My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 225 Fu Yu Sheng Came To Pick Her Up.

Chapter 225 Fu Yu Sheng Came To Pick Her Up.

The crew around the set gasped as the beast tamer rushed after the tiger, but Song Yan remained unmoved instead she unleashed some of her Yin energy. No matter how ruthless a beast was it would always be scared of 'death', that was what Song Yan's Yin energy felt like—— death.

Under the Yin energy that suddenly surrounded it out of nowhere, the beast immediately cowered on the floor like a little kitten and released a low whine of submission.

Seeing this even the beast tamer who rushed to control the situation was stunned. The tiger stopped just like that? What happened?

Humans couldn't sense any Yin energy, though they might feel a bit of a chill that was it, thus, no one could understand why the tiger stopped all of a sudden but the tiger who could see nothing but a cloud of dark mist, shivered and lowered his head on the floor.

Song Yan smiled as she crouched down and got in the role of the white moonlight, petting the head of the tiger, she said, " What a beautiful beast, where did you come from?"

No one said a word, as she got up from the floor and finished her performance only when she walked away did the director realise that Song Yan finished her scene in just one take!

" Cut!" The director's shout echoed on the set only then did the people who were staring at Song Yan in a daze woke up. They looked at the tiger that was lying on the floor like a docile house cat and then looked at Song Yan who has already taken a seat in her resting area.

Did they really witness that miraculous scene?

" That was amazing, sister-in-law!" Wang Yufan the little fan of Song Yan was the first to rush up ahead and suck up to her. " You tamed that tiger much better than its tamer."

Song Yan curled her upper lips as she patted the overly excited Wang Yufan on the shoulder. " That wasn't much," she tilted her head and looked at Song Lan whose face was twisted so badly that even her white moonlight talisman was proving ineffective.

"Was something wrong with the beast?" asked Au Lisha compared to Wang Yufan, this second-generation rich heir who still had some of his innocence left intact in him, Au Lisha had grown overnight after she found what her ex-husband had done. Now she was no longer as naive as she was before and could see that there was something wrong with the beast that just lunged at Song Yan.

" Nothing too troublesome, but I can't say the same for Song Lan." Before Song Yan was too afraid of losing control because of her uncontrollable Yin energy and the lack of cultivation. Though the master who has been helping Chu Lian and Song Lan had hidden in the shadows, Song Yan could more or less understand that this master wasn't as easy as he looked —— because he didn't only set up the devilish 'luck snatching' array that was prone to get backfired but also because he was able to make the human skin mask with ease, it was clear that the guy had some attainment in spiritual black arts and that was how he was daring enough to do such disgraceful thing.

She wanted to get to know this master better before she made a move but if she continued to lay low then the consequences would be dire. Even now, she hardly provoked Song Lan but she still took out that beast tamer talisman and caused her to nearly die…if today she didn't have the powers of a celestial master who knows what would have happened to her?

​ Song Yan checked that Song Lan's attention was on her cellphone most probably asking her mother why the talisman didn't work and only then did she snap her fingers and released a bit of Yin energy before messing up the array of the talisman, if anyone other than her tried to do it, it might have backfired on them but Song Yan who walked between the human and the ghost realm, could do it with ease. The talisman's array changed and the eyes of the beast who was lying low on the ground turned as it got on his four and let out a blood-chilling growl before shooting toward Song Lan like an arrow.

Song Yan was right when she guessed that Song Lan was messaging her mother about why the talisman didn't work because all her attention was on the cellphone, she didn't pay attention to the pounding of the paws that were headed in her direction. It wasn't until her assistant screamed out loud and pulled her away did she realise that something was wrong —— stunned she turned around and came face to face with a very angry-looking tiger who prowled towards her like it wanted to tear her up.

" What are you doing catch that thing!" shouted Song Lan, her shout seemed to have angered the tiger even more as it lunged at her with ferocity. Seeing the tiger jump, Song Lan was scared witless as she screamed out loud and started running away without the slightest bit of care about her weak and frail beauty persona.

Song Yan chuckled as she appreciatively looked at the sight in front of her when she felt her phone vibrate. She took out her phone and took a look, it was her husband calling her, she checked the time on top of the notification bar and saw that it was still early. A bit surprised and a little excited she picked up the call hoping to hear some news about her father but all she heard was —— " I am waiting for you outside the shooting location, come outside once you are done."

After saying this he cancelled the call before Song Yan could say anything. Utterly angry, Song Yan looked down at her cellphone's screen and texted —— ' Are you still angry about how I dropped you on the floor? It was a mistake!'

The only response she got was —— ' Are you talking about how you carelessly dumped me on the threshold of my apartment and said 'help yourself'?'

She could basically hear his underlying words—— where in the world was it a mistake? 

Knowing that she wouldn't be able to get out of this one, she looked back and saw Song Lan still being chased around by the tiger and walked away. Nothing to see.

pssh give me a few Gifts and power stone please QAQjosei

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