My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 282 Going To The Mountain Part 2

Chapter 282 Going To The Mountain Part 2

The mountain path hasn't been used by the villagers for years, thus it was covered with nothing but wild bushes, fortunately, the boys have read all about the tomb thus they brought a bunch of sickles and daggers with them, with the sharp weapons, they were able to create a path for themselves.

Tao Guotin and the others were busy cutting off the thick bushes that were blocking their path, while the girls were looking around the mountain. Mei Xing especially turned her head left and right as if she was waiting for something to pop out of the cluster of trees, the bracelet on her wrist was getting hotter and hotter as if warning her to go back as soon as she could.

She was staring at the thick trunks of the trees on her left when she heard someone humming. The humming was soft and soothing but something about it made the hair on the back of her neck stand, she immediately whipped around to look at the group of her friends as she asked, " Who hummed?"

Immediately seven faces turned to look at her, confusion marring their faces.

"What humming?" asked Li Yiqian with his brows furrowed. " The entire place is as silent as that almost deserted village, what humming are you talking about?"

" You mean to say, neither of you hummed?" asked Mei Xing with growing anxiety in her chest.josei

All seven people shook their heads in denial, causing Mei Xing to become even more panicky as the bracelet on her wrist shivered slightly. " But I heard someone humming right now," and then she hummed the same exact tune that she heard a second ago.

" Stop it, Xing Xing," Li Na rubbed her arms with a terrified look on her face. " I am already scared, don't say such things."

Fan Ehuang nodded as she shrugged her shoulders. " Right, that tune was creepy as hell."

" But I heard it——"

" You know what I think Xing Xing is tired," said Shao Li Jun as he hurriedly stood up and supported his waist before putting the sickle in the waistband of his joggers. " We have been walking for like," he took a look at his wristwatch but then frowned. " What the… my watch isn't working." He took a look at the others and said, " What about you guys? Can you see what's the time?"

Li Yiqian immediately raised his arm and took a look at the time before answering, " we have been walking for at least an hour or so, I think we need to take a break, anyway we are already here."

No one refused his suggestion, Tao Guotin on the other hand went around with his cell phone before starting a new live stream as he pointed at the entrance of the underground tomb and said to his fans, " Hey Guys, we are almost here, just wait and watch. I, Tao Guotin will be the first and only one to show you all the inside of this underground tomb."

Tao Guotin was busy talking to his fans while the rest of them took out the torches from their bags while Shao Li Jun fished out a few packets of chips and fizzy drinks as he handed them to everyone.

The group munched on the chips before slurping down the drinks in their hands, by the time they were done Tao Guotin was done with his live stream as well. He fished a bit of chip from Kang Kun's packets before saying to the others, "Let's go, I think we should make a move and get inside, if Brother Shen came here and saw us then all our hard work will go down the drain."

The others agreed as they all packed up and started walking towards the entrance of the tomb. It was already the middle of the night and the silence around the forest made everyone hesitant, it was Li Yiqian who rolled his eyes and walked towards the entrance of the tomb.

The doors of the tomb were closed, and a few old talismans were sticking to it, seeing this Li Yiqian scoffed as he kicked the door of the tomb open and looked inside the dark corridor.  " This already looks boring to me, see there is nothing good here."

No sooner did he say those words, than a cluster of bats rushed past them.

Immediately screams echoed in the entire clearing, Li Na was so surprised that her screams were as loud as an opera singer. On the other hand, Mei Xing too was surprised by the sudden appearance of the bats, she took a step back but as soon as she took a step behind her, her leg got hooked in the protruding root of the tree behind her and she fell right on her back with a painful scream.

" Enough, you all! Why are you all screaming as if it's the end of the world? Huh?" Li Yiqian shouted as he pointed to the cloud of bats and said, " That was nothing but some bats, things like these are easily found in places like these, for what reason are you making a ruckus like this?"

Only then did they all turn silent, once the group regained their calm—— Tao Guotin who was the closest to Mei Xing heard her painful groan and immediately turned his head to look in her direction and gasped, " Xing Xing? Are you okay?"

His words caught the attention of others, they all turned to look at Mei Xing too before they all rushed to her side and helped her up but as soon as she straightened up, Mei Xing winced.

Tao Guotin was examining the swelling on her ankle and said, " She twisted her ankle."

No sooner did he say that curses flew all around before, Li Na hurriedly handed him a pain reliever spray and bandages. " Mei Xing, will you be all right?"

" I will be fine," Mei Xing gritted her teeth as she looked at the tomb in front of her while her ankle throbbed. The bracelet on her wrist once again twitched causing her to awkwardly look at the group as she said, " Is it it fine if I stay here?"

Ps: send me a few gifts! I worked extra hard today!

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