My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 258 A Deal

Chapter 258 A Deal

The temperature of the office dropped to the point that one could see Song Yan's breath turning into a mist, The Grim Reaper didn't look like he was troubled by her threat but Song Yan could see his left eye twitching, it often happened when he was on the verge of losing control. However, she wasn't scared for the sake of her father, she was willing to fight with death if she could save her father, with her eyes narrowed, she looked at him, " The underworld has been divided into three parts, the Punishment zone, the Ethereal and the Neutral… if my father was to die will you allow him to be in the Ethereal zone?"

Hell and heaven were imaginary places constructed by humans, for them the two places were ages apart but the truth was —— they were borderline touching each other. The sinners will be taken to the zone of punishment that was considered hell, devoid of every facility provided by the underworld, even crossing the bridge to the punishment zone meant walking on a bridge with blades raining upon them, while those who did good deeds all their life would be taken to the Ethereal zone, that was called the Heaven, the two were only an inch apart but that inch signified the bottom of the earth and the space above the earth.

As for the neutral zone, it was the one where those who did neither good nor bad were taken, they were used as common manpower until it was their turn to move on which might take an eternity.

With her father being locked in by that woman, he hadn't been able to do any good or bad things but the Gods wouldn't care about the circumstances of the life he was living, they will assign him to a section and then let him finish with the task that they give out to him on account of the deeds that he has done. Of course, they will give him compensation for the life he lived after he was done serving his sentence but Song Yan didn't want that compensation.

Sure enough.

" With the lack of deeds he has committed, he will be assigned to the neutral——" The Grim Reaper didn't even get a chance to finish before Song Yan's Yin energy exploded causing him to pause and look at her. " This is the law, Song Yan … I can't change it."

" After being dead for so long I am a little dull on laws," she shot back, with her hands resting on the armrest of the chair, she looked at the Grim Reaper and further added, " I do not wish to do something that will put the laws of the underworld in danger but if you do not give me a way out then…" her lips curled in a devious smile.  " I once was on the verge of becoming an Evil spirit, you remember that time right? Even you along with three Grim reapers weren't able to stop me, if not for my masters I would have done something that would have caused enough damage to the underworld for centuries, do you wish to see me do the same thing over again? This time more so when I am a human?"

The Grim Reaper of course remembered the time when she almost lost control of her powers, though the time of this dimension has been returned and the wrong has been set right, in another possibility he has seen the damages they would have incurred if Song Yan really lost control. With a sigh, he leaned back and said, " All right, I get what you are saying—— so, let's make a deal, what do you say?"

" A deal you say?" seeing that he has agreed to play along with her, she retracted her Yin energy and leaned back on the chair. " What do you mean by that? Are you trying to say that you want someone in exchange for giving me the information regarding my father?"

" Bingo. That's right," The Grim reaper looked at Song Yan and smile politely before pointing to one of the millions of clocks on the wall. " I cannot disrupt the balance of the world like you expect me to do so, but if you were to hand me a soul in exchange for your father, I will be able to maintain the balance and turn a blind eye to everything else. I will also hand you the address of the place where the woman has been keeping your father, you just need to bring that soul to me, if you can do that then you can what you want and I will get what I want."

" You want me to kill someone?"

" God no, why would I ask you to do that?" He waved his hand and then motioned her to get closer to him. Song Yan did as he said and leaned forward on the table. " There is this girl with the name Wu Genji, I want you to bring her soul to me."

Song Yan raised a brow. " Wu …Genji?"

" That's right," he nodded as he pointed at the dull clock that had spider webs attached to it but it was still working and said, " This clock should have stopped working six years ago and I even went to get that girl's soul to bring her to the underworld but before I could take her away her lifeline that should have been broken started to work again and I wasn't able to bring her back with me… I have been trying to get hold of her soul but every time I am prepared to take her away, I see that something is blocking me from getting to her... it's neither human ..nor a spirit…" his face turned grim as he pulled out a card and placed it on the table.

It was a normal card except it had Wu Genji's life and death along with the time written on it. But the card was unlike the other cards that the Grim reaper carried, it had black fumes coming out of it —— " this happened on her twelfth birthday, I believe that she got in contact with a demon, and as you know demons aren't under my jurisdiction, they are under yours." He pointed to Song Yan. " So get rid of that demon send it back to hell and bring the girl's soul."


Song Yan thought about it a little and then nodded her head. She was going to deal with Wu Genji anyway, in fact, if the grim Reaper hasn't brought up the matter she would have done so herself, after all that soul was supposed to return ages ago, now that it was trapped it went without saying that it should be brought back since the time was past due. " All right, I will bring that soul but remember that you have to give me the information my father. I won't be nice if you were to go back on your word, do you understand?"

" I am not that petty as to hide something such as that," said the Grim reaper with a snort.

" I can't believe you, after all, death can be tricky as well," Song Yan got up from her seat and then looked at the Grim reaper with a smile. " You tricked me once, have you forgotten?"josei

" That was a one-time thing, all right? And I was desperate!" The grim reaper immediately came to his defence but Song Yan only made a low hum before turning around to leave however, just as she reached the threshold of the room, she turned around and looked at the Grim reaper. " One last thing, did Fang Yanli's mother go to a better place?"

" She did, not only was she accepted in heaven, she was able to reincarnate in a good family, do you want to know where she is now?" asked the Grim reaper with a smile that was mysterious enough for Song Yan to shake her head.

Taking out her sunglasses, she curled her lips in a smile and looked at the man in front of her. "I won't fall for it, as long as she is happy and having fun that's the only thing that I care about." Putting on the goggles she turned around and opened the door. " You better prepare the information that I need as quickly as possible because I will be bringing that soul real quick for you."

Then she strode out of the room, shutting the door behind her with a bang.

"Let's go," she strode towards Fu Yu Shen who was sitting in the visitor area. " I am done with my work here." Her gaze fell at the sugar water that he was clutching in his hands like a child and turned to look at the man behind the black jade counter. " You haven't changed have you?"

" The company has been a little short on employees these days," the man answered making Fu Yu Shen who was about to drink the water pause. " And what does that have to do with this glass of water?"

Song Yan shot him a look that said, ' You are an idiot aren't you?' Before taking the glass from his hand and handing it to the man behind the counter. " Don't go around tricking people like that…" then she turned to look at Fu Yu Shen and said, " Haven't you heard that humans shouldn't drink or eat something from the underworld?"

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