My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 263 What Should He Do?

Chapter 263 What Should He Do?

Song Lingyan was lying on the floor like a dead fish when he heard Song Yan's words, he quickly raised his head and looked at Fu Yu Shen who smiled at him obediently, not at all like the last time when he turned his head to the side upon seeing Song Lingyan, if the man sitting in front of didn't have the same facial features as the third brother of Fu Yu Sheng, Song Lingyan would have doubted whether his sister brought back a body double from somewhere, how the hell was this obedient looking man similar to that troublesome little fool of the Fu family? He wasn't this well behaved! What in the world happened in just one night?

He pushed himself off the floor and then stood up with a confused expression before walking closer to Fu Yu Shen and taking a good look at the person sitting in front of him when he saw that the man still looked like the third son of the late master Fu, Song Lingyan's brows scrunched up even more as he reached his hand and clasped Fu Yu Shen's face before turning his face left and right.

Though Fu Yu Shen was being treated as if he was a dummy, he stayed calm and let Song Lingyan do as he wished after all the apartment was under Song Lingyan's name, what was more Song Yan had warned him not to say a thing against her family, if he dared to say one thing against the Song family, he will be thrown out of the apartment before he could even say 'unfair' —— so, silently sitting on the couch, he let Song Ling Yan do what he was doing without turning his face away.

" He is really Fu Yu Shen," after checking Fu Yu Shen from top to bottom Song Lingyan let go of Fu Yu Shen's face and took three steps back before looking up at Song Yan. " But what is he doing here?"

Song Yan was leaning against the doorframe when she heard her brother's question, she shook her head and got rid of her sleepiness before kicking off the doorframe. " He is here as free labour for our family," dressed in a long black tee and baggy pyjamas, she strolled to the kitchen, when Fu Yu Shen saw her acting like this his mouth twitched. In the Fu family it was an unspoken rule that the daughters in law need to dress up nicely after all his grandfather considered the women of the house as Goddess of wealth, he often said that only when the daughters-in-law were living well and comfortably will their life prosper.

Though he treated his grandfather's teaching as farts being blown in the air but now that he was seeing Song Yan dressed like a homeless person, he couldn't help but feel a bit weird. He saw his sister and eldest sister-in-law dressed up in crips and proper dresses, never have they dressed like this, even Song Yan used to dress properly when she was at the Fu house, but now that she was in her maternal home, she was acting as she pleased.

But what did it have to do with him? His second brother was all right with it, so what can he do about it?

" Free labour?" mused Song Lingyan looking at Fu Yu Shen again who looked at him with a ' Just go with the flow man' expression but the thing was that Song Lingyan couldn't go with the flow! What the hell was going on? Why was someone from the Fu family in his house? He took another glance at Fu Yu Shen and then followed his sister into the kitchen. " What do you mean by he is here as free labour?"

Song Yan rolled her eyes and took out a milk carton from the fridge and poured a little into the glass as she said, " That guy was kicked out of the Fu house because he pissed his second brother and later on he came to bother me, begging me to take him in…I couldn't bear with his pleading and became a little soft-hearted, so I let him in the house with the condition that he needs to help sister in law in the house chores and work as my assistant as well."

Soft hearted? You? Really? Second sister-in-law does your face not hurt while saying those words?

Fu Yu Shen was completely speechless, he couldn't understand how his second sister-in-law said those words with such a straight face, soft-hearted.

As if!josei

His heart felt like it was being blocked by something and suddenly he couldn't breathe anymore but this was just the trailer, a minute later he heard Song Lingyan say, " Then you should have left him alone, Yan Yan you are just too kind to others!"

This time Fu Yu Shen choked on the blood that was surging in his throat. This brother and sister pair! They really knew how to piss someone off! So Furious! He was so furious that he wanted to beat someone up!

He was the one who begged like a bedraggled cat and was almost on the verge of kneeling in front of Song Yan, there was nothing soft-hearted in there…he begged and sold his soul to the devil for this couch and roof!

While he was cursing to the high heavens, Song Yan turned her head and shot a glance at him, seeing his purple face, she smiled. " Yu Shen, what are you doing? Go and take a bath, my sister in law is going to start on breakfast so you start with cleaning the house make sure not to break anything or I will revoke your breakfast!"

Fu Yu Shen was angry, he was very angry but he was also no match for Song Yan, so he stretched his lips in a wide smile and got off the sofa with a flattering expression and said, " Right away, second sister-in-law! I will start with the bathroom while I am on it."

Whatever he was here to stay until his problem was solved so he will work hard and make it so that Song Yan wouldn't kick him out!


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