My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 289 Let’s Go An Explore The Lost Tomb.

Chapter 289 Let’s Go An Explore The Lost Tomb.

" Damn, what's up with you Mei Xing? Who are you looking for now?" Was she once again looking for some sort of figure in this extreme darkness?

Both Kong Kun and Tao Guotin looked at her hysterical expression and then the two of them glanced at each other, was something wrong with Mei Xing did she really get scared silly that she was now seeing things that weren't even there?josei

" Li Yiqian! We have to go and look for him——" she began speaking in a dazed but just then the sounds of footsteps echoed and Li Yiqian came up from the dark corridor at the bottom of the stairs, his eyes shining brightly as he pointed at the dark room at the end of the stairs and said, " You guys! You need to come and see this, it's really cool I am telling you! I bet you two would have never seen such a thing before——" he paused when he noticed that the three of them were looking at him with a weird sort of gaze and touched his face. " Why are you three looking at me like that? Is something wrong? Did something happen?"

He turned to look at Mei Xing and was shocked when he saw pure terror on her face, though Tao Guotin and Kong Kun were looking at him with weird expressions, it was mostly them being confused and nothing else but Mei Xing's expression was as if she was seeing something horrifying. He turned to look over his shoulder before turning to look at Mei Xing with an awkward smile. " Xing Xing, what's the matter with you? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Mei Xing wasn't looking at Li Yiqian, she was looking at the figure with pale bluish, green skin hanging on his back with its arms locked around Li Yiqian's neck. With its eyes hollowed out, it didn't seem to notice their surroundings but the figure could definitely sense their presence because right now, it was looking straight at them, its lips stretched in a grin.

" Hey, Xing Xing you are scaring me, girl," seeing that she was still looking over his shoulders, Li Yiqian was scared to the point where he couldn't understand why in the world Mei Xing was looking at him like he was a monster.

Tao Guotin too seemed to have sensed something was wrong with Mei Xing, he patted her shoulder before softly calling out, " Xing Xing? Are you okay?"

Only then did Mei Xing snap out of her daze as she looked around the corridor, the figure of the young man was gone and Li Yiqian was the only person standing in front of her but this wasn't enough to make Mei Xing relax, the bracelet on her wrist was scalding hot and she immediately understood that what she saw wasn't just her imagination but something was really hanging at Li Yiqian's back. She hurriedly took a step back and turned her face away from Li Yiqian causing the latter to show a helpless expression.

" Is she mad at me?" asked Li Yiqian as he looked at Tao Guotin and Kong Kun, the two shrugged. They didn't have any idea about what was going on with Mei Xing as well.

"It's all right, I think," said Tao Guotin when he saw that Mei Xing looked more scared than angry. " Most probably she just doesn't want to go down the lost tomb."

Li Yiqian too saw that Mei Xing's expression was deathly pale and no longer bothered with her, he simply rolled his eyes and said,  " I don't know about her but you two need to see this, its the most fantastic thing the real deal… hurry up, or else we will leave you three behind, there is so much to see, we can't possibly miss anything."

After saying that, he turned around and left, climbing down the stairs—— Tao Guotin and Kong Kun watched him go but they didn't hurry Mei Xing. She was after all a girl and if she was scared then they as her friends have to take care of her, the two of them were not as heartless as Shi Caihong and Li Yiqian, who were only worried about their selfish desires. " Give us a few minutes, we will help Mei Xing and then follow you all and don't walk away without us."

Li Yiqian was on the third stair when he heard Tao Guotin's words, he turned around and looked at Tao Guotin and the others, Kong Kun was taking out a water bottle and handing it to Mei Xing, who took it with trembling hands. Seeing this Li Yiqian shook his head as he muttered under his breath, " Why bother to come to a haunted place if you don't have guts? Never mind from today on I will make sure to put my foot down and stop Tao Guotin from bringing her with us."

" Here you go, drink some water and take a deep breath," Kong Kun soothingly spoke as he patted Mei Xing's hand, he could see that she was trembling, and though he was a bit exasperated by her tiny courage, he didn't say anything rude like Shi Caihong and Li Yiqian, after all his upbringing didn't allow him to be rude to young girls and Tao Guotin who had a special soft spot for Mei Xing had even less courage to say anything to her. In the end, he sucked in a deep breath and suppressed his annoyance before calmly smiling at Mei Xing.  " Xing Xing, don't worry we are here with you, nothing will happen——-"

Before he could say anything, Li Yiqian yelled from the bottom of the stairs loudly ignoring the weak infrastructure of the tomb causing dust to fall from the ceiling. " Tin Tin, Ah Kun, are you coming or not? It's already three in the morning, we don't have much time left before dawn, hurry up! If you don't come down in the next five minutes, we are leaving, you hear me?"


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