My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 240 Raising A Demon

Chapter 240 Raising A Demon

Song Yan knew that she couldn't stare at Wu Genji unrestrained or else the Wu family would get suspicious of her, so she looked at Fu Yu Sheng and hooked her arm with his pulling on a completely dumb expression on her face.  If she wasn't wrong then someone in the Wu family was raising a demon. Though a demon was something that Song Yan didn't need to worry about it would be worrisome if she was to attract a demon that relied on the sacrifice of a child for now it was better to act as if she didn't have the slightest bit of idea and was too scared to even think straight.

Clinging to Fu Yu Sheng's arm, she said softly, " Yu Sheng, I am scared let's leave all right? I want to go home."

If Song Yan was scared then Fu Yu Sheng was a potato, knowing her, she most likely wanted to have something to say to him, that was why she was telling him to leave, his eyes flashed but he played along with her and like a good husband patted Song Yan on the back of her hand as he gently said, " I know just let me bid Brother Jin goodbye and we can leave then."

" Aiya, Brother Sheng are you leaving?" Wu Genji seemed to have been keeping a keen eye on their conversation because the second Fu Yu Sheng said that they will be leaving soon, she turned to look at the two of them and with a soft smile, she gently looked at the two them. "Sorry for such an inconvenience brother Fu and sister-in-law Song, we showed you an ugly thing and this was your first banquet together. I hope that you will give us another chance to show our hospitality to you," then she turned to look at Song Yan and her smile turned a degree gentle as she said, "Sister-in-law, if you don't mind, I would like to meet you more in the future, I heard from my friends that you are an actress, I would like to see how things work in a shooting studio."

Oh, this girl was good, thought Song Yan inwardly. In just a few sentences she not only dragged her down by using her profession but she also successfully portrayed herself as a simple yet naive girl who didn't understand a thing.  This was something the previous Song Yan would have never understood, if not for all the time she spent as a wandering spirit, she would have really been tricked into thinking that the young girl in front of her was a simple girl. After all, being as sick as Wu Genji with a time limit, how can a girl be scheming?

But from what she could see despite spending her time between hospitals and medicines, Wu Genji had taken her time out and learned a few schemes.

She took a quick glimpse at the young girl and noticed the infatuated look with which she was looking at Fu Yu Sheng as if waiting for him to praise her like a good puppy and understood that the girl was actually taking her as a mistress that could be kicked out of the curb after she fulfilled her time limit. From where Wu Genji was getting this confident, Song Yan didn't know maybe it was her brother who was willing to bring her whatever she wanted or maybe it was her mother who seemed to be a lot more doting than she should be, but a woman like Wu Genji with or without a demon was dangerous.

With a smile, Song Yan pretended as if she didn't understand what Wu Genji meant. " All right, if you want then you can come and see me when you want." Of course, she didn't miss the derisive snort that came from Mother Wu.

Song Yan didn't mind but it didn't mean that Fu Yu Sheng wasn't bothered with the blatant negligence the Wu mother and daughter were showing to his wife. His expression turned dark, though Master Huo has to think twice about offending the Wu family no such thing could be said for him, he pulled Song Yan close and planted an arm around her waist before shooting a warning glance at Madam Wu whose expression turned blue upon seeing his enraged expression. Fu Yu Sheng ignored her instead he turned to look at Father Wu, compared to the petty and small-minded Madam Wu, the patriarch was lot smart and understanding. " We will be leaving then Uncle Wu," he completely neglected Madam Wu and everyone else who was disdainful of his wife and then walked away with Song Yan not caring about the twisted expression of Madam Wu.

Although he played together with Wu Genji and would have loved it if she was to really get well on her own then he too couldn't help but think that something was wrong with Wu Genji. She was supposed to die by the age of twelve, this was something that he and the doctor of the Fu family both knew, Wu Jin once asked him to bring their family doctor, and the Fu family doctor in return had told him and the Wu family that Wu Genji's organs were failing and she will die by the age of twelve —— the doctor that Fu Yu Sheng brought with him was the wisest and most experienced among all the doctors of the country and ranked six in the famous doctors of the world.

It was impossible for him to give them a wrong examination report.

But then Wu Genji didn't die at the age of twelve instead she grew up to the age of eighteen proving all the doctors wrong. The Wu family said that it was a miracle and that their little princess was blessed by the gods but was she? Just like Song Yan, Fu Yu Sheng noticed the healthy glow on Wu Genji's cheeks after the little girl of the Huo family vanished, he didn't find the rosy complexion pleasing but maybe it was his instincts, ——- he couldn't help but think that something was very dangerous about Wu Genji.

" Oh, Brother Sheng are you leaving?" Wu Jin who was still busy sending the guests was stunned when he saw that Fu Yu Sheng walked out of the house instead of staying inside.

Fu Yu Sheng nodded and said, " I will arrange a meeting for both of us pretty soon, you can come and talk with me then. Till then go and take care of the matter with the Huo family, though they are a small family, you have to be careful with everyone around you, do you understand?"

" I do understand," with a slight bow and soft smile Wu Jin saw them off.

​ Once the two of them were in the closed space of the car, Song Yan ran a quick check whether or not their car was bugged in case the demon or whatever it was got suspicious of her but fortunately, she didn't find anything only then did she heaved a sigh of relief and then turned to focus on the road in front of her.

As Fu Yu Sheng pulled out of the Wu family's parking lot, Song Yan's attention fell on Wu Genji sitting at the stairs of the mansion and her gaze skimmed to the satisfied smile with a strange expression on Wu Genji's face, maybe the latter hadn't expected that Song Yan would be looking at her, not wanting to look like she knew more than she should, Song Yan raised a hand and waved at Wu Genji on the wheelchair before turning to face the front.

" So, what are your opinion of the cute younger sister of the Wu brothers? Isn't she really beautiful?"

Fu Yu Sheng's face stiffened slightly before he pulled out of the Wu house and coughed slightly. " Do you think that she is really pretty? If you think so then you can get closer to her but that woman has nothing to do with me, so I don't think I can help you to assess whether or not she is pretty."josei

Song Yan was pretty satisfied with his answers, so she didn't think of hiding anything and snorted at him, " Well, its a good thing that you know that she is nothing to you because in case you did think that she has something to do with you, I am afraid that you will die without even knowing how and what killed you."

" Does this have something to do with what you found?" asked Fu Yu Sheng as he turned to look at Song Yan sideway. " What did you find out?"

She pursed her lips and drummed her fingers on her thigh before answering, " That girl, she should have been dead by now … at least that's what I can see, her lifeline has ended but she somehow managed to escape death, and was still alive." She turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng and quite honestly said, " Her soul is  in complete disharmony with her body, with this alone she should have been dead but she isn't, tell me what kind of master the Wu family has to keep a dead woman alive?"

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