for now, if my brother quits that company and starts working somewhere else, Mr Song will definitely try to pressurise that place where my brother works and have them kick him out, I can't afford to let that happen, currently my brother is the sole regular earner of the family. That's why I want to open another company where the Song family won't be able to reach."

" But even if you open a company, compared to the Song enterprises that have been in the market for at least twenty years or more, your company will be a lot smaller and weaker," said Fu Rong wisely.

Song Yan shook her head. " Not if the company is another Fu family's name."

"Are you going to ask second brother to help you?"

" If I wanted to ask him would I have called you here?" said Song Yan with an expression that said ' Are you stupid or what?'

Finally, comprehension dawned on Fu Rong and she shook her head along with flailing her hand like a super speedy wiper. " No, that's impossible second sister-in-law, that's something simply impossible, I can't even pass my college exams without failing twice in a semester, if I was to take the company in hand and lead it, I am sure I will run it into the ground within three days."josei

" At least she is aware of her capabilities," chimed Fang Yanli as she peered at Fu Rong with amusement over Song Yan's shoulder.

Song Yan ignored her instead she looked at Fu Rong and said with a calm voice, " You don't need to worry about leading the company because you won't be the one leading it, I will be the one to lead it along with my brother."

Only then did Fu Rong stop flailing her hand and looked at Song Yan in surprise. " You..second sister-in-law?"

Song Yan raised a brow and smirked. " Why are you looking at me like that don't forget that before being kicked out of the Song family, I was raised as the heir of the Song company, I know how to run and lead. So, I only need you to be the face of my company and  nothing else."

If she established a company under her name then Song Lan will definitely create trouble for her but if the company was under Fu Rong's name, she will hold back on account of the Fu family.

The same thing was running in Fu Rong's head who slowly and tentatively nodded her head. " I get it, second sister-in-law, I will do it."

" You will do what Rong'er?" a familiar voice, followed by two familiar faces and Song Yan felt her string of rationality snap.

This can't be true.

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