My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 303 Shi Caihong Came Looking For Them!

Chapter 303 Shi Caihong Came Looking For Them!

" Ehuang!"

" Oh my god, are you okay?"

" You brats! I told you not to run away without me!"

Song Yan just helped Fan Ehuang down the floor when Mei Xing and the others came running to look for them because they had the guiding talisman with them, it didn't cause much trouble for them to look for SongY Yan and Fan Ehuang, on the other hand, it was Fu Yu Shen who never took care of children who was having a hard time taking care of four young brats who wouldn't listen to him even if he was to yell at them.

Mei Xing was the first to arrive next to Fan Ehuang, she glanced at the wound at the back of Fan Ehuang's shoulder and gasped. The flesh that was bitten was already rotting and as if the ghost left some sort of invisible parasite on Fan Ehuang's body. The flesh surrounding the wound was rotting at an inexplicable pace making others shiver, it was truly disgusting and terrifying to watch!

" We have to take care of the rotting flesh," Song Yan took out a talisman and drew an array on it after biting her thumb. " If I don't stop it right now, your entire body will rot here and now before you can even think of a way to stop it."

Fan Ehuang shivered as she hurriedly took off her leather jacket and turned around such that Song Yan would be able to take care of her wound easily.  " Please hurry second sister in law, it hurts really bad."

" Of course it does," Song Yan raised the talisman in her hand and placed it on Fan Ehuang's shoulder before swiftly saying, " But this will hurt even more."

Fan Ehuang didn't even get a chance to ask what Song Yan meant by that but a second later, she shouted out loud as the talisman on her back started to burn…. No, it couldn't be described as burning, it was as if several hot little needles were poking at her skin burning away the invisible parasites.

She was in so much pain that she almost blacked out but before she could close her eyes, Song Yan sprinkled cold water on her face as she said, " Don't faint now, we can't afford it… if you fall unconscious here, I am leaving  you here by yourself."

In the end, even if it felt like she was dying, Fan Ehuang gritted her teeth and bore the pain in silence after all it was her fault, who asked her to be stupid enough to be fooled by that ghost?

The talisman burned for a long time before it stopped, Fan Ehuang's flesh was no longer rotting but the wound on her shoulder was really ugly to look at, it was still bleeding and teeth marks could still be seen. With charred skin covering it, it was simply horrifying ——

Tao Guotin and the others were so scared that their legs turned to jelly and they almost fell on their honourable bottoms. Earlier if they didn't listen to Fu Yu Shen who stopped them along with Mei Xing then something like this would have happened to them as well.

Too terrifying! Simply too terrifying! They have to get out of this place!

" I will tend to it," said Mei Xing as she took out her handkerchief and crouched down to tie Fan Ehuang's injury. Her hands were shaking but she was careful enough not to touch the wound, while Mei Xing was taking care of Fan Ehuang's wound, Song Yan stood up from the ground.

She rolled her shoulders feeling a bit tired before looking at the three boys in front of her and sternly said," If I see you run like her, then you can rest assured that I will not come to save you, I have enough things in my hands already. I came here because I needed to make sure of something, not because I wanted to take care of some spoiled brats. Stay close."

After saying so, she turned around and walked away —— right now, only she knew how hard it was to find Fan Ehuang. That girl Li Na died feeling aggrieved at the last moment, even if she was a kind girl when she was alive but in the face of an unjustified death, feeling vengeful was something normal and what was more she died in a tomb where hundred and thousand of vengeful spirits were sucked in leaving behind nothing but their echo.

Echo —— the hollowed shell that was left after a soul was completely eaten except for its lingering regrets and anger.

They were no different from moving grudge fields, touching them was equivalent to entering a grudge field and dying in the same way as the echo did… if not for Fang Yanli who used up most of her Yin energy to look for the girl, Fan Ehuang would have died by now.

Song Yan carefully rubbed the ring on her finger, fortunately, she could still feel Fang Yanli's presence or else she would have never forgiven these kids for their stupidity.

" Is she angry," Little fatty asked carefully as he chased after Song Yan with his friends?

" Wouldn't you be angry if you were in her shoes," Kong Kun rolled his eyes as he supported the newly injured Fan Ehuang. " Didn't you see that her ghost servant was almost killed while looking for Ehuang?"


When Song Yan used Fang Yanli's help to break open the grudge field they all saw the weakened Fang Yanli falling down on the floor before being sucked into the ring that Song Yan was wearing, so of course, they knew why Song Yan was angry at them.

" I am sorry," Fan Ehuang too knew that she did something wrong, she couldn't help but feel guilty and scared at the same time.  Both Mei Xing and Fu Yu Shen stopped her but she didn't listen to them and rushed straight into a trap, if not for Song Yan, she would have been dead by now.

Just the thought alone was enough to give her chills.


" Next time don't run around like that," after a short pause Song Yan spoke up breaking the awkward silence that settled between them, after listening to fan Ehuang's apology she couldn't bring herself to be angry at them anymore, the kids were still young and yet they had to watch the death of two of their close friends, something like this wasn't easy to forget. " What you saw was nothing but an echo, your friend died with multiple grievances and her soul was eaten up by the thing that's roaming inside the tomb, her begrudging her death was normal and her becoming a shell of nothing but her anger and vengeance were inevitable, the thing inside the tomb wants you dead, so it will throw something like that again at you."

" mean to say .. we will see Shi Caihong too second sister in law?" asked Tao Guotin, if that thing was baiting them then surely it will send Shi Caihong's echo to them except Li Na, Shi Caihong was the only one who died.

" We have to see," replied Song Yan as she walked towards the centre of the tomb where the yin energy was strongest. " Ghosts and demons will call your name three times, if you don't answer them then either they will attack you or leave you alone but in case you respond to their call, they will latch onto you, if you don't want that to happen, don't even think about answering the call of anything that you see from now on."

Kong Kun and the others were terrified after listening to Song Yan's explanation. What was this? Not only were they being chased by ghosts, but they were also in danger of being latched on by ghosts. Their faces turned pale as they all huddled close to Fu Yu Shen.

Honestly, they wanted to huddle next to Song Yan but she was a bit too 'cool' for them and something about her 'do not come close' aura made it impossible for them to get close to her, so in the end, they decided to stick close to Fu Yu Shen who was easier to get along with.

Just as they all walked out of the dimly lit corridor with water and grime sticking to the walls, they came to a stop in front of a bathhouse. It was no longer fully filled with water but the dripping ceiling had filled the polished bottom with muddy water.

At first sight, it looked like it was normal but upon seeing that Song Yan was sticking to the wall instead of walking straight through the water, they understood that something was wrong with it. Immediately everyone stuck close to the walls before they started to walk around the bathhouse.

" Guotin~" a soft, sticky voice called them from behind, causing not only Tao Guotin to shiver but everyone else to tremble as well.

This gooey, sticky way of calling Tao Guotin belonged to none other than Shi Caihong! They were just talking about her and she actually popped up?

Because Tao Guotin wanted to stick close to Mei Xing he was walking at the end of the line thus as the temperature of the room plummet with a soft sound of gushing water as if something just came out of it, he was the first to sense the changes happening in the room.

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