My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 246 Eyeless Ghost

Chapter 246 Eyeless Ghost

" Gho...Ghost! It's a ghost!"  The courage from earlier along with all the arrogance that he had in his body, left Fu Yu Shen at once. As soon as he saw the face of the ghost, his face turned pale and he shrieked like a cat whose tail has been stepped on before retreating, in his hurry he almost stumbled on his butt.

Seeing his pathetic condition, Song Yan scoffed, " What are you doing? Weren't you going to catch me and the adulterer? Come on now, catch him and bring me along with him in front of your brother for judgement. What are you running away for like that?"

Fu Yu Shen raised his head and looked at her as if she has gone mad, scrambling to his feet, he rushed to Song Yan. " Th...That's a gh…ghost, right th..there."

" I can see that," calm as she pleased, Song Yan answered without even blinking her eyes much less stuttering like Fu Yu Shen, seeing her so apathetic, Fu Yu Shen felt like he might have stumbled into an alternate reality. As far as he knew Song Yan was timider than a rat, back when she lived with them in the Fu house, she was scared to raise her head in front of him, so how in the world, she was standing all tall and upright, despite having a ghost in front of her.josei

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a groan from behind, startled he turned his head over his shoulder and jumped high in the air when he saw that the eyeless ghost was sticking to his back as if he was some sort of relaxation pole. " We have to get out of here, we reall..really need to get out of here."

His thoughts all jumbled up with the presence of such an ugly ghost, Fu Yu Shen clasped Song Yan's wrist and tried to pull her away but just as he took a step to run in the opposite direction, he realised that he couldn't even move one step from where he was —— In utter disbelief, he turned to look at Song Yan who was standing behind him with a stoic expression that might as well beat his second brother's. He let his gaze wander to the ghost before hurriedly looking away as soon as the ghost turned to look at him and whispered, " Look I know that you are angry with me, I am not really fond of you either …. Just, will you just run? I will feel sad if you were to die here."

But no matter what Fu Yu Shen said Song Yan stayed where she was, it was like trying to play the lute in front of a headstrong bull. Seeing that she wasn't even moving from her spot, Fu Yu Shen threw her wrist off his grip and snorted, " Fine, then die here! What is it to me, if second brother asks, I will just tell him the truth that I tried to get you to run with me but you stayed stubborn till the end."

After saying what he wanted to say, Fu Yu Shen turned around with a huff before running away with his tail between his legs.

Song Yan watched him go and snorted.  " What a fool."

" Truly he is the biggest fool I have seen," said Fang Yanli as she watched Fu Yu Shen running away as if he was in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

" What a stubborn woman, I was trying to be nice to her for the first time in my life and yet she," shaking his head, Fu Yu Shen muttered under his breath before looking over his shoulder, all prepared to see Song Yan running towards him with a flustered expression on her face when he saw no one, he snorted. " I bet she will come running in a minute or two, really does she thinks that I can't see that she was scared out of her wits? Humph, that blank expression was enough of a giveaway—— hey, Woah! Watch where you are going!"

Fu Yu Shen shouted painfully when he knocked into someone but instead of apologising he went ahead and scolded the person who knocked into him. "Can't you see where you are…." His words trailed off when he saw that the person he knocked into wasn't a human but a ghost, the same one that he has left behind. " You…You what are you doing here…" he pointed at the ghost that was dragging its feet towards him and felt his legs tremble. With a loud shriek, he turned around in a jiffy and ran to the spot where Song Yan was —— at this moment, he didn't care whether it was a woman …as long as there was someone around him, he would feel safe and sound.

Rounding the corner of the street, he jumped past the bicycle stand and rushed towards Song Yan who seemed to be still waiting for the bus on the stand. Coming to a halt next to her, Fu Yu Shen huffed and puffed before raising his hand and pointing at her, " Be glad that I have some humanity left in me, I know that I can't leave my family behind that's why I came back, aren't you at ease now?"

Song Yan raised her head and looked at Fu Yu Shen who looked proud as a rooster and then tipped her chin behind him. "Look behind first and then speak."

A shiver crawled up Fu Yu Shen's spine as he as slowly as humanly possible looked behind his shoulder and what he saw nearly made him pass out. The eyeless ghost was standing behind him, still sticking as close as ever —— a sobbing laugh escaped Fu Yu Shen's lips as he immediately whipped around and backed until he was hiding behind Song Yan. "W..Why oh, why are you following me? What have I ever done to you!"

" You stared him in the eye," said Song Yan still looking ahead at the building in front of her. " So of course, it's going to follow you."

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