My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 268 Qili Village

Chapter 268 Qili Village

Fu Yu Sheng almost thought that he was abandoned by the entire world, his wife didn't even show him a good face and left while his son started to boss around the second he was alone with him. However, Fu Yu Sheng didn't get angry nor did he show any sort of impatience, he calmly crouched down in front of Fu Chen and asked, " Did you eat breakfast?"

" I did," answered Fu Chen as he placed his backpack on the table in front of the television set even though the layout of Fu Yu Sheng's house was very similar to that of Song Lingyan's unlike the lack of accommodations in the Song apartment, his apartment was fully furnished. Even Fu Chen who hated spending time with his father was happy about the reunion with the soft and cushiony couch, he jumped on it and let out a contented sigh before picking up the remote control and switching on the cartoon channel.

Fu Yu Sheng watched his actions and shook his head, he knew that his son was simply trying to anger him but Fu Yu Sheng wasn't someone who would get impatient over such a thing after all he was in charge of the Fu corporates if he were to get upset with such a small thing then how will he run such a big company?

He strode toward Fu Chen and softly said, " I will prepare ice cream for you in lunch if you can finish the summer homework. I heard from your teacher that you have to write a daily report on growing potatoes, how is that going on?"

"It is going well," answered Fu Chen not willing to look Fu Yu Sheng in the eyes, though his mother was good at a lot of things, she was very bad at taking care of plants or pets, in fact, it was safe to say that every time she took charge of such things, she would end up killing it. That was why he was trying to grow potatoes with the help of online tutorials with his mother, but the thing was that it wasn't going well.

Fu Yu Sheng of course understood what was going on, so he went inside the kitchen and brought a pot, potatoes with shoots growing on it and a bag of fertilisers and soil before putting them all on the floor and said, " Come on then, I will help you with this one, I might not look like it but I can take good care of plants."josei

Fu Chen stared at his father with suspicion causing Fu Yu Shen to raise a brow and say, " What? Don't you want to have good grades in the class anymore?"

Of course, he wanted to, so in the end Fu Chen did as his father said.

On one hand, Fu Yu Sheng and Fu Chen were spending quality time as father and son while Song Yan and Fu Yu Shen were standing at the taxi stand.

The two of them set off from the apartment complex and arrived at the taxi stand to hire a taxi to their destination but every time Song Yan lowered her head and told the driver that she wanted to head to the Qili village, he would shake his head and then with a stomp of his feet drive away leaving nothing but a cloud of exhaust and smoke behind him.

She did the same with a few more drivers', every time she flagged down a taxi she would lower her head and tell them her destination but each time when the driver' heard that she wanted to go to the village where the archaeological department found the imperial tomb, they would leave with a shake of their hands, some were kinder as they carefully asked her to drop the idea and stay at home before driving away.

" Second sister in law, why don't we take their advice and go back home?" asked Fu Yu Shen while carrying the bag that Song Yan has asked him to carry with him. " I mean, I am not a superstitious person but even I think that the universe doesn't want us to go to that tomb, so why not drop the idea and just go back home?"

Song Yan didn't say anything instead she just lightly glanced at him causing Fu Yu Shen to shut up immediately, she knew that going to the Qili village was going to be difficult, after all the rumours that were flying around were not nice to hear and after the report that was printed in the newspaper, it will only cause others to get even warier of the place.

" You should just book a cab to the village," said Fang Yanli as she watched the driver leaving one by one. " That would have been much easier, don't you think so?"

" I would have booked one but no cabs drive to that village," answered Song Yan, when she saw that another taxi was coming to a stop, she flagged it down but this time she took out double the fare and showed it to the driver. " Drive us to  Qili village and I will let you have this extra tip all right?"

Upon hearing the name 'Qili village' the driver's face changed but then he looked at the money in Song Yan's hands and nodded.  " I will only drive to the entrance of the village from there on you are on your own."

" I know," Song Yan knew that no one would be willing to drive inside the village, so she didn't bother asking him to drive them straight to the Qili Village.

The driver was indeed in the need of money, so he agreed to Song Yan's request however, he was also overly polite and kind because of his poor background, and he didn't want to put the lives of these young people in danger  for the sake of extra income, so he honestly tried to persuade her, " Young lady, I know that many people read today's newspaper and want to check out that tomb in the Qili village but I will still ask you to change your decision, the Qili village is not a place you want to be at the moment, it's very dangerous … so it's better to save your life and stay away from such risks."

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